Yellow pages data input methodproiecte
This paper aims to evaluate the performance obtained by the V-BLAST detection algorithm in MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) systems. The simulations will be performed by writing lines of code in the Matlab simulation environment. Consider a MIMO system in a configuration with 2 transmitting antennas and 2 receiving antennas (2x2) MIMO) when a random string of bits will be transmitted, with and without the V-BLAST detection algorithm implemented. The performance of the proposed system will be tested through scenarios in which the number of active users at a given time in the network will vary, different modulation techniques will be used (BPSK, QPSK) when the channel is affected by different types of fading (Rayleigh, Rice ) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) using real sp...
Dorim o colaborare pentru finalizarea intr-un termen scurt a unui proiect de parametrizare 3D a structurilor de caroserii pentru vehicule comerciale in programul SolidWorks. Cautam o persoana cu o vasta experienta in acest domeniu care ne poate ajuta sa scurtam timpul necesar pentru finalizarea proiectului pe care noi l-am inceput. Aceasta persoana trebuie sa cunoasca si sa solutioneze pos...ajuta sa scurtam timpul necesar pentru finalizarea proiectului pe care noi l-am inceput. Aceasta persoana trebuie sa cunoasca si sa solutioneze posibilitatea de proiectare a structurilor ce presupun foarte multe interconditionari si care ar trebui sa poata genera doar prin modificarea catorva parametri intr-un tabel Excel, generarea a catorva milioane de proiecte individuale in functie de datele de ...
Am nevoie de o implementare a unei baze de date in Oracle (PLSQL) in niste formulare de input realizate in Visual Studio (Windows Forms). La momentul de fata formularele nu fac nimic, si as dori ca dupa completarea campurilor din formular si apasarea butonului de introducere a datelor, acestea sa fie introduse in database in table-ul respectiv.
Buna sunt studenta la Facultatea de inginerie medicala . Anul acesta dau licenta si m am cam impotmolit la partea practică si ma gandeam ca poate ma poti ajuta. Trebuie sa fac o aplicatie care sa preia date din input mqtt si sa le duca prin telegraf la output influxdb. Iar in final sa afișează prin grafana.
Buna Alexandru, As vrea sa iti ofer un proiect foarte mic care isi doreste sa digitalizeze un proces din calculul normelor de timp din domeniu silvicultura. Normele sunt definite de niste relatii matemeatice intre un set de date pe care utilizatorul le va introduce si un set de date stabilite de norme tehnice. Vom avea nevoie de o interfata grafica minimalista in care sa facem input si o metoda de a pastra datele fixe. M-as bucura daca am putea sta de vorba ca sa iti dau mai multe detalii.
...nivelul organizației. (5) Pentru a materializa relația cu piața sunt necesare parteneriate cu furnizorii. Prezentați modul în care utilizați resursele și care sunt acestea. Proiectați (sub forma unei scheme) un lanț de aprovizionare. Explicați cum vă alegeți furnizorii și cum monitorizați relația cu aceștia. (6) Prezentați un flux informațional sumar pornind de la următoarele componente: input (furnizori, procese organizaționale), output (relația cu piața, cunoaștere, învățare, document) în cadrul organizației Dvs.. (7) Stabiliți care este raportul dintre lider – manager și între eficiență – eficacitate în cadrul organizației. (8) Având în vedere că la nivelul oricărei organizații diversitatea reprezintă un potenți...
...Totodata, cu datele preluate din api, facute anumite automatisme, cum ar fi: Method 2nd Half: bet on a team after X matches in a row without more goals in the 2nd half Method +1.5 goals: bet on a team after X matches in a row with less than 2 goals Method +0.5 goal: bet on a team after X matches in a row ending with a 0-0 Method +0.5 goal team: bet on a team after X matches in a row without scoring a goal Method +0.5 goal HT: bet on a team after X matches in a row with 0-0 at half-time Method LAY THE DRAW: bet on a team after X draws in a row Method BTTS: bet on a team after X matches in a row where both teams did not score Method NON BTTS: bet on a team after X matches in a row where both teams scored Method Top S...
