Hire someone to write a small business plan punët
Sigurisht! Ja një plan pune për menaxhimin e rrjeteve sociale me pika të shkurtra: 1. **Vendosja e Objektivave** - Rritja e ndërveprimeve me 10% në 3 muaj - Rritja e ndjekësve me 25% në 6 muaj 2. **Analiza e Tregut** - Analiza e konkurrencës - Analiza e audiencës 3. **Zgjedhja e Platformave** - Platforma kryesore: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn - Platforma sekondare: TikTok, YouTube 4. **Planifikimi i Përmbajtjes** - Kalendari mujor i përmbajtjes - Llojet e përmbajtjes: edukative, promovuese, angazhuese 5. **Krijimi dhe Optimizimi i Përmbajtjes** - Fotografi, video, infografika - Përdorimi i fjalëve kyçe dhe hashtags 6. **Postimi dhe Monitorimi** - Orari o...
I need someone in Tirana to visit several shopping malls and send me some pictures and information. More info after I award the project. It will be one off visit, and not more than 10 pictures. Kam nevojë për dikë në Tiranë për të vizituar disa qendra tregtare dhe për të më dërguar disa fotografi dhe informata. Më shumë informacion pasi të jap çmimin e projektit. Do të jetë një vizitë dhe jo më shumë se 10 fotografi.
I need a translation. Ju lutem na jepni pak informacione ne lidhje me veten tuaj dhe projektin
Hi PolestarDesigns, "Hire me" done.
Translate Albania-English Te ket liqen 3d te ket vetura palma gjdo gjë qe kan fshataret qo me thon farming
qd bkwfbjewkvnljbdj vndln vbdjb vl;dnbvhdsbvkbesjevwsn;kjcws;kcvjwskcnjwsckvnjb jksnjc bsknbjvnsddknjv njknsdb nvkdnvvdnkdkvndlvldnvld
My project in detail sepse une jam nje bos i madh e venit o bab o bab hahahhahah
me ny lahore me 1 gashti dekhi jo apny ley ghahk doond rahe the
,,jkhkgjhcfxdtycfuvbinm', .':;lkljgkhjhfgjkl;'
Dua që të dizajnoj Buisness Card më të thjeshtë dhe më të bukra
dfdvvdevfceacvfvfev bhbjhbjhb jhjbhjhjvhjvjh jhvhjvjhv
kajsbdakjsbd adbas jdhbas dhbas jhdbsa jdhbasjhdbas dhjbas djb
Web Hosting explode hosting Klikoni Reklamat
hire me plss sfal;fjfklfjslfkjasdfklasdfjssshire me plss sfal;fjfklfjslfkjasdfklasdfjssshire me plss sfal;fjfklfjslfkjasdfklasdfjssshire me plss sfal;fjfklfjslfkjasdfklasdfjssshire me plss sfal;fjfklfjslfkjasdfklasdfjssshire me plss sfal;fjfklfjslfkjasdfklasdfjsss
i knoq adasfas fasfa fa fa jkjkjljfla
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Trabajar Jdkdidod Nsnddjdhdjdhdhdjshshshjsj
I'm looking for a professional designer to create a business card for me. The card should align with my corporate color scheme. Key Requirements: Please create a business card that closely resembles the theme of this truck graphic. Colors should be identical. Include: Steven Orlowski Business Phone Cell Phone Address Email Web address Thank You:-)
Need a Business card and the big sticker!
I'm seeking an expert to design a professional flow chart for a business process. This flow chart is intended for stakeholders and executives, so it must be clear, precise, and visually appealing. It should provide a moderate level of detail - enough to communicate the intricacies of the process without overwhelming the viewer. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Expertise in flow chart design - Understanding of business process mapping - Experience creating visuals for high-level audiences - Ability to simplify complex processes into understandable visuals.
I'm looking for a modern-styled business card that incorporates my logo and contact information. The card should be in a standard size and landscape orientation. Key Requirements: - Design a sleek, modern business card. - Incorporate provided logo and contact details. - Ensure the design is suitable for standard, landscape orientation (3.5 x 2 inches). Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software (like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop). - Experience in creating modern, professional business cards. - Strong understanding of brand identity representation in design. Need same information new design
I need someone who knows coding
I'm looking for a professional 3D designer who can create a modern-style 3D house plan based on my provided images of designs. I have interior and exterior photos of the house, floor plans that need alteration, and additional design inspiration photos. - Key Requirements: - Use of provided interior and exterior photos - Alteration of the provided floor plans - Incorporation of design inspirations from photos I have - Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D design software - Experience with architectural design - Ability to interpret and apply design inspiration The project involves the entire house, both interior and exterior spaces. Please note, I value efficiency and I am looking for a quick turnaround. I do not have the time to use...