I am looking for a talented writer to create a comprehensive business plan for my company: safety, health, environment, environmental assessment, waste management risk and quality, borehole drilling, purcusion drilling, core drilling, and geology machinery. The purpose of the business plan is to seek funding from investors, so it must be tailored to meet their needs. The business plan should include market research and competitive analysis as well as financial projections to give investors a clear picture of our objectives and how those objectives will be achieved. In addition, the business plan should be written in a simple and concise manner, as it will be viewed by potential investors who may not have a strong understanding of our company. The right writer should possess an excep...
...has served as a remarkable platform for scientific experiments, technology demonstrations, and international cooperation. While human spaceflight is undeniably captivating, NASA's robotic missions have significantly expanded our understanding of the solar system and beyond. The Mars rovers, including Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity, have provided invaluable insights into the Red Planet's geology, history, and potential habitability. Similarly, the Voyager spacecraft have ventured into interstellar space, transmitting data that informs us about the far reaches of our solar system. The Hubble Space Telescope, launched in 1990, revolutionized our view of the cosmos. Orbiting above Earth's atmosphere, Hubble has captured breathtaking images of distant galaxies, n...
...Australia. Specifically, I need exploration mapping, interpreting old data and putting geology maps together for yearly reporting. We have a few different exploration projects to work on over the 2023/2024 time and mostly desktop studies before we find target areas for surface drilling. The ideal candidate must have excellent knowledge in mapping and surveying techniques as well as a good understanding of mineral exploration and interpreting old data and making it usable to find new resource targets. I expect the highest degree of accuracy and reliability in the data collected for this project. Attention to detail and timely completion of deliverables is essential. If you believe you can provide outstanding geology and mineral exploration skills then I would be deli...
Our current Great Pyramid video is a 4-ACT 18 minute YouTube video you can see here. We wish to upgrade the video into a 6-ACT animated documentary suitable for TV. The four existing ACTs are Geology, Explorers, Phase 1 and Phase 2 constructions. The two new ACTs will be Nile Civilization and Pyramid Builders. We will work one ACT at a time and provide a detailed treatment document.
Project Title: Yucca Valley, CA-Geological Hazard Study (Fault Trenching) I am looking for a freelancer who can assist me in conducting a geological hazard study in Yucca Valley, CA. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the presence of active faults in the area. Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience in geology and geological hazard studies - Proficiency in fault trenching techniques and analysis - Ability to conduct field observations and collect relevant data - Strong understanding of geological processes and the potential risks associated with active faults - Familiarity with the geological landscape of Yucca Valley, CA Data Collection: - The assessment will primarily rely on field observations, including fault trenching - Other methods such...
...developer to help build a simple phone application which takes the users position and shows on a map what geology they are stood on. The geological data is available in the form of shapefiles or KML. The user should then be able to click that layer and have basic data show up, such as type of rock, age etc. Eventually we would like to grow this application to: - incorporate specimen data from our interactive map at - perhaps have a portal where users can upload images or descriptions of rocks and outcrops that they find - a tourism element of things to see and do (to help with sponsorship) - possible augmented reality version which takes the users camera and overlays the geology onto the landscape There are apps like this out there, specifically the British Geological...
I am looking for a developer to create an educational mobile app focused on Canadian geology. The app should be designed for both iOS and Android platforms. The primary purpose of the app is to educate users on basic geological information about various locations in Canada. The ideal candidate should have experience in mobile app development and potential GIS systems, but no geological knowledge is required. We are hoping to build the app in several stages, culminating in a user interface where people can upload pictures of rocks they see in the field. But for this initial phase, I am looking to create a simple location-based map that overlays GIS shapefiles onto the terrane. The user can then click a geological unit and display information filtered from the shapefile attribute ta...
Your deliverables for the final project are as follows: 1. A geologic map which includes: Strike and dip symbols for you outcrops (remember to include dip values) Unit contacts (label and color your units) Faults (make these lines thicker than your regular contact lines) The cross section line 2. The cross section which includes: Unit contacts (label and color your units) Faults (make these thicker than your regular contact lines. You can label these faults if they have names. Remember, a good map and cross section is one that looks good, part of the grade is based upon neatness of the map and cross section.
Your deliverables for the final project are as follows: 1. A geologic map which includes: Strike and dip symbols for you outcrops (remember to include dip values) Unit contacts (label and color your units) Faults (make these lines thicker than your regular contact lines) The cross section line 2. The cross section which includes: Unit contacts (label and color your units) Faults (make these thicker than your regular contact lines. You can label these faults if they have names. Remember, a good map and cross section is one that looks good, part of the grade is based upon neatness of the map and cross section
We need a logo for our software named ArchPy. ArchPy is a python module capable of treating borehole (well) data to produce three-dimensional geological m...layers), litho-facies (rock types: e.g. gravel, sand) and finally physical properties (e.g. porosity, permeability). You can find some examples of 3D geological models made with ArchPy in the image enclosed. We are looking for a logo that contains the name ArchPy, and a simple graphical representation that can be used independently as an icon. The logo could contain some visual references to geology such as geological layers, boreholes, geological heterogeneity and sedimentary architectures. Each geological feature could be distinguished from the others by a uniform but rather bright color, but we are open to any ideas and s...
