I can assist with your project requirements and have over a decade of experience in analysis, planning, and floodplain management practices for proposed urban, rural, industrial, commercial, and mine developments. However, I will use InfoWorks ICM to simulate the 1D catchment hydrology and TUFLOW for the 2D hydrodynamic floodplain modelling to simulate the 1% AEP BFE. Depending on historical flood data's record length and quality, an FFA may be completed to predict peak discharge values at design return periods. The surveyed terrain digital dataset is assumed to be in the correct GIS-compatible format and reduced to the local horizontal and vertical datum. As-constructed details and elevations of existing water structures (e.g., bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.), if present, are also assumed to be available and readily provided at project commencement. The resulting floodplain mapping will be comparable to that created with HEC-RAS software. This proposal includes the analysis and flood simulation of existing conditions at the current climate horizon. Proposed development layouts, future climate scenarios, and time horizons can also be assessed later and are subject to budget variation.