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Leonardo Emilio L.
Graphic Designer l Video editor l Audio editor
$10 USD / Hour
Argentina (11:02 PM)
Joined on February 24, 2015
$10 USD / Hour
I'm a Graphic Designer specialized in prints and designs. From the total creation of logos, posters, corporate identity, various designs, advice and more. I have extensive experience in the market (20 years). It is my passion to serve the community in this area and I assure you the best quality and responsibility at the time of working. I am at your disposal for whatever you need!
Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! 2 Corinthians 5
✪ Logo Design
✪ Digital portrait
✪ Flyer Design
✪ Banner Design
✪ Business Card Design
✪ Canva expert
✪ Book Cover Design
✪ Brochure Design
✪ Clipping mask/path/ Background remove
✪ Icon Design
✪ Social sites Cover Design
✪ T-shirt Design
✪ Vectorization
✪ Pattern design
✪ E-book
✪ Photomontage
✪ Social media design
✪ Label design
✪ Packaging
✪ Video edition
✪ Youtube thumbnails
✪ Animated logo
I have worked with Emilio before and was excited to work with him again. He is a wonderful designer and am excited to work with him potentially again in the future.
Leonardo did a very good job. the deadline was short and he delivered 2 days in advance! He quickly understands what is expected and makes proposals few hours after.
Profesional en el proceso de estampados de camisetas y prendas de vestir, en serigráifa y termovinilos
Trabajos Editoriales
Leonardo Luna
Noviembre 2007 - Anuario ATSA La Plata / Revista de información impresa en fotocromía.
Diciembre 2014 - Diseño e impresion de discos de Audio en forma Legal / Tirada de 1000 copias
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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