Microsoft Azure is a cloud-computing platform designed for the development, deployment, and management of applications and services. With its wide array of services, Azure is able to provide businesses a secure, dependable, and cohesive digital experience for developing powerful applications. Azure developers have the essential skills and expertise to help organizations in their digital transformation operations.

At the core of Azure are its cloud computing capabilities which provide a secure, trusted and often cost-effective platform suitable for organizations of any size.

Azure developers use Microsoft's Azure platform to build enterprise-grade apps quickly, securely and cost-effectively. They can develop enterprise-grade web applications using ASP.NET and related tools such as IIS and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). Azure developers also have expertise in leveraging cloud native technologies such as Satya, Service Fabric, Azure Machine Learning, Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), Visual Studio App Center, and more.

Azure developers have the essential experience to design, build, test and host modern applications in the cloud; integrate existing systems; develop secure identity solutions; build applications for mobile devices; empower users through Power Apps; deploy APIs with Cognitive Services; manage large datasets with Stream Analytics; create bots; build teams in DevOps Teams; schedule jobs with Logic Apps; monitor data through Power BI; share data with Power Apps; deploy Applications using Containers on Kubernetes Clusters; set up AI Models in ML CLoud Services and much more.

Here's some projects that our expert Azure Developer made real:

  • Built secure authentication solutions that leverage Azure Active Directory
  • Configured IIS web servers to host enterprise applications
  • Developed faster data analysis with Power BI dashboards
  • Integrated existing software into new cloud services
  • Automated complex tasks using Logic Apps & Cognitive Services
  • Developed robust APIs using Service Fabric technology
  • Monitored & maintained machines learning models in ML Cloud Services

§§ COM

When constructing web or mobile applications many companies find there's no one size fits all nor cookie cutter solutions. Microsoft's Azure is a cloud based technology specifically designed for companies to develop & deploy secure, scalable & dependable applications fast at competitive costs & equally empowering users too. Our expert Azure Developers created custom solutions from authentication services to configuring IIS web servers & complex abilities such as Scheduling jobs through Logic Apps & monitoring/maintaining machine learning models through ML Cloud Services. To gain a competitive edge & transform for growth companies can hire one of our talented’s Azure Developers who can deliver exactly what it takes take any project to the next level without fail!

From 68,694 reviews, clients rate our Azure Developers 4.9 out of 5 stars.
Hire Azure Developers

Microsoft Azure is a cloud-computing platform designed for the development, deployment, and management of applications and services. With its wide array of services, Azure is able to provide businesses a secure, dependable, and cohesive digital experience for developing powerful applications. Azure developers have the essential skills and expertise to help organizations in their digital transformation operations.

At the core of Azure are its cloud computing capabilities which provide a secure, trusted and often cost-effective platform suitable for organizations of any size.

Azure developers use Microsoft's Azure platform to build enterprise-grade apps quickly, securely and cost-effectively. They can develop enterprise-grade web applications using ASP.NET and related tools such as IIS and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). Azure developers also have expertise in leveraging cloud native technologies such as Satya, Service Fabric, Azure Machine Learning, Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), Visual Studio App Center, and more.

Azure developers have the essential experience to design, build, test and host modern applications in the cloud; integrate existing systems; develop secure identity solutions; build applications for mobile devices; empower users through Power Apps; deploy APIs with Cognitive Services; manage large datasets with Stream Analytics; create bots; build teams in DevOps Teams; schedule jobs with Logic Apps; monitor data through Power BI; share data with Power Apps; deploy Applications using Containers on Kubernetes Clusters; set up AI Models in ML CLoud Services and much more.

Here's some projects that our expert Azure Developer made real:

  • Built secure authentication solutions that leverage Azure Active Directory
  • Configured IIS web servers to host enterprise applications
  • Developed faster data analysis with Power BI dashboards
  • Integrated existing software into new cloud services
  • Automated complex tasks using Logic Apps & Cognitive Services
  • Developed robust APIs using Service Fabric technology
  • Monitored & maintained machines learning models in ML Cloud Services

§§ COM

When constructing web or mobile applications many companies find there's no one size fits all nor cookie cutter solutions. Microsoft's Azure is a cloud based technology specifically designed for companies to develop & deploy secure, scalable & dependable applications fast at competitive costs & equally empowering users too. Our expert Azure Developers created custom solutions from authentication services to configuring IIS web servers & complex abilities such as Scheduling jobs through Logic Apps & monitoring/maintaining machine learning models through ML Cloud Services. To gain a competitive edge & transform for growth companies can hire one of our talented’s Azure Developers who can deliver exactly what it takes take any project to the next level without fail!

