Weblogic ssl configuration stepsproiecte
Am nevoie de un freelancer roman care sa ma ajute cu o problema banala. Am reinoit un certificat ssl si cred ca am facut ceva gresit ca nu imi mai merge pagina de kiwi. De asemenea am nevoie de ajutor si cu alte aspecte ale site-ului, in special cu actualizarea continutului.
This paper aims to evaluate the performance obtained by the V-BLAST detection algorithm in MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) systems. The simulations will be performed by writing lines of code in the Matlab simulation environment. Consider a MIMO system in a configuration with 2 transmitting antennas and 2 receiving antennas (2x2) MIMO) when a random string of bits will be transmitted, with and without the V-BLAST detection algorithm implemented. The performance of the proposed system will be tested through scenarios in which the number of active users at a given time in the network will vary, different modulation techniques will be used (BPSK, QPSK) when the channel is affected by different types of fading (Rayleigh, Rice ) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) using real sp...
Suntem o companie de programare (web/software) din Iasi si avem nevoie de ajutor lunar, minim 15-20 de ore cu crearea de pachete software pentru clientii nostri (companii internationale). Jobul este remote, foarte flexibil. Avem nevoie de cineva care este familiar cu SCCM / MECM si Microsoft Intune. Posibilitatea de a invata lucruri noi ca parte din companie, inclusiv programare (web/software) si de a lucra la proiecte diverse.
Am nevoie de urmatoarele: 1. Verificare si remediere link-uri front-end (WordPress/Divi) 2. Remediere erori comenzi Client Area WHMCS 3. Implementare procesator de plati nationale/internationale (Accept propuneri de procesatori. De ex. MobilPay, Stripe) 4. Remediere erori modul SSL Certificates From DigiCert 5. Alte eventuale probleme Ma intereseaza un termen de rezolvare pentru punctele 1-4 in ore/om si un tarif pe ora/om Pentru o buna comunicare, prefer persoane din Romania.
Ceau, m ia expirat ssl la sait si asi avea nevoie de o renoire, astept oferta ta. Multumesc.
Ceau, m ia expirat ssl la sait si asi avea nevoie de o renoire, astept oferta voastra. Multumesc.
Devirusarea unui domeniu WEB ce ruleaza Wordpress , configurarea pe un server Ubuntu 18.04 cu ISPConfig 3.2 si PHP 7. COnfigurare certificate SSL prin Let's Encrypt pentru domeniul respectiv si subdomeniile sale.
- 2 Tipuri de conturi: Utilizator Prestator - Utilizatorul poate efectua plati prin PAYPAL - Integrare API telefon - Integrare API email - Inegrare API Chat - Utilizatorul este decontat cu suma corespunzatoare setata de ADMIN - Interfata de admin unde puteti manageria toti PRESTATORII - Fiecare prestator trebuie Aprobat dupa aplicarea acestuia pe website - Design profe...PAYPAL - Integrare API telefon - Integrare API email - Inegrare API Chat - Utilizatorul este decontat cu suma corespunzatoare setata de ADMIN - Interfata de admin unde puteti manageria toti PRESTATORII - Fiecare prestator trebuie Aprobat dupa aplicarea acestuia pe website - Design profesional (compatibil mobile, desktop, laptop) - Inclus Server gazduire 1 an de zile - Optimizare SEO - Certificat SSL - Integrare ...
Am nevoie de cineva care sa ne ajute cu o solutie pentru a preveni atacurile prin SQL injection deoarece suntem atacati iar serverul nostru este down plus si celelalte solutii pentru prevenirea de atacuri DDoS, XSS and SSL attacks.
Pagina mea ”Adaugă review” are un design (foarte) vechi, musai de actualizat. (nu e singura, dar vreau să încep cu ea) Am nevoie de un template MINI...dar aș prefera cineva cu experiență și aptitudini în domeniul web-design Aș vrea ceva similar formului ”adaugă review ” de pe holidaycheck -- un exemplu aici: cu câteva (mici) modificări (1) în loc de sistemul de notare / apreciere ”1-5 stele” se vor implementa SILDERE (ex aici ) (2) câmpurile text (textarea) - se vor implementa cu editoare RICH TEXT - minimal (bold, italic, h) PS: dacă voi găsi pe cineva cu care pot colabora bine, e posibil să ”extindem” colaborarea pentru mai multe template-uri
I need some help with my website, I need to update my SSL certificate and improve my site. Am nevoie de ajutor cu site-ul meu web, trebuie sa actualizez certificatul SSL si imbunatatesc pagina.
