Webform report drupalproiecte
Dezvoltarea unei aplicații Vue JS + Drupal Headless Descriere Misiunea este de a consolida echipele noastre în dezvoltarea unei aplicații Vue JS. Aplicația va comunica cu o soluție Drupal Headless și va trebui să consume punctele finale, furnizate de API. Pentru a îndeplini această misiune, partenerul nostru trebuie să aibă un nivel expert în Drupal 8/9 și să stăpânească limbajul de programare JavaScript. Aceste abilități sunt imperative, în măsura în care partenerul nostru trebuie să fie perfect autonom, în îndeplinirea sarcinilor care îi vor fi atribuite, după ce a avut în vedere documentul de specificații funcționale și briefing-ul CTO. Pentru a fi confortabil în acest proiect, va fi necesar să av...
Am o preoblema in premiere pro daca ma ajuti sa o rezolv te pot plati. Cand dau import unui file de tipul xml (cu niste subtitrari, si vreau sa am cut la fiecare paragraph din subtitrare), primesc o eroare "FCP Translation Report" iar cand fisierul respectiv isi da import nu contine toate paragrafele. Vreau sa fac ce face tipa asta La min 1:42 pana la 2:10 Sa am cut la fiecare cuvant din subtitrare (vreau sa am cut ca sa pot automatiza procesul). Dar la mine cand import xml-ul imi taie din cuvinte si am cut la fiecare secunda. Atasez mai jos fisierul xml.
Doresc realizarea unui site de prezentare( pe platforma Drupal) si comanda a albumelor foto .
...cunostine tehnice / limbaje de programare / tehnologii: - PHP - React Native - MySQL - Bootstrap - Codeigniter - Laravel - JS - GIT - Slack - SSH - PHP inclusiv OOP - nivel avansat; - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX; - MySql - nivel avansat; - Experienta in integrarea prin servicii web REST/SOAP; - Cel putin unul din framework-urile PHP OOP cunoscute (Zend Framework, Laravel, Symfony, Yii etc.); - Drupal 7 si GIT; - Analiza proiect si estimare dezvoltare software; - Modificare cod sursa in PHP / MySQL; - Integrare cu alte aplicatii (API intern si extern); - Depanare cod sursa. * Constituie avantaj experienta in dezvoltarea in mediul Linux/Vagrant; experienta cu linia de comanda Linux; experienta in configurare servere: Apache, MySql, Git. * Cunostinte bune de PHP, MySQL, Jav...
Realizarea unui portal in Drupal pentru o Agentie online de turism specializata in incoming. Pentru mai multe informatii va rugam sa consultati documentul atasat. Avem nevoie de o oferta de pret si un termen de executie. Multumesc!
I want to develop a management application for GSM service! -inputs and exits from service with issuance of documents (entry sheet, notice note, guarantee certificate, etc.) -posts of repair -localization of products in service or outsourcing -Guest of customers -stage store - product management - invoice issuance, proforma, house register, management report, non-fiscal receipt -marketing - sms, mail -all import / export data vcf. csv I also have some application models of this type that can be used as an example!
Site prezentare, înscrieri unități turism, harta interactiva. Expunere in tabel gen as dori în Drupal.
Looking for romanian guys that can copy in Microsoft Word what I will deliver in a PDF. That text contains math symbols and formulas. Caut romani care pot copia in Microsoft Word ceea ce eu voi trimite in PDF. Textul contine simboluri si formule matematice. Nu se pot folosi programe ORC(gen Nitro), textul chiar trebuie scris de la tastatura si formulele sa fie curate. Platesc 5 lei/pag
Buna, am de facut un site pentru o pensiune din judetul Arges, client pe care il intereseaza foarte mult optimizarea SEO si evolutia in motoarele de cautare. Pentru dezvoltare o sa folosesc un CMS PHP (Drupal sau Wordpress) inca este batut in cuie. Te intereseaza un astfel de proiect? Site-ul nu va fi mare, cateva pagini tipice pentru pensiunile de la noi, cu modul de rezervari online si cateva pagini de prezentare. Imi poti propune un buget si eventual un workplan? Trebuie sa ii trimit maine clientului o estimare de pret in care sa includ si pretul tau. Multumesc
Salut, Gamit, am de facut un site pentru o pensiune din judetul Arges, client pe care il intereseaza foarte mult optimizarea SEO si evolutia in motoarele de cautare. Pentru dezvoltare o sa folosesc un CMS PHP (Drupal sau Wordpress) inca este batut in cuie. Te intereseaza un astfel de proiect? Site-ul nu va fi mare, cateva pagini tipice pentru pensiunile de la noi, cu modul de rezervari online si cateva pagini de prezentare. Imi poti propune un buget si eventual un workplan? Trebuie sa ii trimit maine clientului o estimare de pret in care sa includ si pretul tau. Multumesc
Trebuie finalizata o aplicatie de urmarirea a marfurilor intr-un depozit. Este finalizata in proportie de 75%.
