Webpage technical analysisproiecte
...Our mobile application, PCISV, is an integral part of our digital ecosystem, serving a specific purpose that resonates with both the market needs and our core mission. PCISV is designed using the Ionic framework, known for its ability to build high-performing mobile apps for multiple platforms, including Android and iOS. However, with the recent release of Android 14, the app has encountered technical challenges that prevent it from functioning as intended on devices running this operating system. The primary objective of this project is to update the existing PCISV mobile application to ensure full compatibility with Android 14. Additionally, after the update, the app will need to undergo extensive testing to ensure that all functions work flawlessly on this new Android version...
...of costs associated with this type of service (Google Ads - Pay Per Click) A. Creating a Google Adwords campaign, which includes (Technical and creative setup): Creating and configuring a Google AdWords account, Configuring Google Tag Manager (including setting goals, conversions, etc.), Configuring Google Analytics + Connecting AdWords Search campaigns and budget function, even Display / Performance campaigns (the first set of banners is free) B. Optimization of Google Ads campaigns, which includes: monitoring of Google Ads campaigns (with optimization interventions, bid strategy modification, improvements and adjustments to increase efficiency, etc.) technical support (phone/email) periodic reports v1. Standard campaigns in the search network (performance/branding) v2....
Hi Paul Caut pe cineva sa ma ajute cu un product visualiser webpage care involve html, css, a lot of java script si posibil e-commerce integration. Spune-mi te rog daca esti interesat si putem discuta in detaliu despre ce am nevoie. Thanks Ciprian
Avem o aplicație în curs de dezvoltare la care avem technical debt. Cea mai mare problema este aceea că obiectul de user este construit pe măsură ce ecranele înaintează, dar noi vrem sa transformăm obiectul user într-un context comun tuturor ecranelor, pe lânga această problemă mai sunt mici bug-uri sau îmbunătățiri ce trebuiesc făcute. Menționăm că: Proiectul este facut în React Native cu TypeScript pe frontend, iar, pe backend, este făcut in NodeJS cu TypeScript, cu o baza de date relațională de tip SQL, mai exact MySQL.
Buna ziua, Cautam 2 persoane pentru o colaborare de lunga durata pentru content writing pe blogul nostru de home & deco. Colaborarea se va face exclusiv in limba romana. Aceasta persoana ar trebui sa aibe cunostinte de SEO (factori de ranking, competitors discovery, SERP, etc), readability, technical seo. Ne-am gandit sa lucram in felul urmator: 1. Va vom facilita planul editorial pentru luna curenta (vi se vor da topicuri unele generice altele specifice) 2. Se vor solicita 5-6 articole lunare, care sa fie bine documentate, tehnice, bine structurate, cu minim 1500 de cuvinte pana la 2000 de cuvinte sau unde este cazul sa fei peste competitors 3. Daca exista capacitate evident puteti solicita mai multe articole la scris. 4. Se vor accepta atat de multe revizii cat este nevoie ...
called automatic labeling of reviews with Clustering, it can be done by automatic labeling of texts, you should have a set of reviews labeled positively / negatively and then run an automatic classifier that learns from these labels after to run such of the classifier you must first "clean" the text, remove all words without content, figure out what words you have left (bring them to the dictionary form) and then see if based on the remaining words the classifier can determine the class of your review: poz or neg .... with a small interface. Python has these clarifiers in English ... romanian: Se numește etichetarea automata a recenziilor cu Clustering, se poate face prin etichetarea automata a textelor, tu ar trebui sa ai un set de recenzii etichetate pozitiv/negativ si apoi s...
++++ In baza unor desene tehnice existente, e nevoie de: - transfer in 2D Autocad - 3D rendering pentru interiorul barcii - intentia e de a folosi rezultatul ca un "safety briefing" pentru pasageri ++++ Based on existing technical drawings, the project includes: - transfer of the technical drawings to Cad dwng - 3D rendering of yacht's exterior and interior for the purpose of having a video to be used as "safety briefing" for passengers on board. Further details are available upon request. Time is not of essence - quality of final product prevails. +++
Salut, RO only (no offence but is easy for me to explain technical terms) Am un site in prestashop Trebuie testat/implementat cateva functionalitati precum: inserat lista feed, comanda produse. Integrare API. De preferat firma. Ma intereseaza o colaborare pe termen lung pentru ca am mai multe de facut in perioada care urmeaza, cum ar fi: inserare plata cu cardul, optimizare seo (activat/dezactivat si modificat module) si altele .. Mihai
Small text in English about a device, to be translated into Romanian. The text contains technical words, so please bid only if you have previous experience with technical translations. Este vorba de un text de mai puțin de 400 de cuvine despre un dispozitiv mecanic, de tradus din engleză în română. Numai cineva care a mai tradus texte tehnice. Mulțumesc.
