Wow realm list directoryproiecte
Te rog să mă ajuți cu o aplicație android și un server node
Caut sa faca o aplicatie android tip to do list numita EUROBASGAZ, aceasta aplicatie o sa fie folosita de USER Master pentru a introduce comenzile primite de la clienti. Basuc user Master, Stefan, Alin, Ionut, Petrica si Cristi astia o sa fie useri normali. 1. Aplicatia va rula pe un server vps virgin ce trebuie configurat. 2. seteaza direct useri si parolele dupa cum urmeaza Basuc 8C@aractere Stefan nastas@ Alin mog@ Ionut b@diu Petrica c1rnu Cristi com@n 2. Din aplicatie se vor suna clienti cu Twilio. ‼️ userii normali nu trebuie sa vada numerele de telefon ale clientilor 3. la pornirea aplicatiei sa avem doua casute de introducere text , una pentru introducere Nume si folosita pentru a intorduce username si a doua numita Parola pentru a introduce password . su...
I need to convert to htaccess I use 2 domains, a main domain, a secondary domain, both domains have the same home directory. The rules are: Any request of the type (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file All requests to * go to * I have attached the original nginx files Other information on request. ====================================== Trebuie să convertesc în htaccess Eu folosesc 2 domenii, un domeniu principal, un domeniu
Buna Andreea conform discutiei avute :)
Salut! Caut un scriptele pentru un server de FiveM care sa îl fac cadou la cel mai bun prieten al meu! Nu am un buget destul de mare cât sa cer sa se facă un server wow! Dar aștept niște oferte pentru un sever decent! Multumesc’
Salutare, sunt interesat de crearea unui website care vreau sa il folosesc in interes personal nu trebuie sa aiba nu stiu ce interfata sau sa arate wow. Descrierea este simpla eu sunt agent in asigurari si vreau sa imi anunt clientii prin sms-uri atunci cand le expira RCA-ul, ITP sau Rovinieta automat. Am sa va dau si un exemplu de website care face lucru asta se numeste Acest site scaneaza in mod automat in baza seriei de sasiu a masinii si trimite cele trei tipuri de notificari clientilor prin sms Va multumesc
Caut developerii care pot ajuta in scriptarea si intretinerea unui server de World of Warcraft Privat , Developeri cunoscatori de C++ , SQL(db) ,Acceptam si incepatori in acest tip de proiect . Pentru detalii lasati un tip de contact si va voi contacata, astfel ma puteti contacta prin intermediul Discord-ului : zydrax#0271 /
Doresc realizarea unui To Do list in google spreadsheets pentru organizarea task-urilor unei echipe. Sa includa un calendar, sa se poata repartiza si tine evidenta de task-uri incepand la de 5 min pana la 2-3 ore.
Birou de proiectare CAD cu 5-6 utilizatori. Avem nevoie de un pic de ordine in retea: setare NAS, router, office 365, Azure Active Directory/retea PC-uri & imprimante.
Proiectul este crearea unui site de tip directory local cu prezentare firme si locuri de munca. Site-ul poate avea tema cumparata pentru a putea fi customizata. Locurile de munca rebuie sa apara ca sectiune separata dar cu filtre si link catre firmele din site. Site-ul trebuie sa aiba asigurat integrarea GDPR.
Proiectul consta in realizarea unui site in limba romana (Wordpress, Joomla, Html5, etc) care sa conțină o harta interactiva (vezi template: ) Pe harta se vor găsi anumite repere (voi da toate detaliile celui care va câștiga proiectul). Pentru exemplificare, asa cum este prezentat in templateurile de mai sus, sa consideram ca aceste repere sunt apartamente, case, terenuri, etc., grupate pe categorii (exact ca-n template). Cerinte - Localizarea automata si focusarea hartii in zona din care utilizatorul accesează pagina (oras) - Filtrare automata pe harta funcție de cerinte (pret, cuvant cheie, oras, etc. ) - Formular înregistrare + inregistrare
Am achizitionat de curand o tema de pe themeforest numita directory+ si as vrea sa-i aduc cateva modificari/completari. Trebuie mentionat ca tema este dotata cu un page builder extrem de usor de folosit si complet, setari seo pagina de administrare foarte bine pusa la punct, elemente vizuale cum ar fi bannere , butoane , icoane de diferite marimi cu sau fara text. Totul este inclus, trebuie doar puse in ordine. De asemenea trebuie mentionat ca site-ul se va baza in mare parte pe bannere ca si venit financiar, aceste detalii le vom discuta mai pe larg dupa inaintarea proiectului. DEtalii suplimentare in attach.