Migrare siteuri Web din Joomla către Drupal. - ROMANIAN SPEAKERS only Foarte bune cunoștințe de Drupal 7, JS, CSS, responsive. Limba franceză obligatoriu. Cunoașterea CMS-ului Joomla reprezintă un plus. Contact numai în limba franceză cu tariful/zi și referințe de proiecte Drupal realizate. Proiect de lungă durata.
Migrare siteuri Web din Joomla către Drupal. Foarte bune cunoștințe de Drupal 7, JS, CSS, responsive. Limba franceză obligatoriu. Cunoașterea CMS-ului Joomla reprezintă un plus. Contact numai în limba franceză cu tariful/zi și referințe de proiecte Drupal realizate. Proiect de lungă durata.
Drupal,upgrade la versiunea 8, schimbare tema,migrare informatiilor de pe vechiul website,adaugare ramuri noi in meniu,modul filtrare ip pentru acces in interfata de admin
Turnul Eiffel a fost proiectat pentru a fi marea atractie a Expozittiei Universale de la Paris, din 1889, organizata cu ocazia sarbatoririi centenarului Revolutiei franceze. El a fost inaugurat pe 31 martie 1889 si deschis publicului pe 6 mai 1889.
...categorie. Sus sigla sitului. Jos va fi un baner de publicitate. Filtrele sa se retraga gen Trivago. Situl va avea si Compare unitati. La site as mai dori o aplicatie care sa permita inregistrarea comentariilor la unitatile turistice si evaluarea acestora. Totodata va avea Admin si Super Admin. Panou de adminstrare comenzi si tot ceeace implica un astfel de site. Situl doresc sa fie realizat in Drupal, deoarece e o platforma opensurce care rezista la situri extrem de mari. Va rog sa precizati cat va fi intretinerea sitului si cazarea daca aveti posibilitatea. Nu e obligatoriu. Situl va fi realizat in etape iar plata se va face la fel. Doresc sa colaborez cu oameni priceputi, cu imaginatie si mult bun simt. Prefer din Bucuresti-Romania. Multumesc pentru atentia acorda...
Buna ziua, Ma intereseaza sa fac un site de recrutare forta de munca, o bursa de joburi mai exact. Pt inceput cred ca merita sa recurg la o platforma existenta in WordPress, Drupal sau Joomla, nu am buget mare pt un site customizat (ex: ). Daca aveti timp si experienta in acest domeniu cu drag dezvoltam discutia, astept o veste. Ganduri bune, Silviu.
Buna seara, Doresc sa creez un site de prezentare unitati turistice. Caut programator cu experienta, web designer, graphic designer in vederea realizarii acestui site. De preferat programatori din Bucuresti. Mentionez ca acest site trebuie sa arate si sa functioneze perfect. Va rog sa precizati platforma in care lucrati, Customs, Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla etc. Situl trebuie sa fie gandit astfel incat sa poata fi extins cand va fi cazul. Va rog sa comunicati pretul solicitat si termenul de realizare. SITE PAGINA PRINCIPALA SIGLA MENIU ACASA/PUBLICITATE/RECOMANDARI/INSCRIERI/SESIZARI/CARIERA • FILTRU HARTA FILTRU ALEGE JUDETUL ALEGE LOCALITATEA ________________________________________ • FILTRU FILTRU TRADUCERE • CAUTA UNITATE CATEGOR...
