Websites that make moneyproiecte
Penny Hand Money Tree Indiferent de domeniul în care este aplicat, designul tinde să urmărească principii precum estetica plăcută, funcționalitatea, accesibilitatea, durabilitatea și inovația. De asemenea, el poate să reflecte identitatea și valorile brandului sau creatorului său.
...single currency, while the yen has lost well over 30% of its value against the greenback since 2020 and over half since 2012. At one time, the yen was seen as a safe haven comparable to the dollar, but those days are long gone. The factors for the Japanese currency's downfall are numerous: from a declining industrial sector to an ageing population to, not least, an ultra-dovish monetary policy that is now at odds with pretty much the entire developed world. As we head into the final quarter of this year, the entire Asia-Pacific region is poised on a knife-edge, with escalating tensions in Taiwan and the South China Sea threatening to plunge the region into a full-scale conflict. And while we're not yet at the same level as in Europe or the Middle East, this remains an...
Este necesara scrierea unui articol de tip review pentru produsul " Fond de Ten Rezistent la Transfer - L'Oreal Paris Infaillible 24H Fresh Wear ".
I would need a logo for a website that will offer web design services (websites / online stores), custom web application development, hosting. the website has the domain: The logo should be simple. It can be just a text with something to think about the activity we perform. to be clean and easy to use for future promotional materials. (T-shirts, coffee cups, etc.). the colors we would like to be no more than two, but to express energy.
Hi, I created a website where people review adult websites and I would like to kickstart it by having some reviews. So I need someone to write reviews for adult websites. There are a few websites already doing this so there is content for you if you want to see already made reviews on adult websites or you can just do the review yourself. It might be just a job of putting together ideas from 2, 3 reviews. It needs of course funky dirty language - the reviews need to be like made by users.. hope it is not an issue. The reviews need to be SEO aware. So you need to use the website name where you can - dont over do it but use it at least in the title and at least once in the review. And of course the reviews need to be unique for google. I need for the beginnin...
Am nevoie de un programator cu experienta, care sa fie familiarizat cu platforma Magento eCommerce. de asemenea, trebuie să aibă cunoștințe avansate în PHP, HTML5, CSS3, SASS / LESS.
Salut! Ai nevoie de videoclipuri publictare scurte, review uri video sau unboxing uri ? Eu sunt aici sa te ajut. Nu ezita sa ma contactezi , sa stam de vorba si , de ce nu? sa facem diferite parteneriate.
Aplicație pentru Android Vreau să-l proiectezi și să-l construiești
Aplicație pentru Android Vreau să-l proiectezi și să-l construiești
...sales. I intend online market penetration which is currently quite low in Romania compared with Western countries! Being a start-up, as you know, no money to invest, but together with a small team of people with diverse abilities couple we can be successful! What I think can be done? An RCA + blog site sales. SEO on page / off page, landing page, etc. A mobile application for orders for syste. Promotion adwords, facebook, youtube, google + Creation of content for blogs and social media for networking. Administration site, blog, fb, youtube, google + video + text + few posts photo constant in social media. ... And some other things that I will tell you as specialists! What are my resources? 1. legally constituted company specific brokerage activity. 2. a...
buna ziua in legatura cu serviciul de care am nevoie nu pot spune prea multe doar ca am nevoie de profit frumos si in rest nimic mai mult ofer la fel de mult pe cat mi se ofera
Salut, Am nevoie de integrarea a trei sisteme de plata pentru shop. 3. Perfect Money Am nevoie se integreze cele 3 sisteme de plata si am nevoie de conturi demo sa ma asigur ca merge. Toate conturile vor fi configurabile. Framework ul folosit este Codeigniter. O sa ajut si eu cat pot insa nu am foarte mult timp. Doar pentru romani. Multumesc
I need your help with my helium scraper I have not used it in a long time... note you must know how to work helium scraper or how it works very fast. I need to get a project done but I have a few issues with it. You are not being paid to extract data. You are being paid to help me set up a helium scraper project. Should take a expert less than 30 minutes. THIS IS URGENT. No time wasters you waste my time you get bad feedback. Type I know helium in your proposal so I know you have read all this.
