Minimalist Logo Design

  • Statusi: Open
  • Çmimi: $25
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 473

Përmbledhja e konkursit

I'm looking for a minimalist style logo design that incorporates both an icon and text. The color scheme will be a combination of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet.

We are looking at two different styles of logos:
1. We have attached a previous logo in which we would like to keep the same idea with the tree and roots (we love the tree and the roots) but we need to change the name to JAM Mission and the color theme to colors above. We also love the company name being in between the tree stump and roots so the name is ground level.
Company Name: JAM Mission
Slogan: Walking the Narrow Road

2. We are thinking about a small (humble not fancy) gate (north of logo) with a narrow road (cracked, less paved) leading up to a tree (south of logo) with roots showing above ground but not underground. So this logo is vertical.
We would also like to see ideas of this logo horizontal.
We have also included examples of vertical and horizontal styles of the logo.

We look forward to the winner creating all promotional items: magnets, t shirt, social media post, pens etc.

Ideal Skills:
- Graphic Design
- Logo Design
- Typography
- Color Theory
- Minimalist Design

Please provide a portfolio of your previous logo designs, particularly those with a minimalist style.

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