Windows small business server essentials 2011proiecte
Salut, Am un server de email si vreau sa il configurez. In prezent functioneaza dar stiu ca se poate mai bine.
As dori un scanner , facut de preferinta in visual basic 6, as vrea sa fie cat mai simplu facut, fara sa necesite .NET sau DLL dori sa mearga pe absolut toate tipurile de windows de la 2000 pana la windows 7, as dori ca acest scanner sa scaneze continuu RAM, si anume, sa scaneze toate taskurile pornite de pe un calculator, si sa caute in ele anumite regexuri, si cand le gaseste sa le salveze intr un fisier.>Stiu ca visaul basic 6 nu are library pt regex cum are c++ acum, recent , insa poti sa ii faci o functie cu if-uri etc. care valideaza regex-urile sau daca vrei tu ii faci tu library dar cred ca dureaza mai un cvant as vrea sa comunice direct cu windowsul sa nu depinda de nimic gen .NET DLL etc , sa mearga continuu si sa nu consume mai mult de 50 mb ram.
As dori un scanner , facut de preferinta in visual basic 6, as vrea sa fie cat mai simplu facut, fara sa necesite .NET sau DLL dori sa mearga pe absolut toate tipurile de windows de la 2000 pana la windows 7, as dori ca acest scanner sa scaneze continuu RAM, si anume, sa scaneze toate taskurile pornite de pe un calculator, si sa caute in ele anumite regexuri, si cand le gaseste sa le salveze intr un fisier.>Stiu ca visaul basic 6 nu are library pt regex cum are c++ acum, recent , insa poti sa ii faci o functie cu if-uri etc. care valideaza regex-urile sau daca vrei tu ii faci tu library dar cred ca dureaza mai un cvant as vrea sa comunice direct cu windowsul sa nu depinda de nimic gen .NET DLL etc , sa mearga continuu si sa nu consume mai mult de 50 mb ram.
Aplicatia de care am nevoie este un Softphone si trebuie sa ruleze pe windows. Iata specificatiile, in mare: Sa fie protejat de parola, iar daca o sa fie instalabil si kit-ul sa fie de asemenea, protejat de parola. (Ideal e sa fie portabil, insa aici decizi tu in functie de cum iti este mai usor) Fereastra in care se introduce parola are, sub campul de text, buton OK si Cancel, ambele fara functii atribuite. Adevaratul OK va fi localizat, invizibil, altundeva. Telefonul se inregistreaza prin 3 parametrii: Server Username Password (campurile username si password devin hash-uri si nu pot fi vazute in clar) Telefonul functioneaza atat pe protocolul SIP cat si pe IAX2. Telefonul poate deschide oricate linii in paralel. Eventual, fiecare linie noua deschisa, ...
Buna, Caut pe cineva sa imi faca pentru un park de business local o o harta care va fi partea din sistemul de wayfinding. Ea va fi afisata la cele 4 intrari in park. Imi trebuie pricepe in illustrator, idei si stil. Ti-am atasat un exemplu de pe net catre ce vreau sa ma intrept. Zi-mi te rog daca te intereseaza si daca mai ai nevoie de alte info pentru a discuta un pret.
Avem nevoie de un plugin firefox (minim). Eventual si chrome, explorer.. etc. Pluginul va monitoriza utilizatorul in timp ce face browsing pe un site, si cand apasa anumite butoane de pe pagina html... se executa diferite executabile locale, in windows momentan. Deasemenea butoanele in html vor acea si un atribut suplimentar (ex "rel"="1:4,5:3") si acest paramentru trebuie trimis catre executabilul ce va fi executat: exemplu: in html avem: <button id="abc" rel="1:5,8:10,4:5"> Cand apas acest buton din site se executa local "C:demo -1:5,8:10,4:5" si nu face nici o actiune in html (ex. return false;) Pluginul trebuie sa fie configurabil: De exemplu adaug la monitorizare: "domeniu site", "id buton...
Doresc sa deschid un server de mail free si am nevoie de scripturile aferente pt el. create acound, send mail, recevimail etc etc.
