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How to hire a great freelance A+ Certified IT Technician
A+ Certified IT Technician is an industry standard certification which is granted to Information Technology professionals who demonstrate competence in installing, configuring, and troubleshooting common computer operating systems and networks.
A+ Certified IT Technicians can provide all kinds of IT services, from configuring a home network and browsing the web securely, to more advanced tasks such as cloud storage and server maintenance. Depending on your needs, a freelance A+ Certified IT Technician could also install applications and programs, provide technical support for hardware and software, ensure safety protocols are in place, update or create websites and blogs, and provide routine security maintenance.
When interviewing potential freelancers, you should ask them questions specific to the task you’re looking to have done to make sure they’re a good fit. Generally speaking A+ Certified IT Technicians cost between $20-$50/hour depending on their experience. It might be prudent to also ask previous clients for references to make sure they’re qualified and experienced.
Hiring an experienced A+ Certified IT Technician on Freelancer.com gives you access to industry experts. You will be assured of quality work results with fast delivery and reliable communication. Above all else, it's the most cost-efficient way to engage an expert for a domain-specific task from the confines of your own home. Hire now!