Why was the typewriter inventedproiecte
...purpose that resonates with both the market needs and our core mission. PCISV is designed using the Ionic framework, known for its ability to build high-performing mobile apps for multiple platforms, including Android and iOS. However, with the recent release of Android 14, the app has encountered technical challenges that prevent it from functioning as intended on devices running this operating system. The primary objective of this project is to update the existing PCISV mobile application to ensure full compatibility with Android 14. Additionally, after the update, the app will need to undergo extensive testing to ensure that all functions work flawlessly on this new Android version. Finally, we aim to publish the app on ...
...Fri, 10/20/2023 - 11:15 BACK Financial News Many people in Europe were shocked by the historic parity achieved between the US dollar and euro late last year. It was certainly a surprise but a relatively short-lived one, and prices soon rebalanced. Unfortunately, for the people of Japan, their currency woes only seem to go from bad to worse. To put things into perspective, the USD/EUR parity debacle only represented about a 15% depreciation for the European single currency, while the yen has lost well over 30% of its value against the greenback since 2020 and over half since 2012. At one time, the yen was seen as a safe haven comparable to the dollar, but those days are long gone. The factors for ...
Site ul a fost construit pe o platforma PrestaShop 1.6. In prezent nu functioneaza necesita o investigatie mai ampla si curatarea tuturor fisierelor care au astfel de bucati de cod hackuite Am impartit proiectul...curatarea tuturor fisierelor care au astfel de bucati de cod hackuite Am impartit proiectul in 2 etape Etapa 1: Depanarea si punerea in functiune a siteului Etapa 2: Update ul siteului la o varianta mai actuala a siteului PrestaShop 1.7 The site was built on a PrestaShop 1.6 platform. It currently does not work, it requires a more extensive investigation and the cleaning of all files that have such hacked pieces of code I divided the project into 2 stages Stage 1: Debugging and commissioning of the site Stage 2: Update the site to a mo...
To review and change the theme of the opencart site. the theme was bought from themeforest
Bun cunoscător al limbii române Bun cunoscător ZOOM Abilități de actor Abilități de jurnalist online Abilități de marketing digital Abilități de bun comunicator
Creeare magazin online cu vanzare deproduse, suplimente alimentare. Sunt aprox 200 produse Vreau ca rezultatul final sa fie cat mai apropiat de : Vreau sa pot gazdui magazinul pe serverul propriu Vreau sa pot administra ulterior magazinul.
Buna! Am nevoie de 10 articole (gen tutoriale) in LIMBA ENGLEZA, despre plannere digitale pentru iPad. Exemplu articol bun de urmat pentru inceput: Este esential: 1. Sa stii ENGLEZA scrisa la nivel profi 2. Sa iti placa planificarea Ideal ar fi sa: 1. ai iPad si apple pencil 2. stii ce este un planner digital pentru iPad 3. stii sa folosesti aplicatiile Goodnotes, Noteshelf / Notability. Daca nu, ne putem vedea in Bucuresti si vei primi "training" despre cum se folosesc aceste aplicatii, ca apoi sa scrii despre ele. Multumesc!
...both b2b and b2c. See our activity on www.smartexperience.ro. With the changes brought by Covid 19 in the field of outdoor activities, it would turn our attention to indoor activities in online. We want to launch a motion platform called SmartRaces. It will offer virtual races for sale, the completion of the races being rewarded with a real medal. Similar project example: What do we need? SmartRaces project logo Colors: black + orange / white + orange - Code orange: # f7941d, rgb (247,148,29) Logo type: Icon + name / icon with name integrated in the design / icon from the initials S R Elements that we would include in the design: globe / moving person / running shoe sole, other elements that induce the idea of movement / virt...
Este un cer undeva, dar norii ne patrund facand din noi ingeri, si atat.
vreau un site vgo cu cf si jp si am auzit ca esti bun.
1. Revizuirea unor click-uri pe paginile potrivite 2. Dimensionarea optima a catorva poze 2. Cresterea vitezei site-ului
1. diferentiez pozele de la cele doua locatii Bucuresti si Cluj 2. sa adaug poza unui instructor la Yoga 3. sa optimizez poza unui instructor de Pilates 4. cresc viteza site-ului
- curata site-ul de erori, plugin-uri nefolositoare pastrand imaginea si functionalitatea; - cresterea evidenta de incarcare a site-ului
Caut un freelancer pentru colaborare de lunga durata care: 1. sa-mi scoata produsele care i le dau eu de pe aliexpress, cu tot cu poze; 2. sa scoata scrisul in chineza/engleza in photoshop sa nu se vada ca sunt din china; 3. sa adauge produsele la mine pe website pentru a le testa; Im...scoata scrisul in chineza/engleza in photoshop sa nu se vada ca sunt din china; 3. sa adauge produsele la mine pe website pentru a le testa; Imi doresc pe cineva sa-i explic procedura la inceput si apoi sa nu trebuiasca sa-i fac micromanagement; Pentru a te califica pentru acest job trebuie sa raspunzi corect la urmatoarele intrebari in engleza: 1. What is 4+7? 2. Why are you fit for the job? 3. What is the most awesome project you worked at? I would like to see some ...
