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Debadi R.
16 + Yr | AIML |PHP |Python |MERN |Laravel
$15 USD/oră
India (3:24 a.m.)
S-a alăturat pe octombrie 11, 2019
$15 USD/oră
Laravel, AI/ML, ChatGPT, Image Processing, OpenAI, CakePHP, MERN, React, Flutter, MySQL, Google Analytics API, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, Python, Django,
Along with development, I also show my interest in various phase of the project life cycle like
- Requirement gathering
- System analysis and Architecture design
- Database Design
- Complete execution, task assignment and follow up.
- Responsible for code base modules that subordinate developers can reuse.
- Team Co-ordination.
Expert into following domain based Project
❏ eCommerce
❏ Saas Development
❏ Edtech
❏ Fintech
❏ Healthtech
❏ Real Estate
❏ Business Operation and Business Intelligence