● Python programming combines or individually, at least 6 of Facilities: - use of lists and dictionaries, including the necessary method; - use of sets and tuples, including the method required; - defining and calling functions; - use of conditional structures; - use of repetitive structures; - import a csv or json file into the pandas package; - accessing by place and place; - modification of the measures in the pandas package; - group functions; - treatment of missing values; - deleting columns and records; - statistical processing, grouping and aggregation of data in the pandas package; - processing of data sets with joining / joining; - graphic representation of the after with the matplotlib package; - use of the scikit-learning package (clustering, logisti...
Salut, Am un site in wordpress + woocommerce + tema porto si doresc modificarea paginii checkout. Pagina formularului de checkout contine 3 pasi (collapse). Modificarile sunt urmatoarele: 1. Daca un pas este activ nu vreau ca in momentul cand dau click pe titlu, sa se restranga vreau sa ramana vizibil. ... Cand apas butonul inainte sau cand dau click pe titlul pasului urmator, mai intai vreau sa se valideze anumite campuri pentru pasul curent. De exemplu daca la pasul cu date facturare nu am introdus adresa, nume, telefon, sa nu treaca la pasul urmator cu date livrare. 3. Campurile care sunt obligatorii si nu au fost completate vreau sa li culoarea fundalului de input, culoarea border si un text sub input (acest camp este obligatoiu). Am vazut un exemplu cum as vrea sa...
I need a Tamper monkey script that will do the following: Please ensure you watch the video in full before replying to me. This task is urgent, I will expect it watch the video in full before replying to me. This task is urgent, I will expect it to be completed inside 2-3 hours. If you are confident you can complete this up to the task, let me know and I will authorise a project for you. Finished Product Requirements: - Do exactly as explained in the video - Ability to select invoices using tick box and click "Delete" - No additional command or input required from the user - Be written in an approved platform (ie Tampermonkey) - Work 100% Please ensure you understand these requirements before commencing work.
Asa cum am discutat, am nevoie de un logo pentru brandul Kiosk. Specificatiile mai jos: - o varianta cu yellow green gradient spre bluegreen - un fel de turquoise -o varianta cu yellow orange gradient spre red -o varianta Alb pe negru si negru pe alb sau 3D gradient mai jos sunt cateva modele as vrea cf imaginii de mai jos sa faceti in stanga logo-ului o imagine grafica cu trei monitoare suprapuse si o manuta care le atinge . fa una dintre variante cu text - Skip the line! si restul fara. Fontul nu stiu sa ti-l spun... as vrea sa fie evidente literele. Va las pe voi sa alegeti.
Fisierul care vrem sa-l traducem e aici (are 66 Mb): Trebuie tradus de la pagina 1-21, fara pagina 18 (dupa numerotarea din partea de jos a paginilor). PDF-ul contine paginile ca si imagin si nu e disponibil in format text. Avem nevoie de traducere pana Luni 29/7.
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...resursele și care sunt acestea. Proiectați pe scurt un lanț de aprovizionare și distribuție. (5) În cadrul organizației dumneavoastră apare o problemă. Definiți problema și găsiți căile de rezolvare utilizând modelul lui Simon (cunoașterea problemei, alegere opțiuni, luarea deciziei, monitorizare, control și evaluare). (6) Stabiliți un flux informațional sumar pornind de la următoarele componente: input (furnizori, procese organizaționale), output (relația cu piața, cunoaștere, învățare, document). (7) Stabiliți care este raportul dintre lider și manager și între eficiență și eficacitate în cadrul organizației. (8) Având în vedere că la nivelul oricărei organizații diversitatea reprezintă un potențial uriaș, iar cultura organizațională s...
Buna ziua, Sunt in cautarea unei persoane experte in Microsoft Office 365 Modern Sharepoint - Enteprise Edition pe partea de landing page, creare Pagini, creare Site assets, Libraries etc. Am nevoie ca acest expert sa petreaca cu mine timp virtual si sa ma ghideze in ceea ce am nevoie sa fac de la distanta dupa ora 7 PM Ora Romaniei timp de 2-3 ore si in wekend pentru un internal mai mare. Momentan lucrez ca sa tranzitionez un Portal al unei companii mari de la Old Sharepoint la Modern Sharepoint si am nevoie de un trainer care sa ma ajute sa ridic pagini, conitnut etc.
