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Acting is the art of portraying different characters on stage and/or on screen. When hiring a freelance Acting professional, they can be used in film, TV shows, plays, and on commercial sets. Depending on the job, they may be asked to learn multiple lines of dialogue quickly, develop their own scene ideas, or work in improvisation with fellow actors.
When interviewing a freelance Acting professional it's important to ask for references and previous work. You should also find out about the candidate's skillset and desired payment rate. Asking for an audition or video clips of their past performances may be beneficial when considering who to hire. Experienced Acting professionals typically charge an hourly rate anywhere from $35 per hour to $100 per hour or more for higher-profile projects.
Hiring a freelance Acting professional on Freelancer.com is fast, straightforward, and convenient. Professionals are pre-vetted by a team of experts to ensure quality assurance, and have multiple secure payment options. Plus, you’ll have access to real customer reviews with verified feedback so you can make an informed decision quickly and confidently when hiring an Actor. With so many benefits available all in one convenient platform, now is the perfect time to hire one on Freelancer.com today!