I'm looking for a talented designer to create a logo for a geotechnical consultant firm. We envision a minimalist design featuring geology tools such as maps, drills, and soil samplers. This logo should embody the work we will be doing, which includes assessing construction sites, drilling for samples and providing expertise for an array of engineering solutions. We are open to all colour schemes but have no specific requirements at this time. Some Reference words: Foundation, earth, soil, water, structures, strength, capacity, floating, retaining, soil improvement, embankments, footing Please submit logo in common image formats like: jpg, ai, png, pdf, svg among others
Am looking for geology researcher to modify few comments about it
...from the data. Convert the raw data into a usable format for magnetic inversion. Magnetic Inversion: Choose an appropriate magnetic inversion algorithm based on the survey area and subsurface geology. Set the inversion parameters to optimize the accuracy and resolution of the 3D model. Run the magnetic inversion algorithm on the preprocessed data to generate a 3D model of the subsurface magnetic properties. Interpretation and Analysis: Analyze the magnetic inversion results to identify subsurface magnetic anomalies. Interpret the magnetic anomalies in the context of the subsurface geology and any known features. Combine the magnetic inversion results with other geophysical data to create a more comprehensive understanding of the subsurface. Deliverables: M...
I need a professional geology researcher to help me in my research. Must be ur specialty in geology
Hello. I require a freelancer to plot drill holes from Excel data and export them as 3D DXF traces. I have the collar table (470 holes) and the downhole survey table. Any geology software is fine (eg. ArcGIS, MapInfo, etc.). Only experienced geologists or GIS technicians please. Thank you.
I'm after a logo design for the Thunderbox Geology Department to be able to put on shirts, hats, cups, etc. I've attached a rough sketch of what I was thinking of. The elements I like are: the rock hammer (or geo pick), something thunder (or lightning) related and the circular shape with writing around the outside. I would like a simple design without too much going on.
We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced geology expert to join our dynamic team of scientists and professionals. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of geological processes and a passion for using that knowledge to solve real-world problems.
I need to develop a python script that allows me to import .txt files containing coordinates and measurements with respect to time (heavy files) to be able to visualize information related to temperatures and lithologies (geology) in the Paraview scientific visualization platform. Attached the type of files you need to work with
Need an expert for physical geology project.
logo design for a software product. With a name in it, the logo represents an AI-assisted product for geology and oil gas production.
Looking for a content creator to write content from third party company news releases, geological articles and other materials that interest me to build my profile. Needs to have experience in resource industry.
Hello, I would like to look at the possibility of modelling the propagation of electrically generated EM currents that are generated by a electronic tool, installed anywhere from 300m - 500M underground. I can provide details around the apparatus, and specific frequencies and output powers, and can also provide resistivity data for geology across the entire depth in the surrounding area. My hope is that with the data sets combined, we can estimate how much energy will reach the surface if it were to be measured with a copper stake driven ~2m into the ground.
...entry person with a strong science background Task: Data entry (Video and text image) about 20 scientists living/nonliving that has done work on the topics below. Topics: **ASTRONOMY ASTROPHYSICS Cosmology spectroscopy Photometry Asteroseismology Helioseismology Solar Physics Heliophysics ASTROMETRY Planetology Exoplanetology ASTROGEOLOGY Areology Selenography Exogeology Planetary Geology ASTROBIOLOGY Exobiology Astroecology Astrochemistry You will come up with 10 topics for each scientist under the relevant categories of subjects above, then find videos and content relevant to these topics done by the scientists themselves. If you cannot find such video content, then check if other people did a video on behalf of that scientist relevant to the topic It is expec...
We are looking for a geolog to help us with information in a project concering magma/lava chambers and overheated water at the midocean ridges, in special the atlantic mid ocean ridge. You need a degree in geology and focus in Geotectonic knowledge such as continetal margins, ocean crust, volcanic activities. Deeper knowledge in Geothermal energies is a big plus.
Five Shape files in Geographic coordinate system (MDA94). 1). Geology polygons, 2). M_Polygons, 3). Fault Lines, 4). Anti-form Lines and 5). L Lines
I need a guy to help me in short task of engineering geology related to miller index and crystal symmetry.
Consulting Company that provides onsite Geology Supervision on Oil Rigs in Canada as well as Renovations in the housing industry. Logos must include: an Oil Rig Derrick, Oil Pump Jack, or oil drop with the name of consulting company incorporated in logo. Vma Consulting Inc.
A SpotFire dashboard needs to be updated. A project has been partially done using R scripts. Data base is first offline and then online (provided by us). It is in geology (we will tell you all nuances). There are three parts: A. "InZone calculation" – done, needs simple editing B. "Well benchmark" – done, needs testing C. "Scorecard" – done in unstable versions There are 2 versions: stable “Interpretation_5_2” (A and B connected to online) and unstable “Interpretation_5_4” (A, B and C are done, connected to incorrect offline database). You need to: • check input data (I will provide CSV file aprox 10 mgb) • check scripts ( inside .dpx template) • make sure tab A and B are calculating corr...
