Need an Autolisp programmer to write a single LISP program to control automatic printing.
Needs to successfully run using accoreconsole.exe. Which means no visual lisp/activex methods.
• Loop through all tabs (model & drawing)
• Set plot area
o Model =extents
o Layout =layout
• Plot style/pens=[login to view URL]
• Plot with plot styles=yes
• Plot scale=1:1
• Must maintain ALL existing settings. No assumptions about page size, orientation, plotters, etc.
• Build list/array that can be looped through to write to file
o Array must be tabs in order they are on screen
o Array is of layout tabs only unless there is no geometry on any layout tabs, then array is “model” only
o Place holder for “write-line” is fine, I’ll fill in those details or provide if necessary
Must have TaxID number for a business payment (ONLY option)
Hi there,
I have read your project description and i'm confident i can do this project for you perfectly.I still have a few questions. please leave a message on my chat so we can discuss the budget and deadline of the project.
I'm a furniture designer engineer. I am well versed in AutoCAD, 2D, 3D and the AutoLISP programming language under AutoCAD.
I think your project fits me very well. I can email AutoLISP programs created by me.
I hope my offer will be considered.