The website to be modified is The source code should be modified according to specifications, while the website aspect should remain (almost) identical. The project has two tasks: 1. Optimize the load time of the home page (slider, parallax effects), by modifying the source code and, if necessary, the required JavaScript libraries 2. Modify the source code of the HTML pages as follows: - every page should have only one H1 heading - every page should have between 0 and N H2 headings, where N is depending on the page - there should be no H3, H4 and H5 tags - all headings should be placed in the main area, not in the header or footer H1: FII EXTRA PREGĂTIT PENTRU EVAL...
...necessary for the activity. 3. automated platforms necessary sales information. 4. own infrastructure for SMS alerts expire. - API 3. Specialized personnel and authorized sales. 4. responsive help desk team. - 3 persons employed full-time. 5. Office for offline sales. 7. Experience in field sales 7 years in insurance. 8. Experience 13 years in the management of small and medium organizations (10-25 people) and google + facebook page 6. For proper development of the project defining condition is that all team members be interested in increasing co-gradual but sure of this business. Why? Because all team members will earn a percentage of the turnover of the business deal in the next 20 years! - Yes! you understand well, wi...
A price comparison website, with a good script tailored to our specific needs.
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Create a logo with the name of "Tellarz"'
vreau sa am 1.5 sec viteza de incarcare site
Copii au nevoi diferite dar intr-un studiu 70% dintre copi is doresc aceleasi lucruri , majoritate vor sa se distreze si sa se joace. Ei au nevoie de multa atentie.
Am nevoie de ajutor pentru partea statistica a lucrarii mele de licenta (medicina). E nevoie de T-test, corelatii Spearman si cateva tabele de facut, si nu am foarte mult timp la dispozitie (1-2 saptamani maxim). Am toate datele in excel (12 pacienti - 3 chestionare aplicate inainte si dupa cercetare). Daca este cineva care are experienta in domeniu, putin timp liber si doreste sa ma ajute, va rog sa trimiteti un proposal impreuna cu suma dorita. Multumesc anticipat!
...similar with the picture from attachment. ( my admin web page is build with Metronic Admin Template). This page should have 3 select (Site, Date and Employee), and a table with freeze panes like in excel. This table will help me to allot employees on job on properties in a specific Date. After the table is generated with data from database, If I select an employee and I click on a cell from table, I should be able to insert that employee in that cell. I will insert the selected employee on each cells that I click. Employee will be inserted first in database and if was inserted with success than will remain inserted in cell, otherwise an error message occur. You will understand more from picture below. If at the end I will like the pag...
Hello, i need an article translated from english to romanian..it's not so hard the translation is about management skills ,its a university project :) around 28 pages if you are interested contact me
Hello, i need an article translated from english to romanian..it's not so hard the translation is about management skills ,its a university project :) around 28 pages if you are interested contact me
Write a book as an Ghostwriter. Please read the content of the book in the attachment file and ONLY bid for this project after you have read the contact of the book. I expect this job to be done in no more then 6 weeks. Please, bidders keep in mind for bidding for writing around 36 000-45 000 words for this book.
...experimented freelancer to sell a book for me. The book is also an e-book. I am the author of the book (e-book). The book is in Romanian language for now. It will be in English too, after about one month. But, for now, I want you to sell it in Romania. You will get 50% of the money for each book (also each e-book) sold by you. The book’s price is 25$, and the e-book’s price is 17$. I mention that I have a site (where the buyer can purchase an item); also if you have a better method or a better site through which the book can be sold, we can discuss. You will also get a 10$ bonus if you sell 20 books (e-books). This project is for 20 books sold by you. The book is called "Immortality" and you can...
