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Farhan A.
Software developer, IoT Engineer and 3D Designer
$35 USD/oră
Pakistan (1:12 p.m.)
S-a alăturat pe mai 29, 2006
$35 USD/oră
I am professional developer, and have been in this field for last 20 years. Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Industrial Automation and Mobile App. development are core components of my job.
I have rewritten this endorsement several times to ensure I get it right.... Farhan A is undoubtedly one the most experienced, competent and professional coders I have come across in my 10 years+ of hiring (starting with Scriptlance +/- 13 years ago). Farhan A is 'old school' in that manner. He has been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt. I have further work lined up...