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Heeyeun S.
Web designer, UX/UI designer, Web developer
$600 USD / Hour
Korea, Republic Of (2:56 AM)
Joined on November 11, 2024
$600 USD / Hour
Hello, I'm Heeyeun and I'm based in Korea. I'm an web designer architecturing data based on rationally qualified research/statistics. It means I can switch from visualized emotional task to reasonable rational task in fluid manner.
I had gotten lot of compliments from colleague when it comes to emotional visualized skills, but I thought I have to make product based on qualified fact and reasonable user flow.
So I have worked as a UX/UI designer at few startups and the result was measurable and have gotten high fidelity from user.
Also I can speak three languages. (Korean/English/Japanese)
If you want to hire globalized(especially around Asian country) freelancer, don't hesitate to send me sugguestion.