Avem doua proiecte pe care am avea nevoie de dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata ...dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custo...
Avem doua proiecte pe care am avea nevoie de dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centrali...dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom ...
1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor
Dezvoltare si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress ...baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET, C# - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza ...
Dezvoltare si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Tel...cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET, C# - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza ...
Dezvoltare si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress ...baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET, C# - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza ...
Avem doua proiecte pe care am avea nevoie de dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centrali...dezvoltare si mentenanta: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom ...
1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Infragistics mai modern 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor
Buna ziua, Avem nevoie de un e-catalog profesionist pentru compania Purple Business Partners. Pentru mai multe informatii despre firma va rugam sa accesati Dorim un design colorat cu efectul WOW. Va avea in jur de 35 de pagini, inca il definitivam. Dorim un design de pagini separate pentru prima pagina, categorie, subcategorie, ultima pagina. Avem un buget fix de 100 euro pentru acest proiect.
wow proiect, daca ai dorinta si aptitudini. te rog sa imi scrii, merci - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - ...
I'm seeking a focused list of businesses keen on investing in Real Estate Development projects, specifically equity deals. Exclusions include Banks and Debt partners. Key Requirements: - Businesses located in Australia with fewer than 200 staff members. - Current corporate titles of contacts should be: Managing Director, Managing Partner, Chief Investment Officer, Investment Director. - Companies associated with sectors like "Family Office", "Private Investment", "Wealth Management", or "Private Equity". - All contacts must possess a corporate email address. Verification Process: - Email addresses need to be verified via a third-party verification service, with confirmation of this sent to me. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in sourcing and...
...Canada, including permanent residents, refugees, and international students, by simplifying access to tailored credit products such as credit cards, loans, and mortgages, fostering financial stability and independence. The tool will integrate seamlessly with our existing Squarespace website and prioritize ease of use, accessibility, and responsiveness. The goal is to create an informational directory where users can search and filter through credit products offered by banks, credit unions, and others, accessing detailed product information. Product detail pages will open in new tabs, allowing users to continue exploring additional options. Key Features: * Search and Filters: - Filters based on financial goals (e.g. build credit history, own a car), product type (e.g. credit c...
Hello Sir, I am provide you with a complete solution for the SEO service With On-page & Off-page needs for your website. We always ab...setup) ➢ Google Search Console setup ➢ Robots Txt file Creation ➢ Site map xml setup ➢ Indexing Links ➢ Remove Broken Links ➢ Initial Links ➢ Boost Site speed ➢ Fix Redirection of site ⟹ Phase: 2 (Off Page SEO) ➢ High DA Links ➢ Web 2.0 submission & Setup ➢ High Profile Creation ➢ High Social Bookmarking ➢ Local Citation Submission ➢ Article Posting ➢ Guest Post ➢ Infographics Submission ➢ Directory Submission ➢ Blog Promotion ➢ Document Sharing/ PDF Creation ➢ Blog commenting ➢ Classified Ads Post ➢ Business Listing/ Local Listing Website Amount One site: 1350 INR Total Amount: 1350*3= 4050 Thank You!!
I need a price list sheet refined to a clean, professional standard. The design should be modern and minimalistic. Deliverables: - An EPS file with editable text, not converted to outlines - A design adhering to a modern, minimalistic style What I Don't Need: - A design based on specific color schemes or branding guidelines; I trust your discretion Ideal Skills: - Expertise in modern, minimalistic design - Proficiency in creating clean, professional layouts - Experience with EPS file creation in Adobe Illustrator or similar software Please note, the software preference was skipped, so your expertise in any design software is welcome. The price list sheet should be in portrait orientation. The design should use a sans-serif font. Organize the content using your disc...