Am nevoie de o pagină de aterizare mică adaptată atât pentru desktop cât și pentru telefoane sau tablete. Pagina în sine va fi albă, va conține o poza de a mea pe care va trebui să...portocaliu iau în spate pe site să se vadă umbră. Site-ul va mai conține și un clip video gazduit de cloudflare, în spatele căruia pe site vreau să se vadă o umbră.. vreau ceva asemănător cu pagina de la Google Ads. Desigur pagina va conține și puțin text și linkuri. Am nevoie de fontul Helvetica. După ce ai terminat de dezvoltat site-ul trebuie doar să îl încarci pe gazuire să activezi certificatul ssl ca să fie disponibil online. Ceva ce eu vreau este ceva foarte simplu și cred că se poate face în 24 de ore. Aplică cu suma care crezi că o merită munca t...
Am deja template-ul.. este vorba despre o pagină mică... se vor înlocui câteva imagini, clipul video de Youtube integrat în site, mici modificări de formulare a textului și adaugare de link-uri în câteva cuvinte... template-ul este semi adaptat la dispozitive mobile.. la versiunea pentru smartphone și tabletă este necesară alinierea textu...pentru smartphone și tabletă este necesară alinierea textului și mărirea acestuia pe alocuri... in partea de jos a paginii am nevoie de un formular de contact care să trimită mesajele la adresa mea de mail... se va mai inserta codul google analytics... cuvinte cheie alese de mine.. un titlu și o descriere pentru motorul de căutare apoi încărcarea site-ului pe net dar și activarea certificatului SSL oferit grati...
- INLATURAREA VIRUSULUI EXISTENT - instalarea si configurarea unui certificat SSL - adaugare taguri ALT la toate imaginile - construirea si implementarea pachetului de 10 icoane Apple - scurtarea tagurilor title si metadescription - ameliorarea raportului text . cod ( de la 8% cat este acum la minim 16 %) - refacerea semanticii antetelor H1-H6 (in acest moment semantica este complet gresita iar titlurile cele mai importante nu sunt definite) - inregistrarea site-ului pe Google Analytics, Google Search Console si Bing Webmaster Tools - ameliorarea vitezei prin comprimarea codului HTML, CSS si javascript - optimizarea imaginilor pentru ameliorarea vitezi
Ce vei avea de facut? - vei extrage un landing page mic, unde vei modifica anumite cuvinte din text si o poza de profil. - vei modifica o imagine de fundal sa vedem daca se vede bine cu noua imagine, iar daca nu o vei restabili la loc. - vei face o marire de text pentru versiunea mobila (doar in partea de jos a site-u...mic, unde vei modifica anumite cuvinte din text si o poza de profil. - vei modifica o imagine de fundal sa vedem daca se vede bine cu noua imagine, iar daca nu o vei restabili la loc. - vei face o marire de text pentru versiunea mobila (doar in partea de jos a site-ului) - vei adauga un link de legatura catre mail (clic to mail) si WhatsApp. - vei adauga cuvintele cheie - vei activa certificatul SSL pus la dispozitie de providerul de hosting, urmand instructiunile...
...Contabilitate bugetară ; • Arhiva electronică ; • Website pentru servicii electronice , verificarea obligațiilor și debit / card de credit electronic ; • Panoul sistemului administrativ . Sistemul este capabil să mențină toți utilizatorii care lucrează simultan on-line. Toate datele sunt stocate într-un DB centralizat. Toate conexiunile sunt făcute prin construirea unui VPN pe internet, utilizând SSL. IIS este construit pe baza celei mai noi tehnologii în sistemele informatice, controlul și gestionarea bazei de date cele mai fiabile și mai sigure. Mediul tehnic al IIS este compatibil din punct de vedere operațional cu curentul și garantează controlul complet al personalului și fiabilitatea ultra-înaltă . IIS este proiectat și constru...
