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...including branding, graphics, websites, social media and top level conceptualisation of companies, services and products as a whole and seems to be going well but I am only one person and starting feel swamped. I am starting to think about trying to turn my business into an agency of sorts and am looking to extend my team and improve the quality of my service / output.l which in term would also allow me to start to take on a more overarching creative role and take on more clients. I’m not sure this is even the right place for this post but I’m basically trying to find someone who can in effect join my team creating websites on an ongoing, freelance basis. To be entirely honest I’m not sure how best to approach this. I anticipate most of the sites wo...
email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap
email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap email me asap
projekyi qe un do te bje do te permbaje foto dhe muzik , ai do te quhet jeta eshte e bukur ose life is beautiful. ai do te et me slide dhe levizje te ndryshme ,
projekyi qe un do te bje do te permbaje foto dhe muzik , ai do te quhet jeta eshte e bukur ose life is beautiful. ai do te et me slide dhe levizje te ndryshme ,
Cena i period rada su indikativni i fleksibilni. Moguce je da bi mi trebalo i manje. Sto se terminologije tice, nije problem, konsultovao sam se sa prijateljem koji radi kao stomatolog ovde u Italiji i zeljan je da mi pomogne.
kdhgdhgbhjdshbvjhgvsdyhbadsfhcgfdjkljcv djxhjk,cjnjihcxk;jjkjhxdvjkhzcx,.v mjgbcxhvx,cvvschhbhjfdyvbfhkscihgrkd
...managing communication about returns, disputes, refunds, etc… Quality assurance: performing quality inspection of the sample of the products manufactured in order to escalate with factories possible faults and quality fluctuations issues whilst following up with customers who have been affected by production issues. Online technical support and troubleshooting: supporting customers when payment error occur, issuing credit card refunds, spotting technical errors and mistakes on the website, escalations of bugs to IT department, step by step telephone guidance for customers with limited knowledge of the ordering process. The website also needs to be translated into Russian Communication methods: via Phone (9am-5pm - Moscow Time) email answers within 2 business ...
add me in skype fabksee add me in skype fabksee add me in skype fabksee add me in skype fabksee add me in skype fabksee
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20,000 words natives only sdjkgheurgherrgjv rijogjgjrviopjg jgjvrgjer[gker erjgergujervmeirojgrejgerjvegu
xfgjhm gjdghjdjhjtyhjfhgjfh hjhndghhd nhdjdj jdjdh hdjhgjkkdd hdjfhkjkkdhstj j jtjtyj kyke ey ek eykekkjmfd fn n
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Potrebna mi je konfiguracija nasog OpenCart shopa za srpsko trziste. Porzes, mogucnosti placanja etc. Uz to treba i manji redesign i posle sajt optimizacija za google. Petreban je freelancer iz srbije / hrvatske za duzu saradnju. Nebi bilo ni problematicno da promenimo sistem (magento) I need help about my shop site - currenty Open Cart System - for the serbian market. The VAT and checout configuration hast ot be made, and some smaller backend tasks. Also I woul dlike to redesign some elements of the current theme - nothing special. And further I will need SEO (clothings). I am looking for a serbian / croatian freelancer to work with permanent.
xhjdgvbhjvbjkbngl;hkgn,.ighfuojdgrts098dfjiogbsetvk09rt09ryi,ty9oiujiob?,mh;lj, maicalldebittgjynoiuyjth89yurt97g0mdrtrk,yi8ou[-
the post was deleted dweqfvqekjvbhqeljfvbqelfvbqe;bv;qekbvqebvk;qjebv;kjqebvkqebjvkel ljhfvblqefvb eqljfvbhqelvh eqlfjvbhqeouryvb
job banavi aap fgfgdfgffdggdffffffffffffgkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk;gjlkgjfghjrghfhdg gkjkjjdftofkgfg fgjdfjgjdfgfgfgdftyhdh
edit photos and send me arts dfbfhryjtykyjjeyjetwtrjte fthtudfndrftghjyjrhfbhj gnjfjyngntgjfbfhj gjjgjjgh
hgj ghj gh h jghjghf jjghf hjgfjghy j ghj ghj gh hjghjhj ghjgh jgh jghjghj jghj jhgjytju lu lhjddur hgj
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Samo par pitanja,u privatnoj poruci, nije projekt. Molim vas procitajte, hvala vam.
