• Front end developer with 5 years of experience in HTML5 / CSS / JavaScript.
• Creation of web ads (HTML5 banners) using HTML, CSS and Javascript.
• Programming and Scripting: HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, Python.
• JavaScript libraries: React, Redux, Node, Next, Vue, Typescript, Express, GreenSock.
• Production: Amazon Web Services.
• Tools: Visual Studio Code, WordPress Elementor.
• Database: Firebase realtime, MongoDB.
• Version control system: Git/GitHub.
Customer: Callahan Creek, Cruise critic, Dow Jones, Horizon media, Katalys, Viant, New York Times newspaper and its clients.
Tasks performed:
● Development rich media ADs replicating the design delivered by the client.
● Upload and editing ADs per client’s feedback.
● Export the assets delivered mostly in .psd files or other Adobe programs.