I want an experimented freelancer to sell a book for me. The book is also an e-book. I am the author of the book (e-book). The book is in Romanian language for now. It will be in English too, after about one month. But, for now, I want you to sell it in Romania. You will get 50% of the money for each book (also each e-book) sold by you. The book’s price is 25$, and the e-book’s price is 17$. I mention that I have a site (where the buyer can purchase an item); also if you have a better method or a better site through which the book can be sold, we can discuss. You will also get a 10$ bonus if you sell 20 books (e-books). This project is for 20 books sold by you. The book is called "Immortality" and you can discover the secret of immortality if you read t...
Buna ziua, as dori sa-mi fac un site de e-currency exchanger , un site asemanator cu , in care unele schimburi sa se faca in regim semiautomat sau automat (ex perfect money , web money , bitcoin, litecoin, s.m.d ) iar altele manual ( ex . western union, money gram, bank transfer, paypal) dupa verificarea manuala a transferului . Scimbul de e-currency as vrea sa se faca total anonim din partea clientului( fara inregistrarea obligatorie pe site ) , exceptie cand se face plata prin WU, MonGram, Bank transfer si trebuie sa trimita datele transferului .(nume, , tara de expeditie , MTCN ). Puteti sa faceti un astfel de site ? Care ar fi pretul ?
Avem urmatoarele task-uri de rezolvat pentru site-ul : 1. A aparut o eroare la sistemul de mailing, adica nu mai primim mailuri de confirmare la inregistrarea comenzii sau alte operatiuni din site, nici noi nici clientii. 2. De creat un data feed pentru site-ul de comparatoare (avem ghidul/modelul de creare si model data feed shopmania, difera putin cele doua) 3. Concurs Newsletter (de creat o pagina a concursului care sa fie usor editabila, adica sa poata fi oricand actualizata de orice persoana de la noi) 4. Avem nevoie de date din adminul vechi al site-ului Site-ul a fost inchis iar baza de date a fost mutata pe serverul noului site. Odata cu mutarea a aparut o eroare care nu ne mai lasa sa vedem vechiul admin. Dar baza de date poate fi extrasa de exempl...
Salutare, Sunt in cautare de un developer (sau mai multi) pentru o aplicatie iOS. Nu este ceva complex, structura este simpla si basic, iar o parte din flow se repeta. Tema aplicatie este money/finance management. Design-ul este deja facut. In cadrul aplicatiei totul se face manual, nu sunt comunicatii cu alte aplicatii third-party. Eventual o baza de date cloud, dar doar atat pentru inceput. Mai sunt niste detalii legate de partea de Settings, cateva mici stilizari a aplicatie pe care utilizatorul le poate face (gen simple-view si extended-view al listei de tranzactii, etc). Poate si un mic sistem de securitate, code sau swipe undeva dupa splashscreen. Inca o chestie de mentionat, vor fi doua variante a aplicatiei: una simpla, iar una premium/extended/vip whatever. Nu e foarte ...
Buna seara. Am nevoie de o animatie de aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la dispozitia dumneavoastra. Multumesc. Hello.I need an animation of aprox. 20 min, on the topic of SELF-CHANGE. I have some of the graphics ready and the basic plot-line is a dialogue between 2 insects, illustrated cartoon-like, to the Voiceovers. Thanks.
Buna seara. Am nevoie de o animatie de aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la dispozitia dumneavoastra. Multumesc. Hello.I need an animation of aprox. 20 min, on the topic of SELF-CHANGE. I have some of the graphics ready and the basic plot-line is a dialogue between 2 insects, illustrated cartoon-like, to the Voiceovers. Thanks.
Buna seara. Am nevoie de o animatie de aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la dispozitia dumneavoastra. Multumesc. Hello.I need an animation of aprox. 20 min, on the topic of SELF-CHANGE. I have some of the graphics ready and the basic plot-line is a dialogue between 2 insects, illustrated cartoon-like, to the Voiceovers. Thanks.
Buna seara. Am nevoie de o animatie de aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la dispozitia dumneavoastra. Multumesc. Hello.I need an animation of aprox. 20 min, on the topic of SELF-CHANGE. I have some of the graphics ready and the basic plot-line is a dialogue between 2 insects, illustrated cartoon-like, to the Voiceovers. Thanks.