Buna tuturor, Detin o mica afacere de START-UP cu o cifra de afaceri de 220.000 lei in anul 2015 in domeniul intermedierii vanzarilor de asigurari. Intentionez penetrarea pietei online care momentan este destul de scazuta in Romania comparativ cu tar...that selling RCA is supported by relevant legislation obligatitvitatea ??? Las below some figures from studies INS! In Romania there are around 6,000,000 cars and 66% are provided by brokers as we are! just as they are divided between online and offline! In Romania, only 5% of the population, RCA buy online! In Hungary, 66% of the population, RCA buy online! You can imagine about what business we report? ... Without taking into account other types of insurance! P.S. The quickness is an advantage, but dedication is something more...
salut, am tema drupal instalata, nume domeniu functional, se poate verifica: o parte din setari sunt facute dar versiunea in romana nu este tradusa si mai am 2-3 bug-uri. doresc sa colaborez pt acest proiect cu o persoana care are experienta in Drupal ca sa nu pierdem prea mult timp si sa fie creativa. dupa lansarea proiectului sunt deschis la o colaborare si pt mentenanta lui.
salut, am tema drupal ( am site ul vizual ca exemplu) trebuie instalata tema si setata conform cerintelor din link ul deze dropbox ( tab uri , poze , texte ) cel mai important este formularul de inscriere la care trebuie puse conditionalele aferente de creat sectiune pentru evenimente viitoare ca aici : am completat brieful cu toate paginile din site (este in link)
Proiectul presupune traducerea a 42 de pagini eng. - ro pana luni.
Avem nevoie de un programator de nivel mediu sau superior pe PHP, MySql, Javascript, preferabil cunostinte de Drupal. Proiectele urmaresc folosirea acestuia in constructia siteurile clientilor companiei in regim project based, colaborare.
Am un site gata realizat "" realizat pe platforma Drupal. Doresc sa efectuez modificari pe el, dar firma care mi-a construit site-ul s-a desfiintat. Caut dezvoltatori de Drupal care pot realiza modificarile pe care le doresc in continuare la site. Asigur sursele site-ului.
DO NOT BID AT THIS PROJECT. I WILL REPORT YOU AS SPAM. Stii detaliile - astept bidul tau.
Salut. Caut pe cineva care sa fi facut site-uri utilizand Parallax. Alte detalii va pot da pe privat. Multumesc. (only romanians - DO NOT BID if you are not romanian - I will report you as spam)
...va efectua o validare a informatiei si un import in noua baza de date . Am dorii un script php sau o aplicatie care sa poate copia un site atat cu toate categoriile sau subcategoriile unui produs , inclusiv cu poze, preturi si toate descrierile aferente acelui produs si sa le exporte intr-o baza de date prestabilita printr-o bifa pentru urmatoarele Prestashop / wp / Magento / OpenCart/joomla/drupal care sa fie importata in baza de date deja existenta din una din software-urile enumerate. 3. Funcionalitati: Aplicatia va permite selectarea tipului de input (domeniu web sau document). Sursa poate sa fie multipla astfel in cat sa se poata faca o agregare a informatiilor din mai multe surse intr-o singura sursa configurabila. 3.1 Accepta ca input: - 1 sau ...
...4. Providers needs to be verified once registered online, * 5. Listing options. 6. Provider ability to change fee structure. 7. Customer automatically sent payment request via Paypal / CC / internet banking 8. Dashboard for users and providers 9. Feedback score. 10. Box for additional information 11. Calender. * 12. Auction in reverse order like Shiply or Uship 13. Automatic create report 14. Bid Calculator for providers to calculate their net earning after our fees (Please see Uship). * 15. Message screening to avoid customers and providers exchanging any contact information. 16. Need a digital counter to show amount raised for charity. It will update immediately after the deposit has been received. Should be able to automatically subtract amount if a refund has b...
Buna, Am nevoie de un report in Engleza de vreo 30 pag. pe un topic in nisa break-ups / relationships advice. Am un outline detaliat + surse de referinta sa iti fie munca mai usoara. Poti sa-mi dai te rog un pret si timp de livrare ? Nu trebuie formatat, doar raw text. Mersi, Costin
...my vision. This alone makes my formula different from other auto appraisal applications. 5. A vehicle conditions report. This can be achieved by a section of the customer's fill-out form asking about their car's condition in the following: interior 1-10, ten being perfect, one being destroyed. Paint, mechanical, glass, tires, headliner, seats, carpet, and dash panel. All required fields for the appraisal. 6. Appraisal Report Generation: Create a downloadable PDF report featuring: Client's vehicle specifications decoded by our VIN search. Comparable vehicle listings in the local area. Current vehicle's condition. 7. Email Integration: Automatically send the appraisal report to my email for analysis with the customer's informati...
