Branding Consultantsพร้อมรับจ้างในGambia
แสดงผล 3 รายการ
freelancer ที่ได้รับการสนับสนุน
การออกแบบภาพลักษณ์แบรนด์, Conversion Rate Optimization, การประมวลผลข้อมูล, Digital Marketing, การทำการตลาดด้วยอีเมลI am a digital marketing strategist with over 2+ years of experience working on digital platforms. I have successfully worked with over 15+ companies in my region and I have driven over 7,680 leads for my clients and you can be one of them. I am excited to be working with businesses to impact digital change. I use...I am a digital marketing strategist with over 2+ years of experience working on digital platforms. I have successfully worked with over 15+ companies in my region and I have driven over 7,680 leads for my clients and you can be one of them. I am excited to be working with businesses to impact digital change. I use digital media strategies and the results of competitive analysis, the study of digital trends, and specifics unique to your company. Advertising in different formats depending on your goals: more website traffic, boost brand awareness and increase leads. I am also able to help you determine which platforms will work best for your ad campaigns to see the best results. ย่อ
ว่าจ้าง Loxysings
I am a University student with a high enthusiasm for mathematics and chemistry. I have experience in teaching senior secondary grades. I also like doing business and marketing as i have my small scale business. I love to be a business agent, by advertising goods.I am a University student with a high enthusiasm for mathematics and chemistry. I have experience in teaching senior secondary grades. I also like doing business and marketing as i have my small scale business. I love to be a business agent, by advertising goods. ย่อ
ว่าจ้าง Mskmanjang
การตลาดพันธมิตร, การออกแบบภาพลักษณ์แบรนด์, การตลาดปริมาณมาก, Content Marketing, การทำการตลาดด้วยอีเมลcomputer sciencist having a strong desire for success,achievement and growth ambitious and persistentcomputer sciencist having a strong desire for success,achievement and growth ambitious and persistent ย่อ
ว่าจ้าง ritab8