Buna seara. Am nevoie de o animatie de aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la dispozitia dumneavoastra. Multumesc. Hello.I need an animation of aprox. 20 min, on the topic of SELF-CHANGE. I have some of the graphics ready and the basic plot-line is a dialogue between 2 insects, illustrated cartoon-like, to the Voiceovers. Thanks.
cum sa faci bani pe internet o metoda foarte simpla cu noua industie freelancer vei face bani garantat
Aparat care citeste memoria EEPROM a unui automat si care trimite detaliile la un server, centralizat. Se poate face ? Prin gprs sa se trimita semnalul.
Aparat care citeste memoria EEPROM a unui automat si care trimite detaliile la un server, centralizat. Se poate face ? Prin gprs sa se trimita semnalul.
Salut Radu, Am 2 websites cumparate de la compania LifeGuard Insurance si vreau sa le fac rebranding (scot tot ce este de la LifeGuard si inlocuit cu altceva) Am nevoie de un programator wordpress si bun designer care sa fie capabil sa creeze imagini etc pentru un numar determinat de ore lunar si/sau per proiect. Spune-mi daca esti interesat: bucurdan@
Hi, I am looking to enter the Android game market. I want to make a game like this Cleaner design, and updated graphics. I want a long term business relationship. It is my first game and at the moment i want experience so i will not be looking to spend so much money on my first game. I want to get on app store quick. I need your help and then when i get more experienced we can make a lot more games much faster. We can discuss Price and Days later. Let me know if you want work with me and make simple fun and addictive android games. Thanks Dave they read as well as make new friends with people of substance. User can also customise which news they would like to get update on in their feed. We will have an extensive list of news categories from Celebs, fashion, personal, football and many more. We need intelligent people to help us start up the discussion so this project require you to create a real profile account on our website and engage/ leave a reaction to any news that catch your fancy. Note that this is not a compulsory comments. If you dont have anything to say , you shouldn't talk as we are only looking for intelligent people to participate. You are only required to leave a minimum of ONE comment a day with a minimum of 25 words between today and friday inclusive. We are paying the...
EN : A program that makes a tunnel between multiple computers. The program will be developed for a game called Warcraft 3 - It helps users to find the localhost range of play. The platform will have a database, but the target must be placed on the connection between users with jocu. kind of game is client server and connect to it. If the project out well. Creator will receive money every time you make an adjustment. RO: Un program care face un tunel intre mai multe calculatoare . Programul va fi dezvoltat pentru un joc numit warcraft 3 - Acesta ajuta useri sa se gasesca in localhost game al jocului. Platforma va avea o baza de date, dar tinta trebuie pusa pe conexiunea dintre useri cu jocu . un fel de server si jocul e clientul care se conecteaza la el. Da...
cum sa faci bani pe internet o metoda foarte simpla cu noua industie freelancer vei face bani garantat
We need coders to code our websites. The websites are already designed (PSD), all the content is created and the final site is approved by the client already. We simply convert the PSD to HTML5/CSS3/JS sites and send them back!I am looking for somebody who can start right now and could deliver the results in next 24 hours. We are looking for a long term relationship with the right candidates. Must have experience in Twitter Bootstrap Responsive design. please see 3 attach file.
Joc de table care sa permita utilizatorilor posibilitatea sa joace in varianta free sau pe bani reali. Trebuie sa existe si posibilitatea de practice ( se joaca cu calculatorul) In varianta free se primesc bani virtuali ( o anumita suma fixa la inscrierea pe site - ex: 35 usd) dupa care zilnic se primeste o anumita suma de bani ( ex 15 usd zilnic). Cu banii virtuali ca de altfel si cu banii reali se joaca la mese cu valori predefinite, de exemplu masa de 1 cent, 5 centi , 1 usd, 2 usd , de 3usd , 5 usd, etc fiecare masa in parte are grafica si design diferit ( ex: denumire de orase ex: Las Vegas, New York, London, Sydney etc:. In cazul ca se joaca pe bani reali trebuie deschis un cont cu date de identificare corecte. Pentru exemplificare se poate face download la aplicatia 8pool (android /...