...details 6. Referral link for user to share Binary Tree view (Genealogy) 1. User view their down-line user by tree view 2. Tree will show the user details 3. Tree will show down-line user count 4. Based on membership Tree panel will be varies Report management 1. All the report will be managed 2. Reports like Donation list, up-line user ID, payment method, image of transaction 3. Reports like received donation form down line user’s , user’s ID, payment method, image of transaction 4. All the total count of amount will be managed in admin side as report Note : 2 Direct referral is Mandatory, after 3 level complete direct referral is mandatory base on level admin settings Joining Amount is : 1000 and E-pin Amount as below: Level 1 : 200 Level 1 : 50...
I am seeking an experienced lead generator who can conduct cold calling to small businesses in Australia for my marketplace business. My target industries include beauty, fitness, and massage. Ideal Skills: - Excellent communication and pers...small businesses in Australia for my marketplace business. My target industries include beauty, fitness, and massage. Ideal Skills: - Excellent communication and persuasion skills - Experience in B2B cold calling - Familiarity with the beauty, fitness, and massage industries Key Responsibilities: - Conduct cold calls to small businesses (retirement centres) - Generate leads for my marketplace - Report on call outcomes and lead quality - Setting appointments Your experience in these areas will greatly enhance your chances of success in thi...
...as banners, icons, and cards to highlight key sections. 3. Progress Tracking: o Develop an interactive progress tracker for each strategic priority using pie charts or progress bars. o Allow for monthly updates of progress percentages via a simple admin interface. 4. Integration Capability: o Build the add-on section to be compatible with the existing website’s CMS or platform (e.g., WordPress, Drupal, or a custom framework). o Provide detailed documentation and work with the IT team for seamless integration. 5. Admin Dashboard: o Create a user-friendly dashboard for updating progress data, milestones, and other content. o Ensure minimal technical knowledge is required to manage updates. 6. Branding and Visuals: o Incorporate the photos, icons, and branding elements provide...
I'm facing a significant issue with my website's SEO validation. Specifically, pages with re-direct are not getting indexed, which is affecting my site's visibility and reach. Key Requirements: - Diagnose and troubleshoot the page indexing issues. - Implement necessary fixes to ensure all pages are indexed properly. - Provide a thorough report on the work done and any necessary recommendations for future SEO maintenance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with SEO and Google validation. - Strong understanding of page indexing and related issues. - Ability to communicate clearly and provide detailed reports.
I'm looking for an experienced mobile app developer to create an Android/iOS cell app with live GPS mapping and tracking. The app should allow users to report issues on roads and highways based on their voice or input. The app should also send notifications such as real-time traffic alerts, road hazard reports, and weather conditions. Key Features: - Live GPS mapping and tracking - User-input based issue reporting - Real-time notifications Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android and iOS app development - Experience with GPS and mapping technologies - Strong understanding of data collection and notification systems.
...font pairing. - Strong understanding of user navigation and experience design. - Ability to deliver a modern, stylish, and user-friendly site. - I need the design only, so i can replicate it with functionality, this time only style and design. I dont NEED and I dont want, styles for godaddy, wix, bing, google, square or wherever automatic tool you use, if you star post them i will cancel you and report with the admins, so please, i know is important for you to get some income, but last time i reject like 300 supposed designs, 300 is a lot they make me consume time, i get tired and my eyes get tired too. Maximum of 3 styles design pls, no more that that per person, you choose what you think is the best and post it please. I did my self the actual website, and i need to change it...
...create an engaging experience. 5]Deployment: Deploy the website on a cloud platform (e.g., Google Cloud, AWS, Azure) to ensure easy accessibility. The deployed website must be capable of integration with our college’s app/website. Deliverables: 1]A Fully Functional Website: Meeting all the requirements mentioned above, with all necessary integrations and optimizations. 2]Comprehensive Research Report: A detailed document outlining the problem statement, methodology, dataset analysis, model performance, and key findings of the project. 3]Technical Documentation: A guide explaining the website's architecture, code structure, ML model integration, and steps to update or maintain the system. 4]Presentation Deck: A professionally designed presentation highlighting the ...
I'm seeking a seasoned developer with robust experience in mobile application development, specifically on both Android and iOS platforms. The ideal candidate should have a proven track record of implementing real-time push notifications and impact detection functions in applications. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a seamless cross-platform mobile application - Implement real-time push notifications and impact detection functionalities - Create a web service introduction page for the application Server Development: The project also involves server development. The ideal candidate should have experience in designing server architecture capable of managing users' push notifications and supporting reporting systems. Key Requirements: - Link user authentication and payment syst...