Salutare, Am nevoie de cineva sa-mi adauge mai multe input-uri drop-down atat in baza de date cat si afisarea lor in pagini. Mai multe detalii pe privat. O zi buna
Am nevoie de un plugin/extensie woocommerce pentru 2checkout care sa aiba niste pagini custom (facute de mine in photoshop). Se poate lucra pe un plugin deja existent, ma intereseaza sa aiba interfata si optiunile pe care o sa le precizez. Doar persoane calificate va rog. Multumesc
Salut, Lucrez la un proiect in Simulink/Matlab si anume a Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm (P&O method) with a Boost Converter for a Solar PV . Am facut simularea dar rezultatele nu sunt conform cu ce ar trebuii sa dea. Astept un raspuns sa vorbim mai multe despre pret, timp si exact despre ce este proiectul. Multumesc, Dragos
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Optimise Opencart For Better Loading Of Pages'
Cea mai noua oferta de lucru! Foarte multi oameni s-au convins de seriozitatea noastra! NU este necesara niciun fel de experienta! Oferim curs gratuit si complet de instruire de la zero! Selectam urgent dezvoltatori de proiect pentru piata nationala si mondiala. Plata castigurilor realizate este garantata prin contract legal. Se lucreaza part-time (in timpul liber) sau full-time, la alegere. Cerem seriozitate maxima si dorinta de a invata ceva absolut nou si de viitor.
Doresc sa adaug posibilitatea platii prin SMS pe un website (offline, fara redirectionare pe site-ul mobilpay), dupa cum urmeaza: 1. vizitatorul acceseaza pagina de detalii produs 2. se afiseaza mesajul: "pentru a descarca acest produs, trimite un sms cu textul X la numarul Y si introdu mai jos codul prim...posibilitatea platii prin SMS pe un website (offline, fara redirectionare pe site-ul mobilpay), dupa cum urmeaza: 1. vizitatorul acceseaza pagina de detalii produs 2. se afiseaza mesajul: "pentru a descarca acest produs, trimite un sms cu textul X la numarul Y si introdu mai jos codul primit pe telefon." 3. vizitatorul trimite sms-ul, primeste pe telefon un cod, il introduce intr-un input text, apasa pe butonul de langa input si daca se valideaza codul se pr... of the book (e-book). The book is in Romanian language for now. It will be in English too, after about one month. But, for now, I want you to sell it in Romania. You will get 50% of the money for each book (also each e-book) sold by you. The book’s price is 25$, and the e-book’s price is 17$. I mention that I have a site (where the buyer can purchase an item); also if you have a better method or a better site through which the book can be sold, we can discuss. You will also get a 10$ bonus if you sell 20 books (e-books). This project is for 20 books sold by you. The book is called "Immortality" and you can discover the secret of immortality if you read this book. The book has been kept secret for a while but now I want it to be released to the public...
Este vorba despre un proiect in mathlab. Cred ca tu intelegi mult mai bine ceea ce se cere de la acest proiect. Nu vreau ceva complicat , doresc doar o simpla aplicatie.
Buna, am nevoie de putin ajutor. Ma intereseaza partea tehnica SEO, nu pentru cuvinte cheie, vreau doar tehnic sa fie OK Adica, , sitemap, social bookmark, chestii de genu :) Ce parere ai?
Hello, I want to encrypt and decrypt FORM strings and POST to page. Salut, Doresc sa criptez si sa decriptez FORM-urile apoi sa POST-ez catre pagina. Exemple/Exemplu FORM: <H1>Create new paste</H1><br/> <form method="POST" action="/add" role="form"> <div class="form-group">Title: <input type="text" name="title" class="form-control" /></div> <div class="form-group">Paste: <textarea cols="50" rows="15" name="paste" class="form-control"></textarea></div> Hidden: <input type="checkbox" name="hidden" value="on" /><br/><br/> <i...
