Having spent several years as a front-end web developer, I can accurately label JavaScript-related div class challenges blindfolded. I possess advanced CSS skills, which will efficiently integrate a background image or color to your WordPress site. Over the years, one of my notable accomplishments has been crafting unique websites that make businesses stand out, and this’s closely linked to my problem-solving attitude that's willing to tackle any technical hurdles.
To give you a brief rundown on my expertise, I'm highly skilled in using WordPress and have an intricate knowledge of CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and PHP - the perfect combination for resolving the specific issue you are experiencing. My track record in making sites load faster and rank higher without compromising visual aesthetics aligns with your need for efficient coding on your WordPress theme.
On top of providing an immediate solution for you, our partnership could yield long-lasting benefits for your website. Looking beyond this project, I can reshape your site to become an even better sales funnel for your potential clients. Before we proceed, I will take time to deeply examine your codebase to identify any possible JavaScript conflicts while applying the custom CSS styling you desire. Rest assured, I'm dedicated to producing quality work and communicating frequently with clients so you won't have to go through a single day of frustration and uncertainty regarding the progress of our project.