Buna Paul, Ma numesc bacris Steluta si sunt Recruiter Specialist in cadrul comapniei Ness. Mi- a atras teantia ca ai mentionat ca lucrezi cu iOS/Android, ...rolul de Mobile Developer (for iOS or Android). In cazul in care esti interesat, te rog sa-mi trimiti un Cv actualizat si datele tale de contact pentru a stabili un prim interviu de cunoastere. Tin sa mentionez ca sediul nostru este in Timisoara si in cazul in care stabilim sa incepem o colaborare, este necesar sa ai disponobilitate pentru relocare. Zi frumoasa in continuare, Steluta Bacris – Technical Recruiter Ness Digital Engineering No. 9 Antenei Blv., UBC2 Building, 5th Floor Timisoara, 300280, Romania M: +40 768 621 827| Tel: +40 372 805 922 @ | | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook
Buna Ana Maria, Ma numesc Bacris Steluta, sunt Recruiter Specialist in compania Ness. Am remarcat cu interes ca tu ai dezvoltat deja 2 aplicatii iOS pe care le-ai uploadat pe store. Momentan suntem in cautarea unui coleg in Timisoara care sa ...cu interes ca tu ai dezvoltat deja 2 aplicatii iOS pe care le-ai uploadat pe store. Momentan suntem in cautarea unui coleg in Timisoara care sa ocupe pozitia de iOS Developer. In cazul in care esti interesata, te rog sa-mi trimiti datele tale de contact si un Cv actualizat. Tin sa mentionez ca acest job presupune disponibilitate pentru relocare. Zi frumoasa in continuare, Steluta Bacris – Technical Recruiter Ness Digital Engineering No. 9 Antenei Blv., UBC2 Building, 5th Floor Timisoara, 300280, Romania M: +40 768 621 827| Tel: +4...
Looking for romanian guys that can copy in Microsoft Word what I will deliver in a PDF. That text contains math symbols and formulas. Caut romani care pot copia in Microsoft Word ceea ce eu voi trimite in PDF. Textul contine simboluri si formule matematice. Nu se pot folosi programe ORC(gen Nitro), textul chiar trebuie scris de la tastatura si formulele sa fie curate. Platesc 5 lei/pag
Am nevoie de o persoana ce poate face acest proiect despre indoor trebuie sa contina atat o parte teoretica,cat si una practica.
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. P...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pa...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pan...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pa...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. P...
Doresc un site de anunturi complex, deosebit configurabil la fiecare categorie, la fiecare user...etc Rog oferte serioase si cu portofoliu exemplu. e in functie de OPERA
I'm looking for a proficient data analyst with strong skills in R programming to conduct linear regression analysis for me. Purpose: The primary aim of this analysis is to predict future values based on the relationships uncovered in the data. Data: I will provide measurements on one variable per participant for the analysis. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in R - Experience with linear regression - Ability to make future predictions based on the analysis - Strong understanding of relationships between variables - Ability to interpret and explain results in a clear and concise manner
Brightdock AI Knowledge Base - Your Custom AI AssistantWe build your complete AI knowledge assistant from start to finish. Just give us your company information, and we'll turn it int...get the most out of itHow It Makes Your Life EasierReal examples:Sales teams can instantly find pricing, proposals, and product detailsSupport staff get immediate answers to help customers, without searching through foldersNew hires learn faster by easily accessing training materials and company knowledgeTeams save hours by getting instant answers instead of digging through different systemsNo technical work needed on your end - we handle all the setup, connections, and maintenance. You just share your company materials, and we'll transform them into a powerful AI assistant that speaks your...
I'm looking for a skilled developer who can create a specialized Hidden Divergence RSI indicator for TradingView. The indicator should encompass th...RSI and engulfing candlestick or pinbar for signal. - **Order Block Identification**: The capacity to locate and mark order blocks on the chart. - **Supply and Demand Zone Mapping**: The tool should also be able to delineate supply and demand zones. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience with TradingView's Pine Script, a deep understanding of RSI and divergence analysis, and an ability to visually represent complex trading concepts in a user-friendly way. Prior work creating custom indicators on TradingView will be a significant advantage. Please provide examples of similar projects you have do...