Salut, Daca esti in cautarea unui proiect foarte interesant, cu siguranta de portofoliu, care sa fie challenging si fun in acelasi timp, avem o propunere pentru tine. Este vorba despre programarea unei aplicatii pentru tableta Windows 8 pe care ar trebui sa o livram in urmatoarele 2 saptamani, cu tenta de Craciun, interactiva si fun pentru cei care o vor folosi. Aplicatia se va folosi in cadrul unei petreceri si va presupune si proiectarea in timp real prin video mapping pe un decor existent la locatie. Aplicatia nu are un grad de dificultate foarte ridicat dar experienta anterioara in programare jocuri si grafica ar fi excelenta! Da-ne un semn daca esti interesat, ne-ar placea sa ne auzim si sa discutam mai multe detalii :) Seara relaxanta, Andreea
Buna ziua, Ma intereseaza realizare unei aplicatii mobile in IOS, si android, in Windows azure clouds, visual studiao 2013 pentru service mobil dispecerat etc.
Salut, Am nevoie de niste API-uri scrise dupa o baza de date care sa-mi returneze niste field-uri ca si json-uri. O sa atasez proiectul si schita cu ce am nevoie.
*login si baza de date pentru utilizatori *test online - implica alegerea unor fotografii si cotarea rezultatelor in functie de alegeri (rezultatele aplicarilor se salveaza pe profilul fiecarui utilizator); sunt mai multe serii de fotografii distribuite in doua profilul fiecarui utilizator); sunt mai multe serii de fotografii distribuite in doua parti si alegerile se noteaza cu +,-,+-, 0. Am decis sa fac testul online fiindca fiecare persoana ar trebui sa-l aplice de aprox. 10 ori pentru o interpretare completa - deci e mai usor sa intre pe site si sa se logheze o data la 2 zile, iar la final sa le trimit interpretarea pe mail. Atasez testul in windows forms, ca exemplu. Te rog sa-mi spui daca esti interesat si ai avea timp de acest proiect. Testul are drepturi de autor. ...
Buna ziua, Doresc sa introduc in Romania o noua metoda de a face rost de stim ca oamenii in general nu isi pot face timp sa mai treaca si pe la biblioteca,m-am gandit sa restrang putin aria de domenii,a...doamnelor si domnilor,insa,sa fim sinceri: de cate ori am incercat sa punem intrebari pe google si ne-au dat felurite domenii si lucruri care nu aveau nicio legatura cu domeniul selicitat ? Vrem sa fie totul foarte ordonat si organizat,asa ca,sunt sigur ca vom avea succes. Daca acest proiect va da roade,ar trebui inceputa imediata metoda de a intemeia o aplicatie atat pe Android cat si pe iOs,Windows etc. Lumea va iubi acest proiect si sunt sigur ca toata lumea interesata de istorie se va pentru timpul acordat Cu drag, xTheSenu
Business Plan - Analiza financiara Proiectie pe 3-5 ani Continuare analiza de marketing si plan de dezvoltare pentru o firma software.
Business Plan - Analiza financiara Proiectie pe 3-5 ani Continuare analiza de marketing si plan de dezvoltare pentru o firma software.
Plan de marketing si promovare pentru solutie software (business plan) • Clientii (clientii tai potentiali / segmentare piata si impartire din punct de vedere geografic / volumul pietei potentiale / Plan de actiune pentru castigarea clientilor) • Concurenta (cati angajati au / ce forta de vanzare/ ce cote de piata au / ce avantaje competitive au comparativ cu tine / ce strategii de pret are concurenta / ce strategii de comunicare / reclama au) • Piata o Estimare evolutie vanzari o Prognoza cererii • Politici de marketing o Strategia de produs. Politica de pret si de conditii de plata. Stabilirea strategiei de promovare si a preturilor practicate si modalitatile de punere in practica a acesteia. o Politica de imagine, de comunicare cu piata. • ...
Salut, Am nevoie de traduceri din romana in franceza pentru site-uri personale care sunt in domeniul software de business. Subiecte abordate: - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - software de business - software de facturare - software de management al unei companii etc Am nevoie de un colaborator (aproape) permanent pe limba franceza care sa poata sa ma ajute constant pe partea aceasta. In aplicatie te rog sa incluzi pretul per pagina, disponibilitatea de lucru (ore/saptamana) si daca detii vreo certificare pe limba franceza. Astept cu interes propunerile voastre.
I ' can write very fast on keyboard :) , i have an experience , not so big , but 2 years i work with this domain in Bucharest . I think it s very easy for me to work with many windows and responsible!
