Geofence in php
$30-100 USD
We need a collection php-scripts and web-pages bound together to allow the following functionality :
==> [url removed, login to view]
Purpose : A web page using html/js/php and google map v3 api to allow users to draw and mark
geofence graphically, which could be saved in the database.
the design of database could be made by the developer themeselves but, must follow the rules
of good database and normalization till 3NF.
Further database, must have three columns
id- PK
owner- Use Session in PHP and put and dummy numeric value.
dirty- By default its value should be false, if it is true; that record
is to be treated removed, in the application logic.
the type of geofence area which could be specified are:
- Rectangle
- Circle
- Polygon
- Line (a type of Polygon, with fixed thickness)
==> Write a class file in PHP, for handling database related transactions such as
insert,remove,update,search etc.
Write a function in the geofence class which would accept a pair of latitude,
and logitude, and depending on the fact that wether that point is located in the
geofence region or not, it will return true and false respectively.
==> [url removed, login to view]
Purpose: To list all the active(non-dirty) geofence, with some usefull attributes,link to [url removed, login to view](
which could display the geofence area graphically on map, using google map v3 api.),
[url removed, login to view](which would logically mark the geofence field dirty).
หมายเลขโปรเจค: #4630650