How the app works: 1) Log in with Instagram API only (First time only: short tutorial) 2) Collects coins by liking pictures 3) Spend coins by asking for own picture on Instagram to be liked X times 4) Instagram picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it increases by X likes 5) Buy mor...5) Good English 6) Ready to begin now and can complete quickly/will complete project on time Please provide: 1) Price for iPhone app only (may want iPad app later and Google Play app later) 2) Length of time to complete I can create the app icon, create app screenshots, set up in-app purchases, submit the binary to Apple, and set up all other parts of iTunes Connect to save time and money. I can provide you with IDs for Chartboost, Revmob, and Applovin. ...
The tasks are very simple, i will provide instructions/links to websites where you will work for. Don’t worry before you will start your simple tasks you will be trained on how to get the tasks done and after that training you can continue working on your tasks.
...Integrate support and resistance levels from Ichimoku. Money Management stop and targets • Proportion: Minimum risk/reward ratio of 1:2. • Stop-Loss: Minimum 2 candles above entry point or above closer support/resistance or pivot ichimuku if possibe ACCORDING MONEY MANAGEMENT • First Target: Same amount at risk as stop-loss. • Second Target: 50% of initial stop amount. • Double Top/Bottom Targets: First target at Fibonacci 500, second target at Fibonacci 380 or 680, close position 5% before target distance. • FIBONACCI REBOUND or break trough stop loss same rules, target2 the top or bottom of Fibonacci target 1 50 pct of target 2 • Adjustment: When 25% of target is reached, move stop-loss to secure 5% profit. • If forbidden by mo...
Project Overview:I am looking for a Shopify developer to assist me with creating a custom video menu slider for my store. The main functionalities ...display in the slider is Variants Display:I want to be able to display product variants as separate should be possible to choose specific variants to show for particular products.I should have the flexibility to add these product variants to different sections of my store as needed.I can provide relevant websites for reference to help with the design and functionality if , I would like these features to be customizable so that I can easily manage and update the content whenever share your experience with similar projects and how you would approach forward to your proposals.
I’m looking to acquire an already developed online business or software that generates income. I need something functional and tested, where the creator can show me how it works and how it makes money. ? What I’m Looking For: ✔️ A ready-to-use software, application, or platform. ✔️ A clear explanation of how it generates revenue and its business model. ✔️ A live demo or proof of the system in action. ✔️ Information about maintenance costs and potential improvements. ? Examples of What Interests Me: Mobile applications with monetization (subscriptions, ads, in-app purchases). Affiliate or dropshipping automation systems. Trading bots or investment automation software. SaaS (Software as a Service) platform with active subscribers. Any other scalable and profitabl...
I'm seeking a web developer to create a comprehensive casino website. The site should be modeled after the sample template I will provide, and should consist of at least 30 pages. Key Features: - Inclusion of all types of casino games: Slots, Poker, and Roulette. - User authentication via Email and Password.... and should consist of at least 30 pages. Key Features: - Inclusion of all types of casino games: Slots, Poker, and Roulette. - User authentication via Email and Password. - Support for various payment methods: Credit/Debit Cards, Cryptocurrency, and E-wallets (e.g., PayPal, Skrill). Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development and design. - Experience in creating gaming or casino-related websites. - Knowledge of implementing secure user authentication and diverse pa...
American FREELANCERS PREFERRED I'm in need of a virtual assistant who can help drive signup for a online house cleaning service through cold call and cold DMs. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and Attract potential leads via cold calls to Americans who are interested to book a FREE home cleaning visit and convince them to signup for the FREE VISIT - Affiliate link and potential leads will be given by me. - Engage with each lead to generate interest in the services, one-to-one. Details required by the user: Zipcode, Name, personal email id, USA registered phone number, American home address, booking confirmation upon submit over email. No ads, only organic traffic required- Cold calls and cold DMS preferred Target audience- USA only Pay- 1 USD per customer Daily Target- 20 custome...