Am nevoie de un flashplayer compatibil pentru un windows phone functional care sa imi permita sa vad toate filmuletele flash pe telefonul windows
Am nevoie de un flashplayer compatibil pentru un windows phone functional care sa imi permita sa vad toate filmuletele flash pe telefonul windows
Salut, Am nevoie de cineva care scrie foarte bine si are gandire strategica pentru realizarea unui plan de business pentru un software (software pentru recrutare). Experienta anterioara este necesara si este de dorit sa fie realizat in limba romana.
mobil cu jocuri, internet wireless cu baterie reicarcadila solara greutate 70 g dagonala 0.70 cm cu windows
mobil cu jocuri, internet wireless cu baterie reicarcadila solara greutate 70 g dagonala 0.70 cm cu windows
pot sa fac orice fel de model de carte de vizita deci astept oferte si dumneavostra aveti siguranta unei lucrari bine facuta
Salut. Am nevoie de un utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest uti...utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar sa isi ia seria care trebuie sa o schimbe dintr-un text extern de exemplu: (, )- sa schimbe seria adica programul in sine si in sa fie seria care vreau eu sa o schimbe. Programul trebuie sa ruleze pe windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, chiar si pe un cont limitat si sa nu apara notificare de UAC sau de firewall sau de antivirus la executia acestui program. Deci execut programul iar apoi cand restartez sistemul sa am noua serie la partitia c:
Salut. Am nevoie de un utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest uti...utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar sa isi ia seria care trebuie sa o schimbe dintr-un text extern de exemplu: (, )- sa schimbe seria adica programul in sine si in sa fie seria care vreau eu sa o schimbe. Programul trebuie sa ruleze pe windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, chiar si pe un cont limitat si sa nu apara notificare de UAC sau de firewall sau de antivirus la executia acestui program. Deci execut programul iar apoi cand restartez sistemul sa am noua serie la partitia c:
Salut. Am nevoie de un utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar sa isi ia seria care trebuie sa o schimbe dintr-un text extern de exemplu: (, )- sa schimbe seria adica programul in sine si in sa fie seria care vreau eu sa o schimbe. Programul trebuie sa ruleze pe windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, chiar si pe un cont limitat si sa nu apara notificare de UAC sau de firewall sau de antivirus la executia acestui program. Deci execut programul iar apoi cand restartez sistemul sa am noua serie la partitia c:
Salut. Am nevoie de un utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar sa isi ia seria care trebuie sa o schimbe dintr-un text extern de exemplu: (, )- sa schimbe seria adica programul in sine si in sa fie seria care vreau eu sa o schimbe. Programul trebuie sa ruleze pe windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, chiar si pe un cont limitat si sa nu apara notificare de UAC sau de firewall sau de antivirus la executia acestui program. Deci execut programul iar apoi cand restartez sistemul sa am noua serie la partitia c: aceasta este adresa mea de email : softhard71 @ yahoo .com sau yahoo messenger id : softhard71
Salut. Am nevoie de un "" care la un simplu dubluclik sa schimbe seria la partitia c: . Acest utilitar trebuie sa contina un fisier extern text de genul "" - in acest fisier trebu...schimbe seria la partitia c: . Acest utilitar trebuie sa contina un fisier extern text de genul "" - in acest fisier trebuie sa fie scrisa seria care va fii schimbata la partitia c: . Utilitarul nu trebuie sa fie instalat doar dubluclik si sa schimbe seria; la un restart de sistem sa am noua serie. Foarte important este ca faptul ca acest utilitar trebuie sa ruleze pe cont limitat de windows deci nu trebuie sa fiu neeaparat administrator sa ruleze pot sa fiu si user limitat si acesta trebuie sa mearga. La executia acestui utilitar nu trebuie sa apara NOTIFICARE UAC . Mu...
I'm looking for a Power BI expert to help me develop a comprehensive financial dashboard. This dashboard will track daily cash collections, revenue, bank account balances, and key operational KPIs. The dashboard needs to be user-friendly as multiple users will be updating Excel sheets and many will be using the dashboard. Key requirements: - Extensive experience with Power...user-friendly as multiple users will be updating Excel sheets and many will be using the dashboard. Key requirements: - Extensive experience with Power BI is essential. - Proven track record in developing financial dashboards. - Ability to ensure the dashboard is suitable for multiple users. - Familiarity with the integration of Excel sheets into Power BI. The dashboard should be compatible with both Windows...
DO NOT BID ON THIS PROJECT UNLESS YOU CAN TELL ME IN YOUR BID WHY GEORDI LA FORGE SHOULD BE FREQUENTLY APPEARING IN THIS PRESENTATION. Please include that info in your bid. You can be the best PowerPoint designer in the world, but if you don't understand this cultural context, you are not the right freelancer for me. Outline for the presentation is attached. I'm seeking a talented presentation designer to help me create a 15-—to 20-slide deck for an upcoming presentation titled "The Trouble with Tables. " The presentation will focus on the problems disabled people experience when tables are not structured correctly. Key requirements: - The presentation should have a technical yet humorous tone inspired by the Star Trek universe. - The designer should find and...