$13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me $13.00 /jam job for me
i am typing her dgfdfdgfggggggggggcgfdgfdgfdgfdfgfdgfdgfdgfdgfdgfdgfdfdfdfdfddgfdgfdgfdfdfdfdfdfdfdgfddddffdgfdgfdgfdgfdfgdgfdgdgfdgfdgfdgfdgfdgfdgfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdgfdfdfdffdfdfdfdgfdfdgfnjmnmndjjnjejjfjdhhhhhgbfvnjfjgfgcfxdffrgdfgcgcfddffgdfgdgfdgfdgfgffggfdgfdgfdfdgf
pershendetje mund te me ndimoni se si te punoj me kete program freelancer se nuk di ta perdor,,,,,ju faleminderit nese mundesh me kthe pergjigje
My skip trade4u2010 Cal mi Hhvhvhvhjgjgjhhntdyfhghiug ugugugjghiyfgjhfgjgigighohohohhiugyfyfydtyfyfguggiigugugugjjjjjgudtetyuhiyiyiiiigig
Pozdrav susjed... zanima me jel bi radio na mom fiverr accountu i rijesavao narudzbe? Dosad sam ih ja rijesavao bez problema, no jucer i danas imam preko 40 narudzbi, a kako izgleda tako ce se i nastaviti... Ako bude posao isao kao dosad, i ako si ok, mozemo i dalje suradjivat, imam puno poslova za koje trebam freelancera! Posao je jednostavan, no ja ga ne stignem obavljat jer radim web stranicu. Sve ostalo se mozemo dogovorit... Platim ti po satu i bonuse koje se dogovorimo... Vidi, pa se javi!
check tha map ga hjf yaih;iohtwo gthjghou erherhyt5jjutyjtjy gkhjryjuryj hjtdhjtrutr ghhhktuc uktcfjtydjud jdtyjdyktukjuahn ntfjewatnyy54u dbbnjmrhgfhtyyerytrtrshtrshtrjstrjrytshgstrsthaeyhY3
adskl njnsadbb0 nnasdnklb nbas ndnakjsdkj jbkasdjkjasbdJKSDKJB JHDASJKLHDKJASHD HJKDHKAJSHDKJHAD HJKASDHKJHASDKJHASKJD JKHKJASHDKJHASKDJHASJKD HKSJAdhjksdhkljahsdjhuidq jkasbdjasjdas djhkj bhjbasjdbhasjdhbjasbhd bsdjhasdjhasdhasjkdhasjkdhjasd hjdhsjkaDHJKASHDJKHDK HSDJKhksjDHJKASDHKJASHDJK HJDjkashdkjhasdk
jnjnbnjknkjlnjnnk,nklnklnhnknklnipoknjiklnioklnjj ijnbioknhjijo juniokjin jkni0pon kjmnio;nbvgucdfc vctrfvbh
android apksdnjasdsjcvsdb hjvbciasdc cs iudc bsbc iudvs scnsjkdhiosdjsc juhsjkchdjcfhbjdcsdbcvujdncjksdcbhsdhsdgc
testing Amazon EC2 testing Amazon EC2 testing Amazon EC2 testing Amazon EC2 testing Amazon EC2 testing Amazon EC2 testing Amazon EC2
jkldfjglksdajf jkdfslksadfbn hjkdsfhkjasdh fsdkjhfdsakjh fdshjklasdhfkjsdfh lkhfdkjasdhfkjadsf hfkjsdfhlkj sfdhkjasdfhlkjasd
Anything I want u to do sjdjjdjdjdhdhdhdhhddhjdjdjsjsjsjshhshzhshshshhehehdbdbbdbdbdbbdbdbdbsbsbsbsbbsbshshsjsjsjjjsjsjdjdhdjjdhdhdhdbbdhdhdjshhsjshsjehdhdhhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhhhhhhhhhhgfffddszxxvvbnjjuygsgdgdhdhdjdjjxjsjsjjkkskksksksjsjsjskskkalalslskskdkdjjfhdhdhdhshhs
hi jjkhkjhkjh ghgj ghg hggj ghj kg hgjhg jh gkjhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
nhjkmbjkgugyufyufykjkhiu kiuy7yubnbjhggggghutyurrtr lbhrffyyffdfhbjjhgyfgjkgggnjhjvdrtstghjgszzxfvhjjhgjhjjsrdfjpooouiuyui
need usd and oggfgsfdyioiuhytgfdsdfghjklkjhgfdsdfghjklkjhgvfcxzxcvbjkloi8765432qazxcvbhju76543wqazxcvbhju
i d like you to... salim se .... dobar si ti ftjktkftkftkfthgdtrjhdjdrjdrjdrjdjdjdrsefsehshsrsrsdrhhh
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we deals persian dfdfhdwfjhsdlsd9wqejqwoijdsalkdjwodjwqlisdjawlkdssajdlsajda
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