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Usama H.
Robotics|AI |ML|DL|Computer vision|Embedded
$10 USD/oră
Pakistan (3:41 p.m.)
S-a alăturat pe iulie 25, 2016
$10 USD/oră
I am a Robotic & AI Engr & have done Bachelor's in Robotics (Mechatronics) & further MSc in Artificial Intelligence (Deep/ MAchine Learning)
I have gained a lot of experience in the following fields:-
- Deep Learning
- Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence
- Neural Networks (CNN, RNN , Reinforcement Learning, LSTM, GRU)
- Embedded Sys (Arduino & ESP 32)
- Robotic Modelling (UR5 Industrial Robot)
My work is now prominent in the field of Computer Vision, especially in making models for
- Abnormal Activity Detection for multiclassification problem
- Classification
- Detection
- Semantic Segmentation
- Labelling
- Object Detection
I have also implemented Image Processing Techniques include:-
- Image Enhancement.
- Image Restoration
- Image Compression
- Binary / Multi Thresholding
- Dilation
- Erosion
In Machine Learning my experience is in forecasting/ prediction
- Linear / Logistic Regression
- Supervised/unsupervised
I can make Mobile App using these Computer Vision Model after conversion to TFlite models using MetaDATA format
Besides these I have done projects using multiple sensors especially in Arduino & ESP
- Finger Print Door Lock unlock attendance system
- Smart Blind Stick using IoT Cloud & Mobile Wifi Application
- ESP 32 CAM face recognition (sending Image Histogram via serial comm)
So, waiting for something new & exciting