...generation: The script should be able to identify trading signals based on the MTF RSI and ADX indicators. - Automated trading execution: Upon the generation of a signal, the script should automatically execute the trade on CoinDCX. - Performance tracking and reporting: The script should monitor the performance of the trades and generate a report for review. The script needs to be compatible with Windows operating system. I have a preference for the following Python libraries: - Pandas: For data manipulation and analysis. - NumPy: For numerical computations. - TA-Lib: For technical analysis of financial market data. I am looking for someone who can deliver a robust and efficient script that meets these requirements. Experience with algorithmic trading and understanding of the...
I'm looking for a logo for my taxi business. This isn't just any taxi service—it's a ride to nightlife destinations like clubs and bars. The logo should encapsulate the essence of nightlife entertainment. The car itself is designed to enhance the night out experience, featuring green underglow, interior lighting, and a loudspeaker for music of the customer's choice. Ideal skills for this job would include: - Graphic design - Branding - Understanding of nightlife culture Experience in designing for the transportation or entertainment industries would be a plus. I encourage you to submit a logo design that captures the spirit of a fun night out. The name will be Joshs Ridez or joshs rides this is an example of what i have for the car wrapping design, the ...
Host My already API based Python website you have to rehost on vps server like hostinger
Review for business listed on Google for home health care for senior care for males and females age 65+ in Plano, Texas. Keywords used to help appear in search results. Addressing customer service. Help with Google Maps. Screenshot provided.
I'm seeking a seasoned Business Development Executive to drive our IT company's software development and consulting services on a global scale. This role operates on a commission basis per project. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and target potential international clients in need of IT services - Promote our software development and IT consulting offerings - Negotiate project contracts and terms Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in IT industry business development is a must - Excellent communication and negotiation skills - Proven track record of successful project acquisition - Ability to identify and target prospective clients Freelancers with a network of international IT service clients will be given preference. This role offers immense earning...
I'm seeking a talented Minecraft designer to construct a hub for my server. The design should mirror the style of popular servers like Hive and CubeCraft, with a modern nature aesthetic. Key Tasks: - Create a server hub in a modern nature style. - Implement portals to various mini-games, using my pre-installed plugins or in-game coding. Ideal candidate should be well-versed in Minecraft design, with a strong portfolio of similar projects. Attention to detail and a good understanding of modern server aesthetics are crucial.
I'm in need of an expert who can help me source the right plugins for my Minecraft minigames server, specifically catering to PvP. Key Requirements: - Assistance with finding plugins suitable for various PvP minigames including Bedwars, Skywars, TNT Run, Spleef, Elytra races, and Maze Runner. - Guidance on how to implement features such as ranked matches and custom kits using these plugins. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Minecraft server management. - Proficiency in identifying and utilizing Minecraft plugins. - Previous experience with PvP minigames a plus. Your expertise will ensure the smooth operation and high engagement level of my server. Let's create an epic battle ground together!
I'm in the process of creating a Minecraft minigames server. I need assistance in setting up PvP, survival and puzzle games, along with implementing basic server management functionalities. Key Requirements: - Setup of PvP, survival and puzzle minigames - Basic configuration with standard game rules - Implement player statistics tracking within server management - feature to add friends and make parties - shop and sell feature Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Minecraft server setup and management - Experience with creating and configuring minigames - Knowledgeable in player statistics tracking systems
I'm looking for an experienced Minecraft server developer to help me create an engaging Bedrock Edition Minecraft server. This server should incorporate a variety of features: - 5+ PvP-based minigames - A hub with portals to each minigame - A friend system allowing players to invite friends to parties and see each other's online status - A shop and sell feature Ideal candidates should have a solid understanding of Minecraft server development, particularly for the Bedrock Edition, and experience in creating PvP-based minigames. Creativity in designing engaging and fun minigames will be highly appreciated. Good communication skills are essential, as I would like to discuss and plan out the server's features together.
I operate a service-based maintenance company and need an expert to analyze my business metrics. I charge my clients a fixed rate and I need to understand the minimum number of transactions required each month for my business to turn a profit. Your task: - Reviewing my current pricing structure and service costs. - Evaluating my current transaction volume and operational costs. - Calculating the minimum monthly transactions necessary for profitability. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong background in business analysis, particularly in service-based industries. - Experience with fixed-rate service businesses. - Excellent mathematical and analytical skills.
