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Rueben R.



Data Entry Specialist

$13 USD / Hour
Flag of
Philippines (2:50 PM)
Joined on May 15, 2018
$13 USD / Hour
I am a computer-literate performer with an extensive proficiency in Microsoft Office (EXCEL, WORD, POWERPOINT and OUTLOOK). I am also proficient in online collaborative tools such as GOOGLE DOCS and DROPBOX. I have GOOD TYPING SPEED. I am an exceptional listener and communicator who effectively conveys information verbally and in writing. I have the ability to MEET DEADLINES. I am ORGANIZED and I see to it that I have a good system for keeping track of the things that need to be done and the dates that they should be done by. I WORK UNDER PRESSURE for it has always been a learning experience for me because it helps me grow. I work with a high rate of ACCURACY and EFFICIENCY. I am a PRODUCTIVE worker with SOLID WORK ETHIC. I am always READY, WILLING, and ABLE to DELIVER EXCELLENCE by working INDEPENDENTLY or COLLABORATIVELY. I am HIGHLY MOTIVATED SELF-STARTER who takes initiative with MINIMAL SUPERVISION, FLEXIBLE and prepared to work in a professional team environment. I am a HARD WORKING, DEDICATED, and FOCUSED individual. I enjoy and am passionate about SEARCHING the WEB, MINE and SCRAPE DATA and ENTER DATA onto the SPREADSHEET. I can work long hours. As far as communication is concerned, I am always online and reachable on SKYPE ([login to view URL]). I feel I can be a VALUABLE ASSET to your company.
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