
Latest Projects

Medical MCQ editing 7 days left

We have a collection of MCQs stored in an Excel file, and we're looking for someone with an MD or MBBS degree to organize and categorize them by subject, topic, and sub-topic and put it on specific place in word file. Tasks include: 1. Categorizing questions like 'What is the nerve supply of the trachea?' under specific categories such as Anatomy > Head & Neck > Trachea &g...

£32 (Avg Bid)
£32 Avg Bid
3 bids
Weekly Product Data Scraping 6 days left

I am in need of a freelancer with a strong background in web scraping to extract product information from a specific website on a weekly basis. Requirements: - Expert in data scraping techniques and tools - Proficient in data handling and Excel - Able to commit to a weekly schedule The scraped data should be delivered in an Excel format. Please provide your relevant experience when bidding.

£2 - £6 / hr
£2 - £6 / hr
0 bids

I am seeking a WordPress expert with a strong background in E-commerce, Technical support, and SEO assistance. The goal is to enhance my E-commerce site over a period of four months, with consistent support for two hours a day, excluding holidays. Key Responsibilities: - Technical Support: Manage and update plugins, customize and develop themes to optimize the site’s performance and appeara...

£38 (Avg Bid)
£38 Avg Bid
50 bids

Necesito contar con una persona para ordenar facturas, descargarlas, subirlas a la aplicación de gestión, hacer conciliaciones,... La labor de generar impuestos y presentarlos NO hay q hacerlo ya que cuento con gestoría. Se trata de hacer la labor de gestionar las facturas y controlarlos con las conciliaciones para que la gestoría pueda hacer su trabajo. Actualmente tra...

£2 - £5 / hr
£2 - £5 / hr
0 bids

Following are the requirements of task to be fulfilled. 1- Task is to visit the ''Regional Ordinal Section Of Pharmacists, Algeria'' physically and take 5 to 6 geotagged photos of with name board captured and from outside/inside the building. Moreover, you have to made a video from inside if possible, but from outside, you have to make a video while capturing the signboard of ...

£20 (Avg Bid)
£20 Avg Bid
3 bids

I'm organizing a finance-focused webinar for graduate students and require a guest speaker with expertise in global finance. The speaker could either present live or provide a pre-recorded video, with the latter being an option I would also consider. Key Responsibilities: - Discuss global finance topics - Answer 3-5 pre-prepared questions from me - Provide valuable insights for the student...

£21 (Avg Bid)
£21 Avg Bid
7 bids

I'm seeking a designer to create mobile screens for a new app project in Figma. The design should incorporate material design elements and a playful video theme. Key Features to Design: - Navigation Bar - User Profile Page - Dashboard Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Figma - Experienced in Material Design - Strong understanding of UX/UI principles for productivity apps - Ability to create visu...

£10 (Avg Bid)
£10 Avg Bid
12 bids

I'm looking for a detail-oriented and creative Desktop Publishing (DTP) Specialist to join our Design team. Key Responsibilities: - Design and layout of brochures and presentations - Adhering to our flexible design guidelines and branding materials Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in desktop publishing - Strong design skills - Ability to work within flexible guidelines - Experience wit...

£13 (Avg Bid)
£13 Avg Bid
2 bids

Je veut automatiser la recherche de stock (action) sur le site [login to view URL] étape 1 : aller sur Screener étape 2 : filtrer par market cap de 2 millard et un volume de 500k étape 3 : trouver tout les stock avec une tendance haussière de 3 mois et plus

£26 (Avg Bid)
£26 Avg Bid
4 bids

I'm seeking a Magento 2 expert for the following two tasks: Task one: Homepage 404 display error. Task two: order email configuration. this involves setting up two types of emails: 1. Order confirmation email(send to customer and website administrator): This should include order details, as well as shipping information. 2. Shipping confirmation email(send to customer and website adminis...

£26 (Avg Bid)
£26 Avg Bid
21 bids