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Xianhua W.
Java, C/C++, PHP, Android expert developer
$25 USD / Hour
China (2:32 AM)
Joined on January 26, 2016
$25 USD / Hour
I have many experience S/W development more than 8 years.
So I have many programming languages & tech as follows, too.
- Area of Expertise
* C/C++ - 8 years
* Java - 8 years
* JSP (Struts, Spring, Flex, ..)
* PHP (WordPress, CakePHP, Joomal) - 6 Years
* JS (Ext, JQuery, Ajax) - 8 Years
* Mobile (Android, nodeJS, AngularJS, HTML5) - 3 Years
* Database (MySQL, MsSQL, SQLite) - 6 Years
* Others * Linux, Design, Server Management, DB Management
Whatever U want, I can do it within short time and high quality.
Best regards.