Create a new Landingpage based on Joomla and adjusting existing joomla pages
$10-30 USD
Paid on delivery
A new landing page has to be created.. Just one page... www.yogabedarf.ch.
The desing, picture and everything for the template are already done.
Reference for this work is [url removed, login to view]
Further on I'm looking for someone who can help me in the future with already existing joomla pages.
Project ID: #6726554
About the project
Awarded to:
Greetings Sir. I am ready to create the new landing page for your website. My current BID is only for the new landing page, and for the other fixes we need to discuss so i can estimate the amount of work and give More
12 freelancers are bidding on average $101 for this job
Dear Sir. We claim to get it done perfectly for you EXACTLY in the way you want it - Kindly give we a chance and we will prove myself - Ready to prove our words, let's get it done right away and I mean RIGHT AWAY !! More
Dear. I’ve read your project description and I certainly feel that I’m very well qualified for you project. I have enough experience developing PHP Websites with frameworks such as Joomla, Wordpress, Yii, CI and so o More
I have much experience in Joomla. I am interested. Please send me message for more discussion.
Hi joomla professional here with 5yr of exp, I got your requirement completely yes I can design your joomla page like this and yes you can rely on me for all your joomla needs.