Urgent Task (deadline 1 day) 2 pages report. Open to freelancer with geology background. I am seeking a simple report of geological impact cause by extraction water from well to xxx amount of users. I need to know, what is the geological damage of extracting water from the ground based on total water amount (to be shared) per day. I need the report with factual diagram to support the points.
Hi Samita D., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. The project is to write a research article based on a report which is already published by me. Due to lack of time and support i am unable to devote time for this paper. Can you convert it into a paper of 3 to 4 pages? The report is on ge...would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. The project is to write a research article based on a report which is already published by me. Due to lack of time and support i am unable to devote time for this paper. Can you convert it into a paper of 3 to 4 pages? The report is on geological mapping and investigation for an area. Have you written any articles related to geology? if so please send it to me ...
Educational Qualification: Degree in Engineering Geology/Geology/Civil Engineering No. of Years’ Experience: 6-8 Years Job Description • The role includes proposal development, site investigation scoping, report production and undertaking geotechnical/geological problems and project management. • Proven knowledge in Engineering Geology coupled with experience in various areas including geotechnical investigations, geological reporting, and geotechnical design in Road Highway Engineering. • Understanding and working with soil and rock, underground water, site and structural conditions, in relation to a construction project, • Experience in planning and coordination of investigations and technical reporting. Knowledge in preparing designs an...
Scope 'run of mine' including hard rock or minerals mining, coal mining and energy/gas mining. Include, metallurgy, mine safety, mine engineering, minerals processing, geology, geophysics, drilling and exploration
I need some one who can write thesis as per my directions
Need an expert who is familiar with the Earth Science project with a Geology background. Deadline- Today
This project involves writing a report based on a literature review of several research papers. Research papers will be provided to you. You will also be provided with the points that the report should cover. A background in geology, hydrology and chemistry is preferred. More details will be given.
I need someone who can write a summary on the area / topic / subject of Geology. He should write it with published data and its reference as well as it should be plagirism free. I want the references also. Whole topic is related to Quaternary Geology
Need an expert who can complete the project on an urgent basis and efficiently.
Startup geology tour business needing prehistoric soundscapes. Looking for as authentic as possible but also an artistic touch to be captivating. The tour covers early Jurassic to Eocene time frame. Need plesiosaurus and utahceratops sounds, any others are flexible. Would also like volcanic, marine, dune, beach, and river transition sounds for the tour. Short clips would be best so they can be rearranged as needed. The budget is currently tight so only a few clips are needed for the first tour but the plan is to expand to many tours with more sophisticated soundscapes as the business grows.
The title of the project is : Applied Chemistry. The purpose of this presentation is to persuade higher management to accept not only the opening of the Department in September 2022 but to commit in the search of budget for the laboratory. I work in a university where the faculty of Science has only two departments 1) Geology and 2) Marine science. I am planning to add this academic year 2022-2223 and New Department that I named Applied Chemistry. The Department of Applied Chemistry emphasizes the importance of studying basic scientific knowledge and skills, and of developing basic academic abilities. I designed the curriculum of the program. It is a four program were the two first years cover the fundamental course of chemistry: General Chemistry, Organic chemistry, Inor...
I need Geology expert person who can do this work perfectly Thanks
Want to launch website on international standards We are into Mining , Geology Mineral Exploration , Mineral Processing and Environmental Management
Work this draft. Ideal, combine realistic and flat sketch. The draft is a proposal. But can use your original proposal, expected some infrastructures in the scenario, like roads, bridges, towers, near buildings and far small village. And the underground geology forms. Recquired the .psd and .png final file Not 3d expected, just graphic art.
...Statistics and Probability 4. English - English 4 to 10 - SHS Oral Communication - SHS Reading and Writing - SHS 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World 5. Filipino - Filipino 4 to 10 - SHS Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kulturang Pilipino - SHS Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba’t-Ibang Teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik 6. Science - Science 4 to 12 - Elementary Science - Physics - Geology/Earth Science - Biology - Chemistry - SHS Earth and Life Science - SHS Physical Science 7. Araling Panlipunan - Araling Panlipunan 4 to 10 8. ABM strand - Business Math - Business Finance - Business Ethics and Social Responsibility - Principles of Marketing - Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business, and Management 1 & 2 Knowledge, skills, and abilities: - It is a mus...
Need help with few confusion in some concept , kindly contact me asap
I want a editable book designed with a theme of geology with 4 chapters (hydrosphere-lithosphere-atmosphere-biosphere) and thats it.
Hi Abdul R., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hello, I need someone to teach/assist me through this course - Basic Scientific Methods in Geology. Kindly reply to the ad if you cable or if you have anyone who can help. Thanks in advance. Bill S.
metropolitan beaches trip in Adelaide
Need persons who are specilaized in different subjects like Business management, law and international law, finance, banking, geology, literature, maths, statistics, electrical engineering, accounts, environemntal science. Please state which subject line youre skilled in when applying. Please note the work may ahve to be submitted withing 24 hours upon request.