...OpenCart/joomla/drupal care sa fie importata in baza de date deja existenta din una din software-urile enumerate. 3. Funcionalitati: Aplicatia va permite selectarea tipului de input (domeniu web sau document). Sursa poate sa fie multipla astfel in cat sa se poata faca o agregare a informatiilor din mai multe surse intr-o singura sursa configurabila. 3.1 Accepta ca input: - 1 sau mai multe domenii - 1 sau mai multe documente de tip: xls, csv, PDF 3.2 Salveaza datele culese in DbMysql pentru verificare, aprobare, operatii ce se vor desfasura intr-un frontweb Bootstrap. 3.3 O data agregata informatia ea trebuie salvata in baza de date pentru : - Afisare in vederea validarii traducerii; - Aprobare in vederea importului...
Buna, Am nevoie de un report in Engleza de vreo 30 pag. pe un topic in nisa break-ups / relationships advice. Am un outline detaliat + surse de referinta sa iti fie munca mai usoara. Poti sa-mi dai te rog un pret si timp de livrare ? Nu trebuie formatat, doar raw text. Mersi, Costin
i have one wordpress site,need to fix some bugs: 1. search function in homepage(need make it work as the header search) 2. product sub-category listing page, the pagination do not work properly,and product pagination is not working find(page 9-13 no product,but still display the page number on the bottom),need to fix it. 3. product details page, do not display some descriptions which i have input from the admin it display in the place of product details page 4. product listing page, need one line title + one line description down of the product image
Am nevoie de 5 pagini traduse din Engleza in Romana. Traducerea trebuie sa aiba diacriticele necesare. Deadline: 24 de ore din momentul acordarii proiectului. Este un text rocket science. Buget de 3$ pe pagina. Happy bidding!
Am nevoie de un layout eu iti explic cum il vreau si tu il executi in CSS/HTML5 si probabil ai nevoie de jquery umpic. Este static nu dynamic nu php, doar layoutul pentru un site de poze cu select de categorii, si un search input etc
...that requires signed JWTs for authentication. Analyze the target system's logic to understand its signing requirements. Implement a solution to generate valid JWTs based on the system's structure and expected behavior, bypassing any dependency on direct private key access. The script should include: JWT header generation (e.g., alg: RS256, typ: JWT, kid: key ID). Payload creation based on specific input requirements. Signature generation to match the target API's expectations. Key Deliverables: A fully functional PHP script that produces valid, signed JWTs accepted by the target API. A concise explanation of the approach and methods used to simulate the signing mechanism. Additional Details: This project is for research purposes and requires a strong understandin...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to help with my GoPro footage. Each project will consist of editing one YouTube and one Instagram video. Key Requirements: - Editing YouTube and one Instagram video. Key Requirements: - Editing style should be fast-paced and energetic to match the footage. - Incorporate slow motion highlights at appropriate moments. - Seamlessly implement transitions and cuts to maintain a smooth flow. - Perform color grading to enhance the visual appeal. Also, please add: - Suitable background music (I'll provide some options, but your input is welcome) to keep the energy up. Ideal skills for this job include experience with action videos editing, expertise in software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro, daVinci and a good sense f...
...Revisions & Feedback Process Set expectations about how many revisions are included and the process for providing feedback. Ensure that you both agree on how many rounds of edits are allowed and what constitutes a final version. 8. File Management & Delivery Agree on the format in which the final videos will be delivered (e.g., 1080p, 4K, etc.). Make sure they’re comfortable with your file-sharing method, whether it’s through Google Drive, Dropbox, or another platform. 9. Confidentiality & Copyright If relevant, clarify copyright and intellectual property ownership. Consider using an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) if the content is sensitive. 10. Trial Period Consider starting with a trial video to assess their skills and determine if they’re a good ...
I'm seeking a skilled civil engineer for a US-based project. Scope include working on storm water pollution control plans and other relevant things Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in civil engineering - Ability to provide site planning and structural analysis services - Knowledge and experience in permit acquisition - Excell...control plans and other relevant things Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in civil engineering - Ability to provide site planning and structural analysis services - Knowledge and experience in permit acquisition - Excellent communication skills for potential collaboration on project specifics Please note, as of now, there are no existing plans or blueprints for this project. Your input in planning and design will...
