Ved Kumar from Viyanka Digital A Pro Digital Marketing Expert, Please accept my greetings.
I have good quality and much quantitative experience in Google Ads and Social Media Marketing.
Before Freelancing, worked onsite for Companies like Makesworth, Poppins, and Syscorp INC. I am a Student of Business and completed my Bachelor’s in Business, which helps me to understand the correct audience and Consumer behavior.
I read and understand, the requirement and goal & vision of your business, and I can help you to get the most out of the potential result.
I am a good learner and deliver every x in 4x. I believe in delivering more than promised. I want to learn more and more from your project and implement my knowledge to achieve your goal and push you to near Your Vision of Business.
Please consider me for parenting your organization and help me to help you, & grow together.
Thank YOU!
VED PR KUMAR ( Viyanka Digital)