...happen you click on it. 4: Directory: Goes to a list of organizations in the town that might contribute to the town's feed or events. 5: Discussions: These are similar to news items but are items for discussion. 6: News: These are news items just like any news platform. 7: Events: This is an additional path into the calendar system. 8: This is a summary of a news item. So the other image for the news item screen. 9: This is a calendar thumbnail of the town's events. Currently, if a day is clicked on, see the other image for the calendar list. 10: This is a call-to-action to encourage a person to submit an event or discussion item. The other call to actions are the 'join a discussion' button as well as the "List your Organiza...
... She understood that the true mapmakers were not those who charted the physical world, but those who charted the human heart, those who dared to venture into the uncharted territories of the soul. And she knew that the greatest adventure of all was the journey into the depths of the imagination, the exploration of the infinite possibilities that lay within each and every one of us. For in the realm of dreams, the only limit was the horizon of our own creativity, and the City of Shifting Sands would forever stand as a testament to the boundless power of the human imagination.... performance too if you think it would fly. I want and need feedback from a producer who gets this and is somewhat fearless. Can get pretty good interviewees. PLUS free, live consummate help to those who watch or listen to the Podcast AND a chance to be interviewed on camera, issues and all! Not only interviewed but ultimately put in the right direction for getting through it and even healing. Wow. Referrals to local professional therapists included of course. I’ll need remote interview capability bc most of my ‘show-clients’ are in NY for now. I’m licensed in NYS and still practicing. I have written several episodes already but prefer to wing-it in the moment things are revealed to create thrills and chills ? Key Responsibilities: - Content/Idea C...
I'm seeking a talented Sales Closer specializing in the Personal Development realm, particularly in the mindset segment. The ideal candidate will be instrumental in converting leads into sales during calls. Lead Generation: - Predominantly sourced from Social Media, specifically LinkedIn. - Commitment to ensuring leads show up for calls is crucial. Key Responsibilities: - Closing sales during calls with potential clients. - Focusing on the mindset segment of personal development. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in sales, particularly in the personal development niche. - Experience with LinkedIn as a lead generation platform. - Ability to ensure lead commitment to calls. The Leads must be ready to take action, the Leads need to know why they are on the call, for a...
I need a bold and eye-catching flyer that can grab the attention of p...scaled their family business to $20 Million annually utilizing Government and Corporate Contracts - And How You Can Partner with Him on New Deals in 2025." - Include the tax season message: "Just in time for tax season, Tracy Tate will highlight new updates for business owners for 2025 Tax filings. Learn the opportunities to partner and work with Tracy." - Co-host information: "Founder of Black Directory, Brian Morse". The flyer should emphasize opportunities to partner with the business owners and increase revenue. It should incorporate call-to-action phrases in an engaging way. Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, marketing knowledge, and experience with creating bold, ...
I need a freelancer with expertise in email marketing to create a clean and verified list of 15,000 targeted emails for my e-commerce sites selling POD t-shirts and women's jewelry. The aim is to reach married men looking to buy gifts for their wives or wealthy men shopping for girlfriends (ages 25+). The budget is $15. Looking forward to seeing positive results!
I have an Excel sheet containing sales data and I need help converting this information into a parts needed list. The parts list should be organized by dates of sales. Key requirements: - Identify individual components from sales data - Organize parts list by sales dates Ideal skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience with data analysis - Attention to detail
Need a sharp, smart, very exclusive people Team. Who can deliver a project very fast ? Here is what we are looking for. Not for fresher or avg quality people. Features & Functionalities for a diploma college 1) Multi-page Navigation: Homepage, Courses, Admissions, News, Events, Contact, Student Portal. 2) Search & Filters: Course search, faculty directory, blog search. 3) Forms & User Input: Contact form, application form, newsletter signup. 4) Chatbot / AI Assistant: AI-powered chatbot for student queries. 5) Live Events & Webinars Integration: YouTube Live, Zoom Integration. 6) Student Dashboard (Login System): Access to grades, class schedules, profile management. 7) sub-domain blog, sub-domain for emailer B) Essential Roles : UI/UX Designer...
