The author of ten published novels (two in the historical genre), I have over fifteen years' editing and proofreading experience. In that time, I've worked with all kinds of different writers - from first-time authors to the far more established - writing in all kinds of different genres: literary, historical, thriller, YA, romance, sci-fi/fantasy, etc.
In terms of my working practices, I will proofread your novel in three stages. Firstly, a basic read-through to eradicate any typos, grammatical lapses, the repetition of words/phrases, etc. Secondly, a check on the pacing, plot, structure, tone, character development/arcs, etc. And thirdly, a final read-through to ensure your work has that essential professional polish.
Additionally, I will provide an interim assessment of the manuscript within twenty-four hours of receipt, just to give you my first impressions of your writing and let you know what kinds of changes I'm making. I use Track Changes in Word and can make a start right away.
I look forward to hearing from you.