The job includes making an attractive design for the section "Vezi oferte" from site and design for the offer. It will consider creating advertising areas, and areas recommended offers the most viewed offers ___________________ Jobul include realizarea unui design atragator pentru sectiune ”Vezi oferte” din cardul siteului si designul pentru oferta propriu zisa. Se va avea in vedere creearea de zone publicitare, precum si zone pentru oferte recomandate, cele mai vizualizate oferte
I am not able to attach a pdf. Please email me if you are interested: Please send me a quote for the work and when are you going to be done. Consiliului de Administratie acţionând cate doua persoane în mod solidar (împreună), pentru a se ocupa de oricare şi toate formalităţile necesare în vederea îndeplinirii tuturor cerinţelor legale în legătură cu hotărârile adoptate în adunare, incluzând dar fără a se limita la publicarea şi/sau înregistrarea la oricare autorităţi sau instituţii a tuturor documentelor rezultate ca urmare a aplicării hotărâriJor adunării. Acest punct al ordinii de zi a fost propus spre aprobare deoarece <lupa adoptarea hotararilor adunarii, se vor intocmi documente legale care sa duca...
Buna ziua! Numele meu este Alexandru Gabriel CRETU TORICA. Locuiesc in Spania la Madrid unde am deschis o firma, Gabriel's Market si ca activitate principala avem Productia de mase plastice prin injectie ( producem carcase pentru aparatele electronice si electrotehnice ) si ca activitate secundara avem productie de Smart card-uri . Deoarece vrem sa implementam o tehnologie noua de comunicare a Smart Cardurilor, avem nevoie de construirea unui device care deja a dovedit punctele slabe a tehnologiei EMV. Acest device nu se mai poate cumpara si se poate doar reconstrui, avand publicate toate detaliile necesare pentru construirea si utilizarea acestui aparat. Va trimit acest mesaj deoarece as dori sa stiu daca puteti contribui la acest proiect , macar in construirea perfecta a partii elec...
I am not able to attach a pdf. Please email me if you are interested: vilniustelaviv@ Please send me a quote for the work and when are you going to be done. Consiliului de Administratie acţionând cate doua persoane în mod solidar (împreună), pentru a se ocupa de oricare şi toate formalităţile necesare în vederea îndeplinirii tuturor cerinţelor legale în legătură cu hotărârile adoptate în adunare, incluzând dar fără a se limita la publicarea şi/sau înregistrarea la oricare autorităţi sau instituţii a tuturor documentelor rezultate ca urmare a aplicării hotărâriJor adunării. Acest punct al ordinii de zi a fost propus spre aprobare deoarece <lupa adoptarea hotararilor adunarii, se vor intocmi documente legale care s...
Plecând de la şi se va realiza o componentă de interfaţă grafică în HTML5, JavaScript pentru a permite vizualizarea într-un panel a ordinelor plasate de investitor în ASETS, împreună cu posibilitatea de face Update şi Cancel pe un ordin selectat din listă. Funcţionalitate încapsulată într-un Java servlet care să funizeze lista de ordine plasate de investitor.
I would like to have a social media icon located in the header as I show in the attached file. I need social bottons for facebook, twitter, instagram, pintrest and youtube. I need to have the option of which ones to display as well. I'd also like to have no background color behind the icons so I can place on any color header. This is a secondary project that I am considering depending on pricing. I'd like to have an attention grabbing widget to use for our 'Join Now' membership widget. It must grab the readers attention and be an exciting icon. Again, this is something I may not have done as the social header is our priority. Thank you!
Hello. I'm looking for someone to help me design a book cover. I love the look where you take a photo and make it look like an illustrtion. I have some examples I'm happy to send. It could end up being something as simple as taking a woman from one illustration and adding it to a new background. I already have the pictures. I had a cover I was using, but decided I needed something more emotional. Which means now I need it in a few weeks so I can start promoting the book for a Halloween release. Brandi
Hello. I'm looking for someone to help me design a book cover. I love the look where you take a photo and make it look like an illustrtion. I have some examples I'm happy to send. It could end up being something as simple as taking a woman from one illustration and adding it to a new background. I already have the pictures. I had a cover I was using, but decided I needed something more emotional. Which means now I need it in a few weeks so I can start promoting the book for a Halloween release. Brandi
The certificate was developed using Adobe Dreamweaver with Adobe Photoshop used to edit pictures and logo. As a component, the site consists of 5 pages, the first page is a small java script that plays three consecutive slides. To contact I used a PHP script integrated with sendmail and a design specifically designed for this page. For best appearance, the page was added a favicon, a small image that adds a page image browser. We chose the theme of science Craiova certified football team that, in my opinion, it is the character Oltenia, one of the most popular and beloved teams in Romania, dezafiliata unjustly.
I'm seeking a dependable video editor who can adhere to a schedule. My previous hire was intended for a long-term role, but due to unforeseen circumstances, they are no longer available. Please check out my channel to understand my content: - Experience: Please only apply if you have relevant editing experience. - Communication: Due to the high volume of applicants, I won't be able to respond to everyone. Thank you for your understanding.
