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Si të punësosh një profesionist të mirë Cement Bonding Expert
As the name suggests, cement bonding agents are chemical agents that augment bonds between concrete and other materials. The purpose for using bonding agents is to join fresh concrete and existing concrete. In certain cases they are also used to restore existing concrete, repair concrete and fix cracks in structural concrete by grouting process.
Perhaps one outstanding feature of bonding agents that make them so popular is that they have anti-corrosion properties. This is very important because it makes it feasible to use in structural reinforced concrete – which means that integrity of re-bars will not affected whatsoever.
Besides anti-corrosion properties, cement bonding agents have other useful features as well. They are outlined as follows:
They lead to increased overall strength of the resulting concrete.
They make the concrete more resistant to abrasion; therefore prolonging its life.
Penetration of chlorides and its compounds is greatly reduced by the agents. Chloride agents react with steel re-bars reducing their surface area hence reducing their effective strength.
Cement bonding agents are also known to be highly water-resistant. This is a property that ensures the structural concrete’s integrity is in check.
The several types of cement bonding agents can be broadly classified into two categories:
These are the best choice when you want to bond new concrete to old concrete or concrete that’s already been cured. Depending on the nature of the job, different types of epoxy agents serve different purposes. What this means is that, there are bonding agents made just for bonding fresh to hardened concrete; which are different from the ones made for bonding, say, hardened to hardened concrete. Epoxy bonding agents are also useful when you need to bond concrete to steel.
Latex bonding agents are added to cement mix for patching or to be used for bonding concrete to a hard surface like a plaster wall, dry wall or stones.
Application of cement bonding agents requires some level of skills and experience. It may be a DIY project but if you are not well-equipped or trained, everything can go south really fast. Enlisting the services of a contractor is the best course of action.
What a trained specialist brings to the table:
The contractor comes with equipment to be used for the patching work. So you do not have to buy your own.
Skills and experience from doing similar work. By doing this, you avoid rookie mistakes. They will know how to prep the surface before application along with the amount required for the work.
Knowledge of the best bonding agents on the market
Finding a qualified specialist for your home or yard project is easier nowadays. Freelancer.com is a one stop shop for all kinds of professional freelance independent contractors trained and skilled in handling projects of this nature. Working with an independent contractor has proved to be very effective. All you have to do is visit Freelancer.com, post a project and review portfolios of contractors to find the one that best suits your needs. If you are having trouble doing so, Freelancer staff will help you find a good contractor.