Hello! I am a highly experienced Python / JS developer with a strong focus on writing clean and efficient code. With over 8 years of experience, I have acquired teamwork, problem-solving, and exceptional communication skills from coding with full-stack development colleagues around the world. I am here to provide comprehensive solutions tailored to your specific workflow needs and help you integrate them with the latest technologies to boost your business productivity.
I primarily work with the following languages and applications:
✅ Python, PHP, NodeJS
✅ JavaScript, ReactJS, VueJS, Jest Testing
✅ TDD with Rspec, Deployment using Heroku, Netlify and Azure
✅ Github and Gitlab with Gitflow
✅ REST and APIs
As a creative developer, I am motivated by the rigorous, logical, thought processes combining software development with imagination and expression. Additionally, I have extensive experience in upgrading an existing application; testing and ensuring all existing functions work after the upgrade. My ability to review and understand existing code, and propose refactoring and CI/CD, enables me to accept any challenge; and I thrive on contributing to strong team chemistry.
In my free time, I enjoy reading and creative writing, particularly short fiction.
I am eager to explore exciting full-stack development opportunities in startups as well as established companies that think I am a good match for current roles. Please reach out to me if you are seeking a passionate and capable web dev team member.
Thank you!
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