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Temur K.
Blockchain | NFT Marketplace | ICO | Dapp | Web |
$25 USD/oră
Pakistan (2:05 p.m.)
S-a alăturat pe august 12, 2021
$25 USD/oră
I'm a senior blockchain engineer with a professionally-proven background in the blockchain industry. Experienced with all stages of the development cycles for dynamic blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFTs, and Decentralized Exchange projects. I am highly proficient in multiple programming languages, including Solidity, Rust, Smart Contracts, Graph QL, React, and Typescript. Exceptional experience in project management, customer relationship management, and technical consulting.
I am working as a freelance blockchain consultant. With experience in designing architecture, proficiency in working on Solidity, Rust, Truffle, etc. I provide my valuable insight to any who approach me. With many successful blockchain projects under my belt, I have the experience of providing simple solutions to complex problems.
mar., 2019 – Prezent
5 ani, 10 luni
Business Development Manager
dec., 2018 – Prezent
6 ani, 1 lună
Pixelette Technoligies.UK
dec., 2018 - Prezent
6 ani, 1 lună
• Leading sales and client relationships, strategizing long term goals, developing a new partnership for the expansion and proliferation of the business
• Played a pivotal role in the creation of the amazing marketing tool “The Marketing Zeus.”
• Devising efficient marketing and communication strategies to amplify the company’s outreach in order to generate more leads and increase the number of company’s clients
• Ensure a high lead conversion rate to booster my clients’ revenue
dec., 2018 – Prezent
6 ani, 1 lună
dec., 2018 – Prezent
6 ani, 1 lună
Pixelette Technologies.Pak
dec., 2018 - Prezent
6 ani, 1 lună
• Supervised overall business activities, managed budgets, developed business strategies and monitored the working of all teams to ensure efficiency and timely work.
• Established policies, managed the company’s staff for the effective accomplishment of the company’s goals and objectives
• Interacting with all the teams to maintain the highest quality of output
• Involved in quality assurance network actively for smooth achievement of operations
dec., 2018 – Prezent
6 ani, 1 lună
University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
2011 - 2014
3 ani
Master of Philosophy - MPhil
2011 - 2014
3 ani
University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
2005 - 2010
5 ani
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Field Of Study Veterinary MedicineGrade3.5
2005 - 2010
5 ani
Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional
Issued 2020
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