From 68,694 reviews, clients rate our Azure Developers 4.9 out of 5 stars.
Hire Azure Developers


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    24 jobs found

    I need an experienced Azure, PySpark, and Databricks developer to help me create a real-time analytics Kafka Streaming WordCount program using PySpark. Key Requirements: - Modify and adapt my existing PySpark streaming code (which works in my Jupyter notebook) to work with Kafka. - Ensure the program can consume data from file storage via Kafka streams. - Handle input data in CSV format from file storage. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Azure, PySpark, and Databricks. - Proven track record of creating real-time analytics programs. - Familiarity with Kafka and its streaming capabilities. - Proficient in handling CSV data and modifying PySpark code.

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Avg Bid
    4 bids
    Azure DevOps Setup for CI/CD
    6 days left

    I'm looking for an someone who knows the basics of DevOps engineer to create an Azure DevOps environment for me with a focus on Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD). Key requirements: - Know the basics of Azure DevOps - Eager to share screens and show me the options - Being pay by hour - Do the sessions once a week

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Avg Bid
    35 bids
    Cloud WAF - Google & Azure
    5 days left

    I need a professional setup of a Web Application Firewall (WAF) that integrates seamlessly with both Google Cloud and Azure Cloud. This WAF should provide comprehensive protection for both my web applications and APIs. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a WAF that works on both Google and Azure Cloud. - Ensure the WAF provides robust protection for both web applications and APIs. - Optimize the WAF to enhance application performance without compromising security. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Google Cloud and Azure Cloud. - Deep understanding of Web Application Firewalls and their configurations. - Expertise in web and API security. - Ability to optimize WAF settings for performance improvement. Please note that I did not specify a particular goal for...

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Avg Bid
    14 bids

    I need assistance setting up with AzureAD for user authentication. Key Requirements: - Integration with existing AzureAD setup: We have an AzureAD that the freelancer will need to work with. - Group-based access: The integration should be able to handle access based on groups in AzureAD. - specific integrations: There will be a need for some custom integrations with The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience with AzureAD and its configurations. - Proven track record of integrating AzureAD with other platforms, specifically - Ability to handle group-based access and build necessary custom roles. - Strong understanding of user management and authentication processes. -

    $147 Average bid
    $147 Avg Bid
    10 bids

    I need an expert to create a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) for my hybrid infrastructure. The main goal is to ensure high availability for my SQL Database and Web APP. Key Responsibilities: - Set up a failover cluster to keep both the SQL Database and the Web APP operational at all times. - Design the cluster for a hybrid infrastructure, ensuring seamless operation between VPS resources. - Utilize Windows Server for all configurations and setups. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Windows Server, particularly in setting up and managing WSFC. - Extensive experience with SQL Database and Web IIS. - Strong understanding of hybrid infrastructure. Please bid if you have the necessary skills and experience.

    $197 Average bid
    $197 Avg Bid
    17 bids

    I'm seeking a seasoned Cloud Analyst and Architect with comprehensive expertise across AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. This project primarily revolves around enhancing cost efficiency across my cloud infrastructure. Key Responsibilities: - Evaluate and optimize current compute and storage expenditures - Streamline networking and content delivery costs - Assess and refine database and analytics spend Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in cost optimization on multiple cloud platforms - Extensive experience with cloud compute and storage services - Proficiency in networking and content delivery services - Strong background in database and analytics services - AWS, Azure and Google Cloud certified or equivalent experience. Your expertise will play a crucial role in dr...

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Avg Bid
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    I'm seeking a seasoned Azure DevOps (MLOps) Engineer to spearhead our transition towards MLOps. Your primary responsibilities will include: - Automating machine learning workflows - Setting up CI/CD pipelines - Managing data pipelines with Databricks - Leading the transition from DevOps to MLOps - Implementing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to automate infrastructure deployment in Azure Collaboration is key in this role. You will: - Work closely with our data scientists, software engineers, and IT operations teams - Collaborate with development and IT teams to refine and enhance our DevOps best practices - Provide technical guidance and support on Azure DevOps, Databricks, and MLOps Your qualifications should ideally include extensive experience with Azure DevOps and Databricks, a s...

