? ? ? ? i am a chemistry major... With? some help I would like to create a solution maual software that can solve a bunch of? general chemistry problem sets. It should be very easy to use and just involves the user to simply plug in their numbers and the answer coming out..
? ? ? Simple calculations involving mole ratio, stochiometry, simple calculation in thermodynamics etc....
? ? The point is these caluclations are tedious and will like to have it done with the help of a simplesoftware.
## Deliverables
? i would like to know before hand whether this project is realistic or not... I would use this software to solve general chemistry problems (if necessary i would direct you to the actual chemistry? website so that? you can? see these problems ). The problems are basicallly the same but only? they change the figures to the question or the formula of the compound. These problems are fixed and will like you to create the software based on these certain problems.
? ? ? ? ? ? Since i am a chemistry major myself, i would like to work closely with you in solvving these problems if the case arise.
? ? ? ? ? ? Looking forward to your response...If there is any confusion please let me know so that i can explain myself more clearly.
? You definitely seem like the right man for this job