I'm seeking a professional who can build an affiliate marketing program on the Rakuten platform, with a primary focus on boosting sales through B2B software sites. Key Requirements: - Creation of a tailored, affiliate program aimed at B2B software websites. - Implementation of a custom commission structure to incentivize affiliates. - Setting up a real-time reporting dashboard for tracking performance and metrics. - Establishing automated email notifications for affiliates. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with the Rakuten affiliate platform. - Strong background in affiliate program design and implementation. - Excellent understanding of B2B software sites and their potential as affiliates. - Proficient in creating custom commission structures. - Capable of setting up real-t...
I'm seeking a proficient web developer to create a comprehensive blog website tailored ...quality of content. - A robust paywall feature, to monetize the site effectively. - An integrated newsletter subscription system, to keep our audience engaged and updated. All content types, from how-to guides to case studies and reviews, are deemed equally important for this blog. Therefore, the ideal candidate should possess: - Extensive experience in web development, particularly in creating blog websites. - Proficiency in implementing paywall and subscription systems. - A knack for creating engaging, user-friendly interfaces. Experience in managing and integrating content from diverse categories. I look forward to collaborating with a skilled professional who can help bring this proje...
I need assistance with integrating my custom-designed logo onto the homepage of my personal blog/portfolio website. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to ensure seamless...need assistance with integrating my custom-designed logo onto the homepage of my personal blog/portfolio website. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to ensure seamless integration of the logo into the website. - Graphic Design: Understanding of logo placement and website aesthetics to enhance the visual appeal of the site. - Experience with Blog/Portfolio Websites: Familiarity with common structures and design principles of such sites. Please note, I only want the logo displayed on the homepage, not on every page. I look forward to ...
Aside from my engineering training, ...React, allowing me to create interactive and efficient platforms. My focus is on continuous improvement and the implementation of innovative solutions that optimize both industrial processes and digital experiences. In my career, I have worked in multidisciplinary teams, applying a strategic and collaborative approach to achieve successful results. I am a creative person, with great capacity to adapt to new technologies and generate fresh ideas that respond to the needs of the market. My goal is to continue developing as a professional, applying my knowledge in engineering, computing and web development to offer comprehensive solutions that contribute to project success and customer satisfaction.
I'm seeking a proficient web developer to create a comprehensive blog website tailored ...quality of content. - A robust paywall feature, to monetize the site effectively. - An integrated newsletter subscription system, to keep our audience engaged and updated. All content types, from how-to guides to case studies and reviews, are deemed equally important for this blog. Therefore, the ideal candidate should possess: - Extensive experience in web development, particularly in creating blog websites. - Proficiency in implementing paywall and subscription systems. - A knack for creating engaging, user-friendly interfaces. Experience in managing and integrating content from diverse categories. I look forward to collaborating with a skilled professional who can help bring this proje...
I need a professional web developer to create an informative website for my company. It should clearly outline our services while also being user-friendly we offer - Develop a "Contact Us" page with integrated contact form - Set up an online appointment booking feature - Design a "Products Catalog" page - Include a "Our Clients" page to showcase our partnerships - Implement a "Work With Us" page for potential recruits - Provide a link to our Water Damage Division Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing informational websites - Proficiency in UX/UI design - Familiarity with e-commerce and booking system integration - Strong understanding of responsive design for mobile and desktop Please provide examples ...
...processing. The site should allow customers to customize their meals, specifically by choosing portion sizes. Key Requirements: - Integration with Square for secure and efficient payment processing - Ability for customers to select portion sizes for their meals - User-friendly interface that makes the ordering process easy and intuitive Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing e-commerce websites, preferably for food services - Strong knowledge and experience with integrating Square into websites - Excellent UI/UX design skills to ensure the site is user-friendly - Experience with implementing meal customization options on ordering sites is a plus. """""All the menu information will be copied from my website and ...
I'm looking for a a portfolio, so an eye-catching design is a must. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a Corporate-styled WordPress portfolio site - Incorporate provided content into the website - Design a simple, static website with a professional, corporate aesthetic - Include crucial sections: About Us, Services, Contact Us Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress - Experience with designing corporate-style websites - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to create eye-catching yet simple designs I will provide all the necessary content. Your task will be to transform it into a well-structured, visually appealing website. A keen understanding of corporate design styles and minimalist principles will be crucial fo...