I'm looking for a professional who can integrate the PIX API into my Walletium script (LIKE THIS: ). The main functionalities to implement are cash-in, cash-out, transfer via PIX and report. Your expertise would ensure seamless transactions and enhance the overall efficiency of the gateway. Key requirements: - Integration of PIX API into Walletium - Implementation of cash-in, cash-out, transfer via PIX and report functionalities - Software Framework : Laravel - Software Version: PHP 8.x, MySQL 5.x Preferred libraries: - PIXUP () - TOPPAY ( password:xtsq) Skills and experience: - Proficient in API integrations - Familiar with Walletium and its functionalities
I need an expert in network security to help identify unauthorized users on my home wifi network. The main objective of this project is to pinpoint any potential wifi thieves. Key aspects of the project: - I am specifically looking for software-based detection methods. - Experience with network security and un...expert in network security to help identify unauthorized users on my home wifi network. The main objective of this project is to pinpoint any potential wifi thieves. Key aspects of the project: - I am specifically looking for software-based detection methods. - Experience with network security and unauthorized user detection is crucial. - I would prefer someone who can deliver a comprehensive report on the findings. Your bid should reflect your ability to meet these req...
I'm a small business owner seeking an experienced social media marketer to help enhance my brand's presence across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Key Responsibilities: - Strategize and implement engaging written posts to boost brand visibility and recognition. - Target specific audience segments to maximize reach and engagement. - Monitor and report on social media metrics to measure success and adjust strategy as needed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in social media marketing, particularly for small businesses. - Excellent writing skills with a knack for creating engaging content. - Experience in using Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for brand promotion. - Ability to analyze social media metrics and adjust strategies accordingly.
I'm seeking a comprehensive report on underground railways, focusing on: - Engineering and construction - Operational efficiency - How projects were financed - emphasis on visual representation of data rather than written. The report should include these 14 precedents as examples: - grand central terminal, New York - Hudson Yard, New York - Paris Rive Gauche - High line park, New York - Stuttgart, Germany - Toyoko Line, Japan - Tainan Urban district Railway underground project, Taiwan - Kowloon union square project, Hong Kong - Gyeongui line forest Trail, South Korea - Suin Line Restoration Park (Eullim Park) South Korea - Oryu-dong district happy housing, South Korea - Gajwa District happy housing, South Korea - western trunk road, South Kore...
I am seeking an experienced professional to help me compile an academic-style report. The report will focus on data and is primarily intended for an audience familiar with the subject matter. The report will need to: - Analyze mixed data - Conduct exploratory analysis The ideal candidate will have: - A strong background in data science - Excellent academic writing skills - Experience with exploratory data analysis
1. Fixed Header 1.1 Make the header fixed during page scroll 1.2 Ensure responsiveness and visibility across different screen sizes 2. Dynamic Title in the Report 2.1 Identify the predominant dimension or combination of two dimensions in the DISC profile 2.2 Display the predominant profile in the title, including the letters 2.3 Show a dynamic description of the user's profile with their name 3. Detailed Description 3.1 Create a text for a detailed explanation of the results 3.2 Add "Read More" and "Read Less" buttons to expand and compress the extended description 4. Create "Schedule Advanced Assessment" Button 4.1 Include a link to a new website *Make the repository private*
...sensitive data (e.g., user data, locker codes). - Secure authentication for app access. --- ### **5. Backend System** - Cloud-based database to manage bookings, user details, and locker codes. - Algorithms to handle parking spot availability dynamically. --- ### **6. Vehicle Handling** - Support for assigning drivers/employees for car transportation. - A system for customers to report issues with transportation or parking. --- ### **7. Notifications System** - Push notifications for booking confirmations, vehicle drop-off updates, and locker code access. - Reminder notifications for upcoming bookings. --- ### **8. App Technology** - The app should be developed for **both iOS and Android platforms**. - The design must be intuitive, responsive, and...
I have a report detailing the intersections of tasks across various departments of my company. I'm looking for a professional with Power BI expertise to help me analyze this data. Key Aspects of the Project: - The report primarily includes data about tasks from all departments: Sales, Marketing, and HR. - The analysis should focus on task dependencies, as this is a key performance indicator (KPI) of interest. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Power BI with a proven track record of analyzing complex data sets. Please note, I am keen on a freelancer who can provide insights into the data, not just visualizations.