Car body and individual components analysis (static analysis, frontal impact test, side impact test, rear impact test, occupant protection, pedestrian protection, modal and vibration analysis, NVH) in LS Dyna, Abaqus, and Nastran.
Component and complete vehicle Simulation in LS Dyna (front axles, rear axles, wheels and axle suspensions, and full car analysis for crash).
High speed/ Low speed International Crash Load Cases (Occupant Protection, Pedestrian Protection, and Child Safety) in LS Dyna, Abaqus, and Pamcrash.
Component optimization into a loop with Optimizer (Optistruct, Optimus, OptiSlang, LS Opt and Hyperstudy), Pre-processor (ANSA, Hypermesh), Solver (MSC Nastran, LS Dyna, PamCrash, Abaqus) and a geometry creator (FCM, Catia V5).
Structural component Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization into a loop with Optimizer.(Optimus/OptiSlang/LS Opt/ Hyperstudy), FE preprocessor and Solver (Abaqus/LS Dyna/Nastran)
Topology Optimization of mechanical structures in Optistruct.
FE Auto parts preparation and check in ANSA (mesh quality, contacts, includes cross-connections etc.)
Component simulations in LS Dyna (front axle, rear axle, wheels and axle suspension of BMW model).
Carrying high speed International Legal Crash Load Cases (Occupant Protection, Pedestrian Protection, and Child Safety) in LS Dyna on Sim Manager (BMW HPC CAE Bench 2).
Results reporting and communication with customers and suppliers
ต.ค., 2018 - มี.ค., 2019
5 เดือน
CAE Simulations Engineer
ต.ค., 2012 - พ.ย., 2018
6 ปี, 1 เดือน
SOCO Engineers GmbH München GmbH
ต.ค., 2012 - พ.ย., 2018
6 ปี, 1 เดือน
Thin-shell extraction from 3D CATIA parts, FE geometry cleanup, and preparation for meshing in ANSA.
Meshing according to specific mesh criteria, mesh smoothing, cleaning and refinement into mesh-critical regions.
Assembly and creation of connections (spot welds, seam, Adhesives and screws)
Preparation of input decks (MSC Nastran and Abaqus / explicit) for crash, stiffness, NVH and FGS analyses.
Materials, Connections, and Loads Data validation/check for specific solvers
ต.ค., 2012 - พ.ย., 2018
6 ปี, 1 เดือน
CAE Simulations Engineer
ธ.ค., 2012 - ก.ย., 2018
5 ปี, 9 เดือน
FCMS München GmbH
ธ.ค., 2012 - ก.ย., 2018
5 ปี, 9 เดือน
Complete Car Body and Individual Components Analysis (Static Analysis, Frontal Impact Test, Side Impact Test, Rear Impact Test, Occupant Protection, Pedestrian Protection, Modal and Vibration Analyzes, NVH)
Components Optimization into a loop with Optimizer (OptiStruct, Optimus, OptiSlang, LS Opt and Hyperstudy), Pre-processor (ANSA, Hypermesh), Solver (MSC Nastran, LS Dyna, PamCrash, Abaqus) and a geometry creator (FCM, Catia V5 ). Topologie optimization of car parts.
ธ.ค., 2012 - ก.ย., 2018
5 ปี, 9 เดือน
Ecole centrale de Nantes
2009 - 2011
2 ปี
MSc Computational Mechanics
2009 - 2011
2 ปี
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore
2000 - 2004
4 ปี
BSc Mechanical Engineering
2000 - 2004
4 ปี
LS Dyna Modelling and Connections Techniques
DYNAmore GmbH Stuttgart Germany
Meshing and connections in Hypermesh
Altairs Engineering Munich Germany
Optimization of structural components
ISKO Engineers GmbH München Germany
The two day training in Optimus, a structural components optimization for automotive industry.