    $295 Average bid
    $295 Avg Bid
    10 bids

    I am looking for a seasoned systems administrator with generative experience in Active Directory management, network troubleshooting, user access management, plus skills in Azure Active Directory and PowerShell scripting. Your knowledge of ITIL processes will also be highly valuable. The project involves managing an Active Directory with less than 100 users, therefore, attention to detail and the ability to work in a small-scaled environment is a must. Your responsibilities will cover: - Implementing and managing Group Policies - Administering DNS and DHCP - Managing and configuring AD objects, including users, groups, and computers. Experience with Active Directory Domain Controller Flexible Single Master Operator recovery is a definitive plus. Please apply if you have proven experi...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Avg Bid
    23 bids

    I'm in need of a skilled database professional to help me transition from Microsoft SQL to MongoDB. Here are some key details about the project: - **Current Database Size:** My MS SQL database is less than 1GB, thus the migration should be manageable in scale. - **Experience with Azure CosmosDB:** I'm specifically looking for an expert who already has a solid understanding of Azure CosmosDB as I've already decided to move forward with this NoSQL option. - **Schema Design Assistance:** I'm also looking for the selected freelancer to handle the complete schema design for Azure CosmosDB as part of the project. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience with both MS SQL and Azure CosmosDB - Excellent understanding of database schema design - Strong communication sk...

    $229 Average bid
    $229 Avg Bid
    24 bids

    I'm looking for an Azure DevOps expert to help with monitoring and reporting, specifically focused on application performance for my web applications. Key requirements: - Extensive experience with Azure DevOps, particularly in setting up and managing monitoring and reporting systems. - Proven track record in application performance monitoring. - Familiarity with web applications and their specific performance metrics. - Ability to provide detailed, understandable reports on application performance. Your role will involve setting up systems for monitoring the performance of my web applications and providing regular, detailed reports on their performance. A strong understanding of Azure DevOps and application performance metrics is essential.

    $302 Average bid
    $302 Avg Bid
    19 bids

    I'm looking for a Microsoft Fabric expert, specifically a data engineer, to assist with my project. The main focus will be on creating data pipelines and integrating APIs as data sources. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement efficient data pipelines - Integrate various APIs into Microsoft Fabric Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Microsoft Fabric - Strong background in data engineering - Proficient in working with APIs - Expertise in data pipeline creation Please note, the majority of the tasks will revolve around API integration, so experience with various APIs will be a significant advantage.

    $532 Average bid
    $532 Avg Bid
    37 bids

    I am seeking a consultant / cloud engineer to assist in constructing an Azure environment for our business applications and ~50 internal workers. The engineer should be experienced with Azure, but AWS is a plus. The engineer will help us design and implement our cloud infrastructure, potentially across both platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement robust cloud infrastructure - Oversee cloud management and maintenance tasks Critical Areas of Focus: - Network architecture: Designing efficient and scalable network systems - Data storage solutions: Creating optimal data storage strategies - Security and compliance: Ensuring the infrastructure adheres to all necessary security and compliance regulations Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and hands-on ...

    $88 / hr Average bid
    $88 / hr Avg Bid
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    I'm seeking a professional who can integrate Azure AD for user authentication into my C# WebAssembly Blazor application. I have a Simple C# WebAssembly Blazor Web Application where I need to Integrate the Azure AD SSO. It is a very simple task. 1. There are 3-4 pages so what I need to on load of the application, App should check if a user is authenticated, otherwise redirects to Azure AD for SSO, After a successful SSO, the user is redirected back to the website on the top right side of pane simply show logged in user name and logout button 2. You will be working remotely through teams on GitHub codespace. 3. For Expert this should be a 10-20 min Job. 4. I have set up everything, even Azure AD app registration is also done. 5. Apply only if you read through all this and are ready t...

    $49 Average bid
    $49 Avg Bid
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    I'm seeking a seasoned cloud engineer with in-depth knowledge of both AWS and Azure. Your primary task will be supervising the establishment of an Azure environment from the ground up, with the possibility of integrating AWS. The engineer will be responsible for designing, implementing, and managing our cloud infrastructure across both platforms, although the primary focus will be on Azure. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement robust cloud infrastructure - Oversee cloud management and maintenance tasks The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Azure and AWS - Proven track record in hosting applications on Azure - Strong background in network architecture and data storage solutions - Strong skills in security management, monitoring and...