Avem nevoie de SSL - redirectarea site-ului si a scripturilor si instalarea certificatelor Let's Encrypt din platforma cPanel a fiecarui cont
Doresc o animatie a logoului Makeup Steps de maxim 10 secunde care sa fie utilizata ca intro pentru video-uri. Literele M si S care formeaza 'buzele' doresc sa fie scrise cu ruj, iar textul de sub cu eyeliner.
Rog a nu licita la acest proiect daca: Nu puteti face toate aceste modificari in asa fel incat sa nu avem surprize (sa nu se strice ceva) la primul update de plugin-uri sau tema Nu puteti rezolva punctul 2, in special partea cu indexarea diacriticelor Nu puteti rezolva punctul 7 Nu se pot factura serviciile 1. Instalare certificat SSL si configurare in asa fel incat pagina incarcata sa fie 2. Optimizare SEO din toate punctele de vedere (de la instalarea certificatului de mai sus la imbunatatirea vitezei de incarcare a site-ului, recunoasterea diacriticelor de catre google, backlinking pe o lista agreata de site-uri cu ranking mare) 3. Configurat pagina in asa fel incat atunci cand se cauta in google numele companiei sa apara sublink-uri la ancorele din
Am nevoie sa mi se construiasca un addon la site, o conexiune cu FB, mutare hosting, instalare SSL.
Caut programator PHP care sa cunoasca platforma Opencart. Am mai multe lucruri de facut: 1. Modificare feed produse. 2. Implementare SSL pe cos si admin. 3. Integrare emag marketplace(am deja modulul instalat insa trebuie modificat cumva pentru maparea categoriilor si a marimilor).
Buna. Am preluat ID-ul tau de la un coleg, Marius Serbanescu pe care l-ai ajutat cu ceva probleme legate de site (). Am de asemenea cateva probleme legate de securizarea site-ului propriu dupa ce am achizitionat un certificat SSL. Site-ul este iar una din problemele identificate se refera la faptul ca in site exista inca linkuri cu http in fata in loc de https. Te poti uita te rog putin si apoi sa imi spui daca ma poti ajuta? Multumesc frumos si scuze pentru eventualul deranj.
...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, We want a facebook app where fans can subscribe to contest in these steps: - STEP1: like the page to get access to the subscription facebook app step - STEP2: leave a picture, name and email that must be pushed to a mysql database and saved to ftp - STEP3: ask subscriber to invite friends to the app aswell - STEP4: publish a picture of the subscriber on their wall and a message (subscriber`s wall) automaticly with the direct link to the app inviting o...
Proiectul consta in realizarea unui site in limba romana (Wordpress, Joomla, Html5, etc)...comentarii. Commentul si feedbackul este vizibil pentru orice utilizator insa pot fi completate doar de utilizatorii care au aplicat la eveniment. La fiecare comment va exista posibilitatea de rasuns din partea celui care a postat evenimentul - Compatibilitate cu toate browserele si gadgeturile ( pc, mobile & tablete) - Asistenta si configurare plata prin visa si PayPal - Securitate ( Certificate SSL) - Asistenta privind promovarea (SEO) In cazul in care aveți nevoie de un template pot achiziționa unul in vederea modificării si adaptării. Exista posibilitatea continuării colaborării privind operațiuni de întreținere si imbunatatire. Doresc semnarea unui acord de confidenti...
Doresc restaurarea unui backup de pe un hosting vechi, extragerea unui site din acest backup si mutarea lui pe hostingul nou apoi instalarea de certificat ssl pe hostingul nou. Am nevoie ca acest proiect sa fie dus la bun sfarsit azi.
...1920px x 290px + 4 imagini (ex: ) 400px × 260px 3. Gazduire reseller - header 1920px x 290px + 3 imagini 400px × 260px 4. Gazduire cloud - header 1920px x 290px + 3 imagini 400px × 260px 5. Servere VPS - header 1920px x 290px + 4 imagini 320px × 200px 6. Servere Dedicate - header 1920px x 290px + 1 imagine 400px × 260px 7. Certificate SSL - header 1920px x 290px + 2 imagini 400px × 260px 8. Domenii - header 1920px x 290px 9. Web design - header 1980 × 158 px 10. Blog - header 1980 × 158 px 11. Despre noi - header 1920px x 290px + 2 imagini 500px x 120px 12. Contact - header 1980 × 158 px 13. Termeni si conditii, Politica de confidentialitate, Cerere oferta, User login, Modalidati de plata - header 1980 × 158 ...
