1: Insurance Verification:
Talking with different Insurances to get the patient's plan benefit, maximum, deductible, history, and all the required information for the Providers. Also AOBs for the provider.
2: Claim Submission:
Filing the timely calim to the insurance by attaching the necessary information if needed i.e X_Rays, Narrative, Chart Notes, Perio-Charting, etc.
3: Account Receivables Managements:
In here, tracing the denials reasons, resolving the rejected claims, appealing to the insurance for the denials, Aging of the patients, dispute against underpayments, credit balance, refunds and recoupments are the part of the services which are provided at the best level.
4: Payment Posting:
ERA/EOB/EFT payments posting in the patient's account, adjustments, overpaid and underpaid claims managment and accurating the patient's ledger are tha parts of this service.
5: Patient Billing:
Generating the Statements and Invoices and sending them to the patients for the copays, deductibles and co-insurance. Negotiating and explaining the patient's responsibility in detail
6: Appointment Scheduling:
Recieving the patients' call, checking the schedules, getting the information about the insurance and giving them an appropriate slots.
7: Prior-Authorizations, Pre-Determinations & Pre-Estimations:
Negotiating with the different Payers for the Authorization for the treatment and their payment plan for the treatment