I'm seeking a solution for my Windows system to ensure a specific USB device - a Zero Delay Arcade DIY KIT USB ENCODER PC TO JOYSTICK - always appears last in the Game Controllers USB list. This should be consistent across different USB ports, reboots, and system configurations. Key Requirements: - The device should always be identifiable by its position in the list, regardless of how or where it's plugged in. - If absolutely necessary, I'm open to installing additional software or drivers to achieve this goal, but I would prefer not to. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of Windows operating system. - Proficiency in USB device management. - Experience in software installation and system configuration. Prefer a software-based solution to ensure the device p...
We are looking for someone who will do the following. You will get an excelliste There you will find entries from 21435 rows Only columns A and B are relevant for you There you have to copy out the so-called HSN and TSN of the vehicle and enter them in a portal to identify the engine code of the vehicle. The engine code must then be entered in column H or, if there is more than one engine code, in column I and so on. Most vehicles have one engine code. To find out the HSN & TSN we will provide 3x websites where this can be done. The order is made in 2000 steps in milestones A second freelancer will check the integrity of the data. It must be 100% ensured that no errors are made. We will pay in milestones everytime 2000 entrys are provided and verified by a second freelancer valid...
I'm a part of a newly founded startup in the exciting realm of fantasy gaming. We're on the lookout for an experienced full stack developer to join our team for a mid-to-long term project. If you're talented, ambitious, and autonomous, we'd love to hear from you! Key Requirements: - Back-end: A minimum of 8 years of experience in PHP and mySQL. - Front-end: At least 3 years of experience in react/typescript and CSS. - Availability of 4 hours per day, 5 days a week. - Daily stand-up meetings at 1:30 PM French time. - High degree of autonomy and ability to work independently. - Fluent in English for effective communication. Compensation: $18 / hour, for a total of 20 hours per week. Milestones: - Tasks to be completed by Wednesday. - Additional tasks to be comp...
I'm working on a thesis focused on international treaties and agreements in the realm of space law. I'm in need of a specialist in the legal field with a keen understanding of the space sector. Your role will primarily involve legal analysis and interpretation, writing and editing. The ideal candidate for this project would: - Have a strong legal background, ideally with a focus on international law and treaties. - Possess a deep understanding of the space sector and its legal implications. - Demonstrated experience in legal analysis and interpretation. - Be capable of providing insights and examples from the United States, European Union, and China. Your expertise will be critical in helping me navigate the complexities of space law and ensuring the quality and depth of...
I'm seeking an expert in SEO and content strategy to improve my site's Domain Authority. The focus is primarily on enhancing content quality and acquiring backlinks via general web directories. Key Responsibilities: - Assess and improve the quality of my website's content to boost its appeal and relevance. - Identify an...Responsibilities: - Assess and improve the quality of my website's content to boost its appeal and relevance. - Identify and submit my site to appropriate general web directories to build quality backlinks. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in improving domain authority for websites. - Extensive knowledge of content creation and SEO best practices. - Experience with general web directory submissions. - Strong understanding of...
I need an Excel spreadsheet generated from my access machine which includes user details, sorted by department. Details to be included: - Name - Department - The ideal freelancer for this task should have: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience with data extraction from access control systems - Ability to sort and organize data effectively Please ensure the final output is user-friendly and ready for printing.
I'm seeking an AI expert with a focus on cybersecurity, particularly in the realm of incident response. The primary goal is to implement automated response systems for both network and endpoint security. Key areas of focus: - Designing and implementing AI-driven automated incident response systems. - Enhancing network security and endpoint security through AI. - Ensuring robust, comprehensive coverage across these crucial areas. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in AI and cybersecurity. - Proven track record in incident response and network security. - Skills in designing automated response systems. handle the incoming http/s request that are being made to the bot via the URL 4- Script that runs the Flask server has some issues. The file that handles user commands on my website needs to operate in the https protocol (Not the default http mode that Flask is running on). The file should be accessible directly via https://mydomain/ (No sub-directory such as https://mydomain/sub-directory/). Key Requirements: - Diagnose and fix the Flask server connection issue and make sure it can handle https requests from https://mydomain/ - Ensure the bot can connect reliably moving forward. - Ensure the bot can fetch new buys from the Solana token and post it onto the telegram group - Maintain clear communication throughout the troubleshooting process.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can scrape comprehensive data from various platforms including e-commerce websites, business directories, and social media profiles. The data should pertain to local businesses in specific regions, and only one specific industry. The data can be scrapped from catagories in a business directory but then Linked In will need to be scraped to find correct contact person. Data Needed: - Business Name - Type of Business - Contact Email - Contact Phone - Contact Person - Physical Address (divided into Street Number, Street Name, Town or City, State or County, Zip or Postal Code, Country) Regions to Target: - USA - Canada - UK - Australia - New Zealand The data should be neatly organized and delivered in a CSV Spreadsheet. Ideal Skills: - Proficien...
