A3 Pamphlet Design Needed

  • Statusi: Pending
  • Çmimi: $50
  • Kandidaturat e marra: 58

Përmbledhja e konkursit

I'm seeking a talented designer to create an A3 pamphlet for me. The pamphlet will serve an educational purpose, so the design needs to be clear and informative, yet engaging. Double sided page. need it done in 1hour. SEE ATTACTED PDF FOR REFERENCE

One Sydney Harbour Barangaroo is Australias most luxurious residential apartment project for sale.

Key Responsibilities:
- Utilize provided content and adjust for optimal layout and design.
- Ensure the pamphlet reflects a creative and vibrant style, making it appealing to the target audience.
- Implement a pastel and soft color scheme throughout the design.

Ideal Skills:
- Graphic Design
- Adobe Creative Suite
- Layout and Typography
- Attention to Detail
- Understanding of Color Theory

I look forward to seeing your bids and your portfolio samples.

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Këndi publik i sqarimeve

  • turtledes
    • 1 javё më parë


    • 1 javё më parë
  • jasono04
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 1 javё më parë

    I'm looking for a 10 pager, double sided with all the information provided in the PDF attached.

    • 1 javё më parë
    1. Handcraftstore11
      • 1 javё më parë

      Please check the entry #51 and open the chat I need to discuss the project in detail to make the final.design

      • 1 javё më parë
    2. Handcraftstore11
      • 1 javё më parë

      can you please provide the link of the detail , given in PDF attahed to collect the data.

      • 1 javё më parë
  • joyantabanik8881
    • 1 javё më parë


    • 1 javё më parë
  • muhammadimran908
    • 1 javё më parë

    #27 , #28 , #29 And #30

    • 1 javё më parë
  • jasono04
    Krijuesi i Konkursit
    • 1 javё më parë

    please see attached PDF to edit our pamplet

    • 1 javё më parë
    1. Nuh100
      • 1 javё më parë

      Hi. I am very interested in doing your project. Please message me if interested. I do have some questions first.

      • 1 javё më parë
  • abrish18
    • 1 javё më parë

    #20 my entery

    • 1 javё më parë

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