Estudiante Universitario en Ingeniería Electrónica
$20 USD / Hour
Guatemala (1:54 PM)
Joined on March 17, 2021
$20 USD / Hour
Actualmente cursando la carrera de ingeniería electrónica (Electrical Engineering), lo que me ha llevado a adquirir experiencia en las siguientes áreas:
- Programación de microcontroladores (Lenguaje C): PIC16F887 (también Assembler), Tiva C (Tivaware), ESP32 (Arduino IDE), Raspberry Pi (C y Python).
- Comunicación serial: conocimiento medianamente detallado de los protocolos UART e I2C
- Modelado y simulación de sistemas a través de MATLAB
- Diseño de controladores PID y LQR a través de MATLAB
- Configuraciones de telecomunicaciones simples: configuración de puertos, OSPF, rutas estáticas (JunOS y Cisco).
not enough Star options for this guy, I typically give 3 stars when someone completes a job as requested
5 -star rating is reserved for the few that are impressive beyond expectations and David is that guy, that one in a 10,000 Freelancers that actually takes his work seriously seems to enjoy it and likes to make others learn from him ... I wish there was more people like him so companies can have great people employed instead of what our world has now, just opportunists.. Great Job/ Super