    $20 / hr Average bid
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    I'm in need of an expert who can guide me through the intricacies of Azure Cloud Computing. I will explain the specifics in the chat window but you must be proficient in various services in Azure. Please apply only if you have hands-on experience in Azure and can start immediately

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Avg Bid
    18 bids
    Azure Cloud Computing project
    3 days left

    I'm in need of an expert who can guide me through the intricacies of Azure Cloud Computing. I will explain the specifics in the chat window but you must be proficient in various services in Azure. Please apply only if you have hands-on experience in Azure and can start immediately

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Avg Bid
    10 bids

    I'm in need of an expert who can guide me through the intricacies of Azure Cloud Computing. I will explain the specifics in the chat window but you must be proficient in various services in Azure. Please apply only if you have hands on experience in Azure. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Azure Cloud Computing - Experience in a variety of Azure services - Strong teaching and communication skills - Knowledge in cloud services: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS - Expertise in setup, deployment, security and compliance.

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Avg Bid
    14 bids

    I'm in need of an expert who can guide me through the intricacies of Azure Cloud Computing. I will explain the specifics in the chat window but you must be proficient in various services in Azure. Please apply only if you have hands on experience in Azure. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Azure Cloud Computing - Experience in a variety of Azure services - Strong teaching and communication skills - Knowledge in cloud services: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS - Expertise in setup, deployment, security and compliance.

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Avg Bid
    17 bids

    I'm in need of an expert who can guide me through the intricacies of Azure Cloud Computing. I will explain the specifics in the chat window but you must be proficient in various services in Azure. Please apply only if you have hands on experience in Azure. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Azure Cloud Computing - Experience in a variety of Azure services - Strong teaching and communication skills - Knowledge in cloud services: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS - Expertise in setup, deployment, security and compliance.

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Avg Bid
    12 bids

    I'm seeking an experienced software developer to create a comprehensive framework for a cloud-based eDiscovery software, specifically on the Microsoft Azure platform. This software should prioritize document indexing, and be able to support indexing of PDFs, Word documents, and Emails. Users will be able to create a 'workspace' where standard file types (PDFs, Excels, Word, etc) will be imported in. Metadata for these documents will be stored in an SQL table so that searches can be performed on the metadata. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop the eDiscovery software on Microsoft Azure - Implement a robust document indexing feature - Ensure compatibility with PDFs, Word documents, and Emails Ideal Skills: - Proficient in software development, particularly on Micro...

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr Avg Bid
    48 bids

    I need an experienced Azure DevOps professional to set up a release pipeline for my web applications. The pipeline should support both Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD). Key Requirements: - Pipeline handling: The pipeline will be managing web applications, so experience in this area is crucial. - Stages: The release pipeline should encompass three stages: Development, Testing, and Production. Please ensure you have the skills to implement and manage these stages effectively. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Azure DevOps - Strong background in setting up CI/CD pipelines - Extensive experience with web applications - Familiarity with Development, Testing, and Production stages in a release pipeline

    $203 Average bid
    $203 Avg Bid
    25 bids

    I need an experienced data analyst to review my current analytics solution and create a lucid diagram to represent an analytics solution. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data analysis and visualization - Experience with creating clear, structured diagrams - Ability to interpret and critique analytics solutions - Strong understanding of business performance tracking

    $32 Average bid
    $32 Avg Bid
    6 bids

    I'm seeking a Terraform expert to streamline the automation of my cloud-based infrastructure on Azure. Key Responsibilities: - Implement Terraform to automate infrastructure provisioning and management on Azure - Optimize infrastructure for cost efficiency and scalability Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Terraform - Extensive experience with Azure - Strong understanding of cloud infrastructure The goal is to enhance efficiency, minimize manual work, and ensure a reliable infrastructure setup. Please provide examples of your previous work with Terraform and Azure in your bid.

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Avg Bid
    60 bids

    I'm seeking an expert in Kubernetes with a strong background in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to help me understand and navigate specific aspects of AKS. I need assistance with the following: - Cluster Deployment and Management: This includes setting up and configuring clusters, monitoring and logging applications, and upgrading and maintaining clusters. - Networking and Security: I want to understand network policies and firewalls, Service Mesh and ingress controllers, as well as security best practices and compliance. - Application Logging: Assistance with understanding application logging in the context of AKS. Ideal candidates would have: - Extensive experience with Kubernetes and AKS - Strong understanding of networking and security within AKS - Proficiency in cluster deploy...

    $35 Average bid
    4 entries

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