I have an Excel sheet containing financial data including income and expense ledgers, as well as indicators of the company's growth. I need someone to transform this data into detailed management accounts. The project requires the creation of clear ... The project requires the creation of clear and insightful charts, as well as the data being presented in an easy-to-read format. Key Requirements: - Bar charts, Pie charts, and Line charts to be created from the data - Focus of the charts on income and expenses - Data presented in a Quarterly comparison format. - profit growth Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience in financial analysis and creating management accounts - Ability to create clear and insightful charts and graphs - Skills in presenting data in an easy-...
We are looking for a skilled freelancer to help us set up a build server for a MERN (MongoDB, , React....configurations or installations made during setup. • How to maintain or update the build server in the future. Skills Required: • Experience with OVH Cloud or similar hosting providers. • Expertise in configuring and managing servers. • Proficiency in the MERN stack and related tools. • Strong understanding of SSH keys and secure access practices. • Ability to create clear and concise technical documentation. Deliverables: • Fully configured build server for the MERN stack. • Detailed documentation as outlined above. If you are interested and meet the qualifications, please submit your proposal along with your estimated timeline ...
Job Title: Data & Software Solutions Specialist for Autism Center Location: Medina – KSA About Us Our Autism Center is dedicated to providing comprehensive, evidence-based therapies—Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Occupational Therapy (OT), Speech Therapy, Psychology services, and Special Education. Our mission is to empower individuals on the autism spectrum to reach their full potential through tailored interventions, compassionate care, and innovative solutions. We seek a Data & Software Solutions Specialist to streamline and enhance our data management, scheduling processes, and reporting systems. This individual will also be responsible for creating a mobile application that provides real-time information to therapists, parents, and administrative...
I need a traditional, professional styled webpage for my law firm, aimed at showcasing our legal expertise. The website should be easy to navigate and include the following sections: - About Us: This section should provide an overview of our firm, our values, and our team. - Services Offered: A detailed list of the legal services we provide. The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience in web development, preferably for law firms or similar professional services. A keen understanding of traditional web aesthetics, combined with a modern twist, will be highly beneficial. I’m looking for a professional who can deliver a clean, easy-to-navigate site that effectively showcases our legal expertise.
...Develop and deploy machine learning models at scale using AWS and Azure platforms. • Architect and maintain secure, scalable, and HIPAA-compliant cloud solutions. • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand business needs and translate them into technical solutions. • Optimize performance of models and infrastructure for production environments. • Implement and manage secure data pipelines adhering to HIPAA standards. • Stay updated on advancements in machine learning and cloud technologies. Qualifications Technical Skills • Strong programming skills in Python, R, or Java. • Expertise in machine learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, or Scikit-learn. • Proven experience with AWS services (SageMaker, EC...
I'm in urgent need of a Google Sheets professional with expertise in a variety of formulas. I have data stored across multiple sheets in a single file and need help with data aggregation and analysis. Key Skills Required: - Proficiency in Google Sheets and its formulas including: Sum, Sumif, Sumifs, Count, CountA, countif, Countifs, Filter, Unique, Search, Vlookup, Index/Match, Xlookup, value, Type, If, ifs, Query, Dget, Importrange, and PIVOTS. - Strong analytical skills for data aggregation and analysis. - Ability to work under tight deadlines. Please note, the specific dataset I'll be working with could be sales, customer, or inventory data. This will be disclosed to you once we start working together. The ideal candidate should be able to apply the necessary ...
I'm seeking a seasoned trader focused on technical analysis, specifically swing trading major currency pairs. Your primary task will be to help me successfully navigate forex prop firms and secure a funded account. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize expert technical analysis to inform trading decisions - Swing trade predominantly with major currency pairs - Aid in successfully passing forex prop firms for a funded account Ideal Skills: - Proficient in technical analysis - Experienced swing trader - Familiar with major currency pairs - Previous success with forex prop firms Please provide evidence of your trading history and success with prop firms in your proposal.
...written and video content updated daily). We need actionable insights and clear recommendations to help unlock the group’s full potential. Scope of Work 1. Initial Consultation (15–30 Minutes) Conduct a Zoom call to answer general questions about managing a private Facebook group of this size. Review the group’s admin area via screen share. May not be a requirement. 2. Comprehensive Facebook Group Analysis & Recommendations Report The key deliverables for this project are outlined below: - Group Engagement & New Member Integration - Evaluate how to best welcome and engage new members (approximately 75-100 join requests daily). - Review our “welcome” message and suggest alternative. - Provide strategies (e.g., automated daily/weekly welcome ...
