Going without an online presence is not an option for many business owners in the present world. It is the driving force towards realizing career goals and letting out the passions within. More people embrace the idea of creating an online business with each passing day.
The rewards of online business can be great, but the road to success is full of bumps and roadblocks. These can discourage you, and make you question your choice of following through with your dreams. Regina Anajionu realizes the impact this discouragement can pose on her business, and works extremely hard to prevent it. She is a firm believer that all business people can create fantastic brands and businesses, and goes further to offer tools that can help achieve this dream.
Her father was highly creative and innovative from when she was young, and this inspired her to think outside the box. Both her parents taught at college level and the fact her dad didn’t get into a comfort zone as a teacher, but went out of the way to have other ideas made her embrace her passion for learning new things.
Like many people, she was unsure of what career or passion she would pursue when she was older. Once she graduated from university, she wasted no time and proceeded to start a business of her own. She began with a cleaning business, then moved to a t-shirt enterprise and a number of other successful ventures that got many of her circles running to her for ideas on how she managed such achievements.
She would meet some of the people interested in her success, where she would narrate the details personally. After some time, she noticed she could meet quite a large number of curious people and still maintain her work productivity in her business ventures. This is when she realized the need to begin charging a fee for her consultation services.
She went ahead and created a workbook detailing all the information she believed her clients needed. She did this to make sure she didn’t forget a single detail, and that her clients understood the steps and techniques required to create a one-of-a-kind brand.
To take things a notch higher, Regina started teaching at the University of Texas in Austin, and decided not long after that she needed to write a book about online business. The result was a resource with 150 pages full of text, and a further 50 pages of worksheets on the knowledge she had acquired in the world of business.
Before long, she stumbled upon the goldmine that would change her life forever; the internet. It was the tool to spread her wings and reach out to more people. She created a website and used it to teach some of the concepts she used to teach in person, but to a wider audience.
This is what opened her eyes to the possibility of creating an online education - plus a training - company to reach out to people and give them the tools necessary to build their own online enterprises from nothing. She focuses on helping those who not only want to gain the knowledge she distributes, but those eager to help others as well. So what are some of her secrets of achieving the best online business? Read on to discover eight tools she leans on.
1. Be realistic as well as human
Stay away from fake scams such as Facebook Ads that promise you instant success over a short period of time. These scams maximize the use of exclamation marks and caps to pass their message, with the hope of attracting desperate and unsuspecting people. The ads and emails often insist on you investing some money with the promise of great returns. Sadly, many people fall victim to such traps, something that has badly damaged the reputation of online business and internet marketing at large. More and more people have lost faith in the ability to make it big as online entrepreneurs because of having unrealistic expectations. Regina’s “human approach” theory talks of a being realistic, and not going overboard with promises of making it big in a small amount of time.
2. Create a new chapter in your career
The reason Regina loves to teach is that she makes people draft new chapters in their life stories. For a good number of us, life has reached a plateau phase where there is no room for trying out new things at all. Others were born in an era where the opportunities of success were limited. The lesson Regina wants to pass across here is that everyone can look past limitations, and re-write their stories.
3. Experiment on new things regardless of how they will turn out
She might have built a huge business but Regina had her doubts when she was in the birthing stages of the whole enterprise. She is deliberate about trying new things, even if she has no idea how they will turn out in the end. Not long ago, she began monthly lock-ins and had people working simultaneously to achieve the same goals in a specified period of time. She doubted people would warm up to the idea, but they did and made it a success! Nothing in the business world works under a specific formula - you must try doing new things to discover what works for you.
4. Perfection is not a reality
You may have heard it over and over again but until you truly understand it and apply it in your life, you need to be reminded once more. Perfection and illusion belong to one sentence in the business world. Do not be blinded by the Facebook and Instagram “blessed life”. Challenges come in huge waves. Right now, Regina’s brand seems so together and well laid out, but the process of making it so is terribly unclear. To stay focused on your business goals, forget about being perfect and embrace the thoughts of failing at one point in life.
5. Good design is powerful
Regina has emphasized this tip in her teachings, because it can make or break any online business dream. She says people either misunderstand or undervalue a good design. Graphics and beautiful content are unmistakable - people enjoy reading through the good ones. You must realize that what makes people visit your site, and stay there, is the visuals. You need to spend time and resources building the best design in the market. You want clients to take you seriously and want to invest their money, time and energy on a powerful and strong design.
6. Never be too big to do things yourself
“Stay scrappy” is one of Regina’s favorite statements and even as her business grows, she can get her hands dirty from time to time. This includes such things as writing her own blogs, creating graphics and updating her website. She can easily hire someone to do the job but she opts to do it herself, because it lets her stay on top of her clients’ issues and needs, and gives her a competitive advantage in the fast-paced business world.
7. Maximize email marketing
Once you have a powerful online presence, you want people to discover you. One of the ways to ensure this is employing email marketing to its full potential. Send out email lists and share the information on what your business is all about.
8. Satisfy a need
Like all businesses, identifying a gap in the market and filling it is a sure way to score big. Ask around, do research online and participate in discussion forums to understand your market better. Once you have discovered what your target group desires, create a brand that satisfies their needs.
Creating a powerful online business takes time and deliberate action. Follow these eight tips and unlock success you never imagined existed ever before.
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