I need assistance recovering my WhatsApp data from my Android mobile device. The data needs to be mapped to my original WhatsApp contacts. Unfortunately, a WhatsApp database file was not created on my device, so alternative methods of recovery may be necessary. Specifically, I need to recover: - Messages - Media files (photos, videos) Ideal skills for this job include: - Data recovery expertise, particularly with Android devices - Knowledge of how to recover and map data to WhatsApp contacts - Experience with local backup data retrieval - Understanding of WhatsApp data structure and storage Please note, I have previously backed up my data locally, but not to any cloud service.
...Project) Project Title:Design a Beautiful and Professional E-Guide for The Inner Child Sanctuary Description: I am looking for a skilled and creative designer to transform my completed e-guide into a visually appealing, professional, and engaging document. The guide, titled "The Inner Child Sanctuary: A Practical Guide to Healing with Compassion," is approximately [insert number of pages/word count] and needs to align with the themes of healing, compassion, and self-discovery. Tasks: the provided guide content to understand the structure and themes. Create a cohesive, professional layout with consistent formatting (headings, fonts, colors). an eye-catching cover page that reflects the themes of the guide. readabilit...
...periods New Field for the feature of the item (ie: Heavy Blooming, Easy for Beginner, Shade tolerant, Customer Favorite, New, Award Winner, Large Flowers, Long Blooming Season, Cleans Water, Prevents Algae, Protects Fish, Attracts Pollinators), Top Bloomer, Energy Efficient, Price Breaks) - Custom Product Page Mobile Friendly, Custom Fields (new including shipping periods) on plants and animals. Links to up to 4 add on recommended items with photo. Customize Cart and or Checkout - Cart must display terms of the Sale and Shipping times with a link to full terms of sale and a $10 cancel order fee before a (all information about text that must be on the cart page will be provided). "Continue to Checkout" button. - Custom Wishlist / Check Order Stat...
Solve the problem that VPN can't work properly after connecting in China, if you can solve it, please comment 123 in your bid, I will give you priority!
...to 4K resolution. Eye-catching animated text and subtitles. Creative filters and visual effects for a polished look. Smooth cutting and merging of video clips. Adding music and sound effects that match the mood of your video. Enhancing colors and lighting for a professional finish. Custom videos tailored for TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube, and more. Why Choose Me? Fast delivery and attention to detail. Competitive pricing with premium results. Unlimited revisions to ensure your satisfaction What I Need From You: Raw video footage or images to edit. Your idea or vision for the video. Any specific text, logo, or elements you'd like to include. Let’s work together to create a video that captures your vision and grabs attention. Feel free to...
My site experiences a problem that the home page slider is missing. Not sure this caused by the automatic plugin was installed or due to automatic update of WP. I never updated or installed anything manually. So maybe it can be fixed by restore a back up. I have access to my hosting control panel so you will be able to work directly from there. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in WordPress - Experience with site restoration
...implement the following: - Draw a Simple Moving Average (SMA) with a period of 20 on the main chart (overlay = true). - Draw two Exponential Moving Averages (EMA), one with a period of 5 and another with a period of 25, below the main chart (overlay = false). - Draw an upward arrow if one the the two conditions was fulfilled: a. If the last closed candle's EMA(5) has crossed above EMA(25) while the closing price of that candle is already above the SMA(20), or b. If the closing price of the last closed candle is above the SMA(20) while the EMA(5) of that closed candle is above EMA(25). The default colors for the indicators are: - EMA(5): Blue - EMA(25): Orange - SMA(20): Bl...
I'm looking for a logo for my charity, "The Women’s Network". The logo should be minimalistic, professional, and incorporate a symbol or icon related to women. It should use black and white with a pop of a subtle colour or pink or teal, keeping the overall look monochrome and simple, incorporate a key, or a tree or a flower. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Graphic design, particularly logo design - Experience with minimalistic and professional design styles - Ability to incorporate specific colour schemes and design elements - Understanding of, and ability to creatively represent, themes related to women - Proficiency in using design software
I'm seeking a logo for my charity, "The Women’s Network". The logo should be modern in style and predominantly use soft pinks and whites and blacks. A key element of the design should be the inclusion of a key symbol.
Job Title: Remote Real Estate Marketing, Outreach, & Transaction Coordinator Are you ready to bring your creativity, organization, and communication skills to the forefront? We’re looking for a dynamic Remote Real Estate Marketing, Outreach, & Transaction Coordinator to join our growing team. If you’re passionate about real estate, love connecting with people, and thrive on keeping deals moving smoothly, we want to hear from you! What You’ll Do As a vital part of our team, you’ll: Cold Call & Client Outreach Build genuine connections with property owners and motivated sellers through outbound calls. Use persuasive communication to uncover opportunities for real estate deals. Engage with past clients to collect testimonials and success stories t...