Vreau sa imi convertesca cineva PSDul intr-un site, Site-ul este unul de vanzare certificate SSL deci trebuie sa aiba si modalitate de plata. cont client etc. IAU IN CONSIDERARE DOAR OFERTELE FREELANCERILOR ROMANI !
I need assistance with mapping network drives and a printer in my small office. Details: - Environment: Small office - Operating System: Windows - Computers: 1-5 Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Windows OS - Previous experience in small office setups - Strong understanding of network configuration - Printer mapping skills - Excellent troubleshooting abilities
...services to my clients, so I need this setup to be fully operational with proper configuration. Requirements: Install UISP on my Ubuntu VPS (with Docker or any preferred method). Set up the subdomain () and configure the reverse proxy (e.g., using Nginx) to point to UISP. Ensure HTTPS is enabled using SSL (Let's Encrypt). Configure persistent data storage for UISP. Set up basic security measures to protect the UISP dashboard. Ensure UISP is accessible from external devices via the subdomain. Skills Required: Docker / Docker Compose (optional, if using Docker for UISP) Ubuntu VPS management Nginx or reverse proxy setup Let's Encrypt / SSL certificate installation Networking / DNS configuration Experience with UISP (Ubiquiti) or similar systems Deliv...
I need a skilled Home Assistant expert who can read data (MODBUS) from my Deye hybrid inverter using Raspbery PI besides Inverter and then present all information on a small LCD screen (under 10 inches) in my living room (s...using Raspbery PI besides Inverter and then present all information on a small LCD screen (under 10 inches) in my living room (sending the data to the screen using Zigbee). Key Requirements: - Display of battery status and energy consumption - Use of color-coded indicators for energy consumption - Real-time updates on the LCD screen Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Home Assistant setup and configuration - Experience with Deye hybrid inverters - Ability to program color-coded indicators based on energy consumption - Knowledge in interfacing Home Assistant with L...
I need someone to help me resolve some build issues in my Android application. The problems I'm encountering are primarily during the code compilation stage, along with some configuration errors in my unit tests. Skills and experience needed: - Proficiency in Android Studio and Gradle - Strong debugging skills, particularly with code compilation and unit test configuration - Ability to troubleshoot and resolve build errors efficiently
I'm seeking an n8n specialist to evaluate my workflow with a primary focus on data retrieval. Key Requirements: - Review my current n8n configuration - Identify opportunities for improving data retrieval. - Provide insights on improving overall efficiency The workflow is showing no errors but it doesn't seem to be accessing files uploaded to Google Drive. I also want you to verify the Webhook is working properly. ***You must be an n8n expert to bid on this. You must be able to show me n8n workflows you have worked on.***
...Coarse brushes. Fine brushes. Air jets for fine particle removal. Robotic Classification: Cleaned parts are transferred to a robotic classification system using advanced vision technology. The system identifies and sorts the parts based on their shape, size, and type. Weight Validation: The operator weighs the cleaned parts to ensure proper powder removal and recycling efficiency from the previous steps. Automated Sandblasting and Finishing: Parts are placed in an automatic sandblasting system for surface finishing. Once processed, the parts are sorted into designated storage areas for packing and shipping. Render Requirements: A detailed and visually compelling 3D render of the entire workflow. Key areas to be highlighted: The SLS printers and build chamber transfer proces...
...me. The project involves setting up the site, adding clothing products from both my identified wholesale and dropshipping suppliers, implementing a secure checkout process and developing a strategy for marketing on social media. Key Deliverables: - Comprehensive setup of an appealing and user-friendly Shopify online boutique - Integration of wholesale and dropshipping clothing products - Configuration of a seamless checkout process - Formulation and initiation of a compelling social media marketing strategy Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Shopify with a portfolio of similar projects - Experience in the fashion and apparel eCommerce sector - Knowledgeable in both wholesale and dropshipping processes - Competent in social media marketing with proven results I'm looking for s...
...Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate properly installed and the position of the certificates is known, domain and DNS settings work perfectly fine. TASK: The SSL certificate works fine but per default, Odoo is not protected (no https). I need to intergrate the SSL certificate in order to protect Odoo and especially port 8069 (https). Please tell me how it works against the background of an Apache Server. I am a programmer and you can tell me Linux Command Line Code, Python Code, XML code, html code or direct me through the Odoo UI. Tell me in which files and at what position particular changes need to be implemented. The Odoo documentation and AI do not help regarding this task. Therefore, just send me a solution if you are experienced and have already success...
I'm looking for an expert to set up approximately 280 RSI alerts on roughly 140 crypto pairs via TradingView charts. The alerts will be for specific levels: 10 and 90. Looking to get it done quickly. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in TradingView - Understanding of RSI and trading alerts - Attention to detail Please provide evidence of your experience with similar projects.
...a plugin. Bilingual support (Arabic/English). Responsive and user-friendly design. SEO optimization for both languages. Integration with payment gateways for booking. Pages: Up to 12 pages, including Home, About, Services, Contact, and Booking. Additional Requirements: High-quality UI/UX design. Easy-to-manage backend for content updates. Integration of Google Analytics and social media links. SSL certificate setup for secure transactions. Timeline: Please specify the estimated time required to complete the project. Deliverables: Fully functional bilingual WordPress website. Room booking system integrated and tested. Documentation for managing the website and bookings. If you are interested, please share your portfolio, a brief overview of your approach to this project, and ...
I need an expert to install Interworx on my AlmaLinux 9 server. The primary purpose of this installation is for Web Hosting. Key requirements include: - Installation of Interworx on AlmaLinux 9 - Configuration of Custom DNS during the installation - Enable Quota's - Moves /home/ to /chroot/home/, if /home is not on its own partition. It then symlinks /chroot/home/ to /home Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency with AlmaLinux 9 - Extensive experience with Interworx installation - Knowledge in Web Hosting setup - Expertise in Custom DNS configuration All must be completed over a TeamViewer connection.
I urgently need an experienced PHP developer and system administrator to fix my PHP configuration on an Apache Ubuntu server. Background: - My server is currently showing PHP version 8.3 in PuTTY, but the front-end is still displaying 8.2. This inconsistency is causing problems. - I need a professional who can resolve these issues promptly ensure my PHP configuration is correct. Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.3.0". Requirements: - Extensive knowledge and experience with PHP and Apache. - Familiarity with Ubuntu server management. - Ability to troubleshoot and resolve server errors efficiently. - Experience with cURL PHP extension.
...script should show following messages when running: Login Password on site(a static login to be able to run the script) Login to FTP Server Extract all files in the specific folder and show them in a drop down list Be able to chose in the drop down list which file to download Click on button Download Showing in realtime % how much has been downloaded. Confirming when the download is done Log out All steps should follow with an acknowledgement that it is done or if an error occurs it should explain what has gone wrong. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP programming. - Experience with data processing scripts. - Knowledge of handling remote server data. This project requires a keen understanding of data processing as well as the ability to create robust scripts capable of handling...
...detailed description. Objective: Design a pasteurization room that uses steam to heat 3,200 glass bottles (330 ml each) per batch. The goal is to uniformly raise the bottles from ambient temperature to the pasteurization temperature without localized overheating. Key Details: - Bottle & Pallet Setup: Each crate holds up to 32 (330 ml each). Each pallet holds 49 crates (7 crates by 7 crates configuration). Pallet dimensions: 1200 mm x 1000 mm. Room Layout: - Designed with front and back doors to allow forklift loading/unloading inside the room. - Insulated with PUF panels to maintain high thermal efficiency. - Sufficient headspace required (approximately 2 ft) above the top crate for steam and water spray nozzles (for cooling). Steam System: - Direct steam injection with c...
...State Registrant City Registrant Password Registrant Password Confirmation Terms and conditions checkbox and an inside page popup with the terms. Then the cloudflare turnstile Submit button. We will proceed to email verification page... A code will be sent to the email address provided in the registrant company Email Address for confirmation. Note that I will provide the smtp and server configuration for the domain to send email to the target recipients. Your job is to code the system that will generate the confirmation email that can be used by the registration system. We will store the user information including the verified email and send them in an email to a preset mailbox. We will then create the user profile... 4a. First login will ask the user to provide a one t...