I'm looking for a sports analyst, preferably with a strong understanding of basketball and tennis. The primary tasks will include game analysis, player performance tracking, and creating publications based on live match analysis. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze games and track player performance - Create engaging social media and blog posts based on live analysis - Use statistical analysis tools and custom spreadsheets for data interpretation Ideal Skills: - Deep understanding and passion for basketball and tennis - Proficiency in using statistical analysis tools and creating custom spreadsheets - Excellent writing skills for social media and blog posts Experience: - Prior experience as a sports analyst - Proven track record of creating engaging s...
I'm seeking a seasoned social media marketer with a focus on Instagram. My primary objective is to increase my followers significantly through strategic influencer partnerships. Key Responsibilities: - Identify a...followers significantly through strategic influencer partnerships. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and connect with suitable influencers in my niche - Develop and implement influencer partnership strategies - Monitor and report on follower growth and engagement Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly on Instagram - Strong networking abilities - Proficiency in data analysis and reporting Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to elevate my Instagram profile and follower count through effective and creative influencer ...
I'm seeking a thorough review of my fiction mystery/thriller book. The review should cover: - Plot and pacing analysis: Discuss how the story unfolds, the tension build-up, and the overall pacing. - Character development: Examine the depth, growth, and relatability of the characters throughout the story. - Writing style and tone: Analyze the author's style, the consistency of the tone, and its impact on the reading experience. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in literary criticism, particularly within the mystery/thriller genre, and excellent writing skills to articulate their insights.
I'm currently dealing with some inventory data in Google Spreadsheet. I need a professional who can help me with data analysis, specifically, applying various formulas to understand and manipulate the data better. Skills and Experience Needed: - Demonstrable expertise in Google Spreadsheet - Proficient in using the following formulas: - Sum - Sumif - Sumifs - Count - CountA - Countif - Countifs - Filter - Unique - Search - Vlookup - Index/Match - Xlookup - Value - Type - If - IFS - Query - Dget - Importrange - PIVOTS - Strong data analysis skills - Ability to apply conditional logic - Experience with inventory data preferred, but not necessary
...Sheet - Data Analysis & Visualization Project ## Project Overview Looking for a spreadsheet expert to create a comprehensive emotion tracking system in Google Sheets that helps track, analyze, and visualize emotional patterns over time. ## Required Features ### Basic Structure - Pre-filled dates for each day (3 entries per day: Morning, Afternoon, Evening) - Data validation for all relevant fields - User-friendly input system with dropdown menus - Color coding based on emotion intensity ### Required Fields 1. Date 2. Time of Day (Morning/Afternoon/Evening) 3. Emotion(s) Felt (dropdown with common emotions) 4. Intensity (1-10 scale) 5. Trigger(s) 6. Physical Symptoms 7. Coping Mechanism (dropdown with common strategies) 8. Outcome (Better/Worse/Neutral) 9. Notes ### An...
...- Customer-service oriented - Proficient in written communication Please note: Technical expertise in web hosting management, basic networking troubleshooting, or CMS platforms like WordPress is not a requirement but would be a plus. Your primary role will be to provide exceptional email support to our French-speaking customers. Responsibilities: Provide top-notch technical support to our customers via chat, email, and phone (in French). Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to hosting, domains, email, and website performance. Assist customers with setting up and managing hosting services (cPanel, WordPress, DNS, etc.). Document solutions and contribute to our knowledge base. Collaborate with the technical team to escalate and resolve complex issues. Requiremen...
I'm seeking a skilled Facebook Ads professional to help boost sales for my online store selling physical products. - Primary Goal: The main objective of this project is to increase sales through targeted Facebook advertising. - Product: The pr...my online store, not through third-party marketplaces like Amazon. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proven track record in increasing online sales through Facebook Ads. - Experience in e-commerce, particularly with physical products. - Ability to create engaging, effective ads tailored to my product line. - Knowledge of Facebook's advertising platform and tools. Experience with data analysis to track ad performance and adjust strategies accordingly will also be beneficial. Please provide examples of previous related p...
