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Maria Eugenia D.
It Consultant
$24 USD/oră
Venezuela (11:27 a.m.)
S-a alăturat pe noiembrie 10, 2017
$24 USD/oră
Consultant with 20 years’ experience. I have participated in major projects completed on time and within cost and expected quality. Great experience in the implementation of new technologies, especially in the areas of collaborative work platforms (electronic libraries or document management , email , instant messaging, virtual workstations , gateways, etc. ) Ability to design and implement new collaborative work environments, introduction of new technologies into the business processes , management of change processes , situations of uncertainty and transition processes associated with implementation .
Coordination & Execution. Optimization of existing processes using new tools implemented. Management of the change process associated with implementation. Conceptual Model Design with its corresponding short, medium and long term Implementation Plan. Management Digital Content Projects. Counseling / deployment of collaborative platforms.
mai, 2003 – Prezent
21 ani, 8 luni
Network / Email Specialist
feb., 1996 - dec., 2002
6 ani, 10 luni
Intesa (PDVSA)
feb., 1996 - dec., 2002
6 ani, 10 luni
Responsible for the operation and maintenance of PDVSA networks, portals Infrastructure, as well as managing projects involving the inclusion/expansion of existing services. Websphere Portal Implementation.
Project Leader of Intesa Email migration to Microsoft Exchange. Project Leader for Email Disaster Recovery environment.
feb., 1996 - dec., 2002
6 ani, 10 luni
Diplomado en Marketing Digital
2018 - 2019
1 an
2018 - 2019
1 an
Universidad Católica Andrés Bello
1990 - 1994
4 ani
Master Business Administration
1990 - 1994
4 ani
Universidad Simón Bolívar
1983 - 1988
5 ani
Computer Engineer
1983 - 1988
5 ani
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Websphere Portal Admin
IBM Corp
IBM Websphere Portal Administration Certified Professional
Certified Lotus Professional Admin
IBM Corp
Lotus Administration Certified
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