...and easy to remember. 2. Bold & Visible: Should be visually striking and instantly recognizable from a distance. Flexible Usage: 1. Icon-only version for social media or app profile pictures. 2. Font-only version for banners or headers. 3. Combined version (Icon + Font) for primary branding. Color Palette: Use colors that are: Bright and easily visible during the day (e.g., bold red, blue, or yellow). Contrast well for clear visibility at night. Eye-catching yet not overwhelming (consider inspiration from Domino’s or McDonald’s branding). Concept Suggestions: A circle or round logo for balance and ease of use across platforms. Minimalistic wheat-inspired elements or abstract shapes that symbolize simplicity and freshness. A modern, clean font for the brand name...
...time. Key Objectives: Secure Licensing Mechanism: Develop a licensing model that ties the software to a specific user or machine. Unique User Binding: Implement a binding method, such as using the MAC address, to ensure the license is linked to a specific machine or user account. Usage Restriction: Restrict each user to one active instance at a time. License Management: Provide an admin panel or API for managing licenses, including issuing, revoking, and monitoring usage. Deliverables: Licensing System Design: A plan outlining the licensing mechanism, security measures, and user binding method. Software Integration: Integrate the licensing system into our existing software. Admin Panel: A management interface for tracking and controlling lice...
Position Title: Data Entry Operator ChatGPT 4o mini Log in You said: Create a job description of data entry operator and it's eligibility and per hour rate in 1000 words ChatGPT said: ChatGPT Job Description: Data Entry Operator Position Title: Data Entry Operator Job Location: [Insert Location] Department: [Insert Department] Reports to: [Insert Supervisor/Manager] Employment Type: [Full-Time/Part-Time/Contract] Working Hours: [Insert Working Hours] Salary: [Insert Salary Range] Per Hour Rate: [Insert Per Hour Rate] Job Code: [Insert Job Code] Overview: We are seeking a diligent, efficient, and detail-oriented Data Entry Operator to join our growing team. The primary responsibility of the Data Entry Operator is to accurately input, ...
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I'm looking for someone to help me with manual data entry from web pages. This is a straightforward task, but it requires attention to detail and the ability to follow instructions carefully. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in manual data entry - Familiar with web data extraction - Detail-oriented - Able to follow instructions accurately
I need assistance in promoting the FIFA WORLD WhatsApp channel to an international audience, with a focus on soccer fans. The primary method of promotion will be email marketing.
Seeking a dedicated tutor for my young student who is just starting to navigate the world of addition and subtraction. The preferred teaching method involves written exercises. Key Requirements: - Expertise in teaching basic math, specifically addition and subtraction, to beginners. - Experience in creating and implementing engaging written exercises. - Patience and understanding to work with a very young learner. - Ability to track progress and adapt teaching methods accordingly. - Good communication skills to keep me updated on the student's progress. Let's work together to make math a fun and rewarding experience for my child.
I'm looking for a designer to create a minimalistic logo and slogan for my brand. Key Requirements: - Expertise in design - Experience with logo creation - Ability to craft a catchy slogan Please note, the color scheme for the logo will be neutral tones. I have not yet determined the specific shades, so your input will be appreciated. I would like the final product to be sleek, simple, and easy to recognize. While I do not yet have a specific message for the slogan, I am open to suggestions. Your creativity and marketing insight will be crucial in this aspect. Skills and Experience Needed: - Graphic Design - Branding - Copywriting for Slogan Creation
I need help purchasing 2 Ghost Soundcheck Experience ticket package to BoywithUke's concert in Boston, MA on May 6, 2025. I keep on getting the error message "This sale link is not valid", and I’m unable to find an alternative method to purchase the tickets. This is the link to the ticketing website: Ideal Skills: - Excellent communication skills - Experience with purchasing concert tickets on AXS website
I'm seeking a designer for a unique clothing brand logo that is bold and colorful, with a text-only, handwritten style. Key Aspects: - The logo sho...appealing to a wide audience. - The text-only design should utilize a handwritten style, adding a personal and unique touch. - Modern and minimalistic is not the direction for this brand; the logo should be striking and vibrant. - Bright Yellow on black would be awesome - we are a young australian company looking to grow into the fields of motorsports and sports in general Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design and logo creation. - Experience with bold and colorful designs. - Ability to create unique handwritten style typography. - Bright Yellow on black would be awesome Please provide a portfolio showcasi... TASK 1: •Improve & enhance my existing design. •The current flow, frame, & layout must remain the same (do not rearrange or restructure). •Elevate the visual & the aesthetic appeal of existing design - it now looks good, please make it go to great/amazing. TASK 2: •Provide me with 2 color palette options. Primary color: Blue (various mix & match blue shades). Accent colors: Green or yellow (unless you can make other colors look good). Both (two) options primary colors must be blue (various mix & match shades of blue). NOTES: •I am attaching my Figma file of my current design for your work. •I will select not just 1 designer, but i will select & pay 2 or 3 designers if i receive more than one improved &...