I'm working on a computer networking project focused on a small business network and need help with network security. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in network security - Experience with small business network configurations - Proficiency in troubleshooting network security issues Please note, the budget for this project is 40 AUD.
...need of a seasoned DevOps professional to assist with setting up a DigitalOcean server for my web application. Key Responsibilities: 1. Server Setup: Configure a new DigitalOcean server, deploy the application code and database backups, while Dockerizing the application. 2. Integration: Fix the web server to eliminate 502 errors, ensuring seamless interaction with Cloudflare (already configured). 3. Security: Eliminate unauthorized access, fortify the server’s security, and set up necessary backups and monitoring systems. The ideal candidate for this job should have: • Extensive experience with DigitalOcean and Docker. • Proficiency in server management and security. • Ability to troubleshoot and resolve server error...
I'm seeking a Replit specialist to help me with roadblocks in development of an AI application on Replit. Key Requirements: - Expertise in LLM powered application development with a focus on customer interaction. - Proven experience with Replit and its coding environment. - Skills in ensuring stable server startup and connection in Replit. Ideal Skills: - AI application development - Replit platform expertise - Customer interaction-focused AI design - Server management for coding environments - Interactive learning experience creation
I'm looking for a seasoned business consultant who can assist me with setting up and strategizing my new venture. The consultation will primarily focus on strategic planning. The consultant will help me review and refine my business plan. Ideal Skills: - Business setup - Strategic planning - Business plan analysis and refinement Experience: - Proven track record in consulting - Experience with startup businesses - Strong background in strategic planning
I'm seeking a modern-styled business flyer and card, crafted in neutral tones. The design should be minimal yet striking, showcasing my company's services while maintaining a professional appearance. Key elements to be included: - Contact details - Company services - Social media links in QR codes Ideal candidate will have experience in modern design, with a strong portfolio of minimalist work. Excellent understanding of neutral color schemes is a plus.
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a business website for me. The site should be well-structured, user-friendly and visually appealing. A key feature of the site will be a section dedicated to customer testimonials. This will help to build trust and credibility with potential clients. The ideal freelancer for this project would have a strong portfolio in business website development and a knack for integrating engaging and functional features.
I'm looking for a freelancer to help secure a sponsored post with a Kansas City-based influencer to promote my new taxi service. Your role will involve identifying, vetting, and coordinating with a suitable influencer who can effectively reach my target audience. I don't have time to find and coordinate with influencers on my own, so I need someone's assistance. Responsibilities: - Research and identify influencers whose audience is primarily in Kansas City and who would be a good fit for promoting a taxi service (Instagram, Tiktok if it becomes available in the US again, YouTube) - Reach out to influencers, negotiate terms, and facilitate the collaboration. - Ensure the influencer’s audience includes locals, frequent travelers, and commuters who are likely to use a ...
I'm looking to create a comprehensive PDF Software solution. The project entails building a web application akin to along with a desktop version compatible with Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Primary Functionalities: - Sign PDF both digital signature and drawn signature. - Merging PDF files - Splitting PDF files - Editing PDF content - Convert PDF to Word and vice versa Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in software development with a focus on PDF tools - Proficiency in cross-platform application development - Strong skills in creating user-friendly interfaces A solid understanding of implementing PDF functionalities and creating seamless desktop and web applications is crucial. While the web application's user authentication methods are...
I'm looking for a professional with in-depth knowledge of Invision Forum to install it on my website. The forum should utilize my existing database for user authentication. Key Requirements: - Install Invision Forum on my website - Ensure forum uses my database for user login and user roles - Familiarity with Invision's API and hooks Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Inv...- Proficiency in Invision Forum - Experience with website integrations - Knowledge in database management, specifically for user authentication Please note, the exact database system I am using is currently unknown. If you have experience with this kind of project, I would appreciate your assistance in identifying the system and implementing the necessary integrations. We using a dedicated windows ser...
Name of the startup toy business is Toylake I'm seeking a logo designer with a knack for modern interpretations of abstract shapes. The logo should be attractive to kids and parents e.g Bright and colorful. The ideal candidate will have a portfolio showcasing minimalist designs, as I'm aiming for a clean, uncluttered aesthetic. It may showcase cartoon-style designs No AI generated logo. High-resolution files (PNG and JPEG) with a transparent background.