Hello, Greetings! of the day. I have checked google docs file, at link, provided in project description. I have checked video, in which issues details are provided, at link, provided in google docs file. I have checked layout issues and search filter issues on categories and subcategories pages on your Wordpress website.
As mentioned in project description and video,
1) After updating your Wordpress website from PHP version 5.6 to 7.2, some pages have broken.
2) There are some layout issues and functionality issues on categories pages on your Wordpress website.
It seems that the layout issues and searcg filter issues are there, due to some issues in HTML, CSS, javascript code. To resolve these issues, the PHP code, used to generate these pages, will need to be checked. I have extensive experience in resolving issues in projects, using PHP, Wordpress. Your work will be done, according to requirements.