I need assistance with my Apple phone. I'm trying to download apps from the USA App Store, but it's not working despite being connected to a VPN. I've already tried different server locations in the USA, but to no avail. The VPN is stable, it just doesn't seem to help with the app download issue. If you are a skilled VPN expert with experience in troubleshooting Apple devices, particularly in configuring VPN for App Store access, I would appreciate your assistance. Please note, I am using a VPN service other than ExpressVPN or NordVPN. If you have experience with a variety of VPN services, that would be beneficial.
I'm experiencing network issues inside all of my VMs on my Proxmox server. The configuration hasn't been altered recently and the VMs are set up on a bridged network. While I can access the Proxmox server's web interface and all other network services from outside the VMs, the internal networking within the VMs is not functioning as it should. I need an expert to diagnose and fix this issue, preferably using Anydesk, as soon as possible. Ideal Skills: - Deep understanding of Proxmox server - Strong networking troubleshooting skills - Ability to work under pressure - Experience with bridged network setups - Proficient in remote desktop troubleshooting (Anydesk)
I'm looking for an expert to provision and install CUCM and CUC VMs as per the BOQ, and configure them as needed. Key tasks include: CUCM Configuration: - Implementing necessary Call Routing and Switching features - Setting up Extension Mobility CUC Configuration: - Configuring Auto-Attendant Webex Collaboration: - Enabling Audio/Video Conferencing capabilities - Integrating with Webex Teams Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in CUCM and CUC installation and configuration - Experience with Webex collaboration tools - Strong knowledge in Call Routing and Switching, Extension Mobility and Auto-Attendant Configuration - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
... Droptaxi 2.2, along with its admin dashboard. The developer must be proficient in: Setting up and configuring Droptaxi on a Linux VPS (Ubuntu 22.04). Configuring Google APIs (Maps, Firebase, etc.). Customizing the app and admin dashboard branding (colors, logos, and icons). Deploying the apps to Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Tasks Include: App Setup: Complete installation and configuration of Droptaxi 2.2 on our Linux VPS. Set up all dependencies, including Node.js, Cordova, JDK 17, Gradle 8.7, and Android Studio. Configure Firebase for cloud messaging and phone authentication. Dashboard Setup: Install and configure the admin dashboard. Ensure all features (user management, transaction records, trip monitoring, document verification, etc.) are functioning correctly...
...with shadcn/ui components Form validation and error handling Real-time updates Cross-browser compatibility Backend Development: Serverless architecture using AWS Lambda RESTful API implementation WebSocket support for real-time features Secure authentication and authorization Rate limiting and API security Error handling and logging Infrastructure: AWS infrastructure setup CI/CD pipeline configuration Monitoring and alerting setup Database design and optimization Security best practices implementation Deliverables: Source code with documentation API documentation Deployment scripts and configurations Required Expertise: 5+ years experience with React and Node.js Strong experience with AWS services Proven experience with serverless architectures Experience with Stripe integrat...
We are seeking a seasoned professional with a strong background in configuring Central Reservation Systems (CRS) like SynXis, Rate Configuration, Troubleshooting, Channel Manager, and PMS Rate Mapping. The ideal candidate should have experience enhancing online presence and managing profiles on top online travel agencies (OTAs), suggesting the best platforms for our industry. AGODA AIRBNB EXPEDIA GOOGLE HOTEL ADS GOOGLE HOTEL SEARCH HOSTELWORLD TRIPADVISOR INSTANT BOOK TRIPADVISOR METASERACH TRIPADVISOR RENTAL TRAVELOKA TRIVAGO VRBO Additionally, the freelancer should be proficient in reporting through Google Analytics, production reports, and benchmarking. If you have a proven track record in these areas and can demonstrate your expertise
...inspired by the provided logo. - Consistent use of colours, fonts, and branding elements. 4. Admin-Friendly Setup: - Easy-to-manage dashboard for updating products, orders, and content. - Provide simple training documentation for ongoing management. 5. Additional Features: - SEO-friendly structure using free plugins. - Mobile and cross-browser compatibility. - Basic security setup (e.g., SSL configuration, free security plugins). Potential additional work includes: - Implementing customer login and account functionality. - Enhanced shipping integrations or dynamic pricing models. - Advanced marketing tools, such as email subscription forms or promotional banners. Key Deliverables: - Fully functional e-commerce website with the pages and functionalities listed above. - Do...