**Jo... **Requirements:** 1. Strong proficiency in Lua programming. 2. In-depth knowledge of World of Warcraft's API and combat mechanics. 3. Experience in creating automation scripts or addons for WoW. 4. Ability to optimize the script for performance and reliability. **Deliverables:** 1. A fully functional Lua script for automated DPS output. 2. Documentation explaining how the script works and how to customize it for different scenarios. 3. Support for testing and debugging the script in-game. **Additional Information:** - Please provide examples of previous Lua scripts or WoW addons you have developed. - Specify the class/specialization you are most familiar with for this project. - Let me know if you have any questions or need further deta...
**Jo... **Requirements:** 1. Strong proficiency in Lua programming. 2. In-depth knowledge of World of Warcraft's API and combat mechanics. 3. Experience in creating automation scripts or addons for WoW. 4. Ability to optimize the script for performance and reliability. **Deliverables:** 1. A fully functional Lua script for automated DPS output. 2. Documentation explaining how the script works and how to customize it for different scenarios. 3. Support for testing and debugging the script in-game. **Additional Information:** - Please provide examples of previous Lua scripts or WoW addons you have developed. - Specify the class/specialization you are most familiar with for this project. - Let me know if you have any questions or need further deta...
I'm aiming to create an engaging, user-friendly directory website for local businesses, services, and items. Users should be able to log in via social media (Facebook and Google), contribute by listing their own entities, and interact through a comprehensive review system. Key Features: 1. User Authentication: The platform should implement simple and secure social media login options. 2. Review System: A Google-like review system where users can comment, rate, and review listed entities. 3. User Contribution: Encourage user participation by allowing them to list their own businesses, services, and items. 4. Multimedia Reviews: Users should have the option to upload photos with their comments and reviews. 5. Search Functionality: The directory website should have...
I'm seeking a professional with Azure SQL Database expertise for a small-scale project. I want to disable MFA for Active directory for sql
Core Features 1. Employee Management User registration with profile setup. Role-based access control (Admin, Client, Employee). Searchable employee directory with filters. 2. Notification Push notifications for important updates and announcements. 3. Task Management Task assignment and progress tracking for individuals and teams. Real-time updates on task status and deadlines. 4. Scheduling Employee shift scheduling with an interactive calendar view. Automated notifications for shift changes and approvals . 5. Time Tracking Clock-in/clock-out system with geofencing support. Timesheet management with export functionality. 6. Resource Management Secure document sharing and centralized r esource storage. We need Native apps for iOS and Android. Web backend for browser-based acc...
I am seeking a vendor to help me implement SharePoint Online. The primary function of this intranet will be to facilitate collaboration and communication within my team. Most importantly, I need this intranet to feature Company news, 20 department pages containing their policy procedures, and other relevant Information. Quick links, Searching documents and Staff Directory Module is required. The vendor will handle all aspects of the project, including: - Requirements gathering - Setup and configuration - Testing - Training - Providing a comprehensive user manual for team training Please note, that my team and I will provide the necessary access, The ideal candidate for this project must have extensive experience with SharePoint setup and configuration and should be proficient in d...
...project must be in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia** I need an expert to handle the configuration of Active Directory focused on user management, along with the setup of Microsoft 365 and the associated email migration. You will be responsible for: - Setting up Active Directory for efficient user management - Implementing specific security policies including password controls, access restrictions, and audit and monitoring policies - Configuring Microsoft 365 and Office 365 - Handling the migration of existing emails to the new system The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with Microsoft services, particularly Microsoft 365 and Office 365, as well as a deep understanding of Active Directory. Skills in setting up security policies and email migration are essen...