I'm looking to create a unique Android and OS app that helps users understand their dreams and enhances their mental wellness. Core Features: AI-driven dream analysis (symbol interpretation, emotional tone, and connections to real-life concerns). Personalized recommendations (meditation, mindfulness, or sleep tips). - Dream Analysis and Interpretation: This should be the primary focus of the app. It should provide insightful analysis of user dreams to help them understand their subconscious. - Dream Journaling: A feature allowing users to log their dreams will also be beneficial. - Mental Wellness Tips: The app should provide users with practical techniques to improve their mental wellness. Incorporating Meditation and Mindfulness: - The app should include med...
I'm in need of a seasoned investment consultant with a strong banking sector background. The primary focus of this project revolves around providing expert advice on potential investment opportunities within the banking industry. Skills and Experience Required: - Extensive knowledge of the banking industry - Proven track record in investment analysis and advising - Excellent communication and presentation skills - Ability to simplify complex financial concepts for easy understanding - Strong analytical skills and attention to detail The ideal freelancer for this role should be able to provide insightful and strategic investment advice tailored to the current trends and developments in the banking sector.
...to integrate Revive AdServer with my WordPress site. Skills and Experience: - Must have technical proficiency in managing Revive AdServer interface and features. - Should have a solid understanding of ad delivery methods, targeting options, and reporting functionalities. - Knowledge of database management associated with Revive AdServer is crucial. - Proven track record of managing successful ad campaigns on Revive AdServer is required. - Experience with ad server integrations, specifically with WordPress, is a must. Responsibilities: - Set up ad campaigns including creative management and targeting rules. - Monitor ad delivery performance, optimizing campaigns based on data. - Troubleshoot technical issues related to ad serving. - Generate reports, analyzing ad campaig...
...out-of-stock products, the bot must: 1. Search for similar models (same condition, different capacity, or color). 2. Offer a list of alternative products. Conversation Flow • The bot should correctly interpret customer requests, even if they are incomplete. Example: Customer: "I want an iPhone 16" Bot: "Could you specify the capacity and color? Here are the available options for the iPhone 16..." Technical Requirements WooCommerce - Voiceflow Integration • Use WooCommerce API to retrieve product stock with all its variations. • Relevant endpoints include: o GET /products to fetch the product list. o GET /products/{id}/variations to fetch specific variations. • Authenticate using WooCommerce API keys. Product Structure • Sealed: o Mode...
...out-of-stock products, the bot must: Search for similar models (same condition, different capacity, or color). Offer a list of alternative products. Conversation Flow The bot should correctly interpret customer requests, even if they are incomplete. Example: Customer: "I want an iPhone 16" Bot: "Could you specify the capacity and color? Here are the available options for the iPhone 16..." Technical Requirements WooCommerce - Voiceflow Integration Use WooCommerce API to retrieve product stock with all its variations. Relevant endpoints include: GET /products to fetch the product list. GET /products/{id}/variations to fetch specific variations. Authenticate using WooCommerce API keys. Product Structure Sealed: Model: iPhone 16, 16 Pro, etc. Capacity: 128GB, ...
I'm looking for a data analyst who can dive deep into my transactional data in Excel to understand gender-wise market trends. The primary focus will be on: - Gender-based purchasing patterns - Product preference differences between genders - Profitability analysis based on gender demographics Your expertise in data analysis and familiarity with Excel will be crucial for the success of this project. Please be ready to provide insights that can help shape our marketing strategies and product development.
I'm looking for a dedicated, full-time SEO professional who can help me fix a variety of SEO issues on my website. 40 hours per week for 2-4 weeks month. Key Responsibilities: - Address on-page SEO errors, specifically: * Keyword optimization issues * Content quality problems * Meta tags and descriptions - Tackle technical SEO errors including: * Broken links * Page load speed * Mobile-friendliness issues - Rectify off-page SEO errors Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with comprehensive SEO strategies - Excellent knowledge of SEO tools and software - Strong analytical skills - Exceptional attention to detail - Excellent communication skills THIS JOB IS NOT FOR ANY AGENCY WORK OR SEO PACKAGES!!!
I'm seeking a seasoned business analyst, ideally with an MBA, who can assist in crafting a compelling business proposal for my fuel delivery company. Key Elements: The proposal needs to include a comprehensive market analysis, realistic financial projections, and a robust competitive strategy. Your expertise in these areas will be crucial for making the proposal attractive to potential investors. Current Research: I have some data and research available, but it's not exhaustive. Your ability to supplement this with your own insights and analysis will be key. Skills in market research and data interpretation will be beneficial. Ultimately, this proposal needs to be persuasive and strategically sound in order to appeal to investors. A background in finance or i...