Web design makes websites news paperproiecte
Se dorește un nou website care sa includa urmatoarele: -Landing page -e-Store (woocomerce) pentru produse digitale si software -News&podcast -Talent hub (ljob-uri) -Coworking (inchiriere spatiu coworking) -Facturare- Integrare cu Smartbill Integrare plati- Stripe -Contact
Doresc să o pagină web mai complexă localul meu de CoWorking ! Ce ar trebui să cuprindă : Pagina principală - Decrierea locației , poze , adresa etc. Categorie de News -aici se vor publica zilnic noutăți și anunțuri Gamă de produse oferite de CoWorking cu propune de cumpărare direct din site Un Store cu câteva produse ce le gasesti atât pe site cat și în locația noastră ! De asemenea sunt interesat și de toate rețelele de socializare care pot fi adăugate Tik-tok / Instagram / X / Facebook etc. Aștept ofertele voastre !
Join Libertex! Try our risk-free demo account REGISTER or start live trading now Yen keeps on dropping as worldwide interest rates rise Fri, 10/20/2023 - 11:15 BACK Financial News Many people in Europe were shocked by the historic parity achieved between the US dollar and euro late last year. It was certainly a surprise but a relatively short-lived one, and prices soon rebalanced. Unfortunately, for the people of Japan, their currency woes only seem to go from bad to worse. To put things into perspective, the USD/EUR parity debacle only represented about a 15% depreciation for the European single currency, while the yen has lost well over 30% of its value against the greenback since 2020 and over half since 2012. At one time, the yen was seen as a safe haven comparable t...
This paper aims to evaluate the performance obtained by the V-BLAST detection algorithm in MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) systems. The simulations will be performed by writing lines of code in the Matlab simulation environment. Consider a MIMO system in a configuration with 2 transmitting antennas and 2 receiving antennas (2x2) MIMO) when a random string of bits will be transmitted, with and without the V-BLAST detection algorithm implemented. The performance of the proposed system will be tested through scenarios in which the number of active users at a given time in the network will vary, different modulation techniques will be used (BPSK, QPSK) when the channel is affected by different types of fading (Rayleigh, Rice ) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) using real sp...
Bună Madalina, Ma bucur ca te-am gasit pe pagina de freelancer. Am nevoie de ajutor in realizarea unei lucrari in limba romana, de aproximativ 10-12 pagini, tema Fenomenul Fake News, pana pe 22 aprilie. Am deja structura lucrarii si bibliografia de baza. Sper ca esti disponibila in acest interval de timp. Mulțumesc si astept raspunsul tau!
web siteul se va invartii in jurul unui server de cs 1.6 Doresc ca websiteul sa cuprinda: PRECIZEZ CA TOATE DATELE SUNT PRELUATE DIN BAZA DE DATE A SERVERULUI CS: Login (logare din baza de date existent din serverul cs 1.6) Profilul userului cu niste date extrase din baza de date: Editarea parolei de care user: Pagina news (care sa pot posta din ea anumite stiri din pagina cp admin) Pagina istoric meciuri (care sa pot posta din cp admin anumite detalii si sa se afiseze in pagina asta) postarea se poate face ca o dedicatie ) Pagina contact = (care sa o pot oprii si pornii din cp admin) Editarea useriolor din cp admin + ban Posibilitatea sa schimb banner din index si numele siteului: [Siteul preia date din o baza de date a unui server cs 1.6 am baza de date ] Ca si ...
I would need a