Create a SQL query for Postgres to get latest two rows for every foreign key

กำลังดำเนินการ โพสต์แล้ว 3 ปีที่ผ่านมา ชำระเงินเมื่อจัดส่ง
กำลังดำเนินการ ชำระเงินเมื่อจัดส่ง

Hello all,

I have three tables that need to be joined and then get 2 or more entries as result. I have already created the query for getting one result per id of one table.

Select [login to view URL] as project_id, [login to view URL], [login to view URL], responsible, status, workedtimelastthreemonth, jtbd, achievements, [login to view URL] as projectupdate_id, roadblock, progressupdate, nextsteps, milestones, created_at from devprojects_scheme RIGHT JOIN (

SELECT project_id, COALESCE(sum(upper(tsrange(starttime,endtime)) - lower(tsrange(starttime,endtime)))*userhourweight.cost_weight*0.01, interval '0 minute')

as workedtimelastthreemonth from tasks

left join userhourweight on tasks.user_name=userhourweight.user_name

WHERE starttime >= current_date - interval '3' month

and starttime < current_date GROUP BY project_id, userhourweight.cost_weight

) as d on [login to view URL] = d.project_id

left join (

select distinct on (project_id) * from projectupdates WHERE created_at IS NOT NULL

order by project_id, created_at desc

) as b on [login to view URL] = b.project_id

SQL PostgreSQL การบริหารฐานข้อมูล

หมายเลขโปรเจค: #30747575


3 ข้อเสนอ โปรเจกต์ระยะไกล ใช้งาน %project.latestActivity_relativeTime|แทนที่%



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€30 EUR ใน 1 วัน
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