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Stefana V.
Highly motivated and reliable Virtual Assistant
$17 USD / Hour
Serbia (8:47 AM)
Joined on October 23, 2016
$17 USD / Hour
Welcome to my profile!
My skills:
- WordPress (website maintenance),
- QA Testing (test planning, test case execution, testing reports).
- Virtual Assistant,
- Market Research,
- Internet Research,
- Adobe Photoshop,
- MS Excel,
- MS Word,
- Content management on platforms like Wix, Shopify...
Looking forward to working with you!
Stefana was great. She tested our site very thoroughly and founds lot of bugs and improvements. Once we have addressed and fixed everything she suggested, we hope to hire again for final checks. thank you.
Moiz A.
Nottingham, United Kingdom
4 years ago
Automation Engineer
Feb, 2020 - Present
5 years
Global Sector d.o.o.
Feb, 2020 - Present
5 years
Automation script development and maintenance for 10+ betting websites, written in Java/Selenium.
Tools being used:
- Selenium
- JDBC (MySQL driver)
- Log4j2
- Maven
- Intellij IDEA
Feb, 2020 - Present
5 years
QA Manual Tester
Sep, 2018 - Apr, 2020
1 year, 7 months
eS-NET Informatika d.o.o.
Sep, 2018 - Apr, 2020
1 year, 7 months
- Test Case Design, Management, Execution,
- Microsoft SQL Management Studio
- Manual testing
Sep, 2018 - Apr, 2020
1 year, 7 months
Belgrade University
2010 - 2018
8 years
Bachelor's Degree in Political Science
2010 - 2018
8 years
Business and Administration
2006 - 2010
4 years
2006 - 2010
4 years
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
US English
US English
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