I'm seeking a professional graphic designer to create a unique logo and matching business cards for my company. The logo should incorporate a specific slogan or tagline, which will be provided upon project commencement. The ideal candidate would have: - A strong portfolio of modern, minimalist designs - Excellent ...portfolio of modern, minimalist designs - Excellent communication skills to understand and implement feedback - Experience in creating designs for print, particularly business cards - A good understanding of branding and how to create a cohesive visual identity Although I haven't yet determined specific colors or styles, I am open to suggestions and would appreciate a designer who can provide creative input. Please include relevant samples from your portfol...
...wyświetlanie rozbieżności SMT z wybranego interwału czasowego (TF) oraz obsługę specyficznych par aktywów. Zakres prac: Dodanie opcji wyboru interwału czasowego (TF): Wskaźnik powinien umożliwiać użytkownikowi wybranie, czy chce wyświetlać rozbieżności SMT z bieżącego interwału czasowego (np. 5m), czy z wyższego interwału (np. 15m, 1h, 4h). Wybór interwału powinien być dostępny w ustawieniach wskaźnika (input selector). Użytkownik będzie mógł wybrać jedną z opcji: Rozbieżności z bieżącego interwału. Rozbieżności z wyższego, określonego przez użytkownika interwału. Obsługiwane pary aktywów: Wskaźnik powinien działać na następujących parach aktywów: Indeksy: NQ (Nasdaq 100 Futures) vs ES (S&P 500 Futures) Kryptowaluty: BTC/USDT vs ETH/USDT...
... reference local gnomAD and ClinVar databases for allele frequencies and clinical significance, and output an annotated CSV or TSV file. Key Requirements - Must run locally without internet connectivity. - Incorporate local gnomAD and ClinVar data (no external API calls). - Support ANNOVAR or Ensembl VEP (developer can recommend which is more suitable for a fully offline workflow). - Capture essential variant details, including gene/transcript info, predicted impact, and any other relevant annotations from the chosen tool. Input/Output - Input: Standard whole-exome VCF file(s). - Output: Annotated variant file in CSV or TSV. Local Databases - Use local copies of gnomAD (population allele frequencies) and ClinVar (clinical significance). - Provide guidance/doc...
I need a freelancer who can split a PDF document into individual pages and save them with specific names derived from information included on the pages. The naming convention will be based on two numbers: the job # and the asset #. Key Requirements: - Split the PDF document into individual pages. - Rename each page using the specified format: job#_asset#.pdf - The job # and asset # can be found toward the top of the page. Ideal Skills: - PDF editing and manipulation. - Attention to detail to ensure accurate naming. - Experience in working with large documents.
...contain several entities, respectively. Viewmodels/DTO (at least 5 - do not count entities from the entity Framework Core or from identity, nor errorviewModel). At least one interconnection of entities through a foreign key must be defined. Creation of the "admin" area, in which the controllers and View will be stored to manage all items in the admin database (Admin will be able to manage the user's data, but will not be allowed to change hash of passwords). Editing items and upload images must also be implemented in the item management. The server validation (but also the client) will be resolved. Including one of your own validation attribute (ie one you created yourself!). The user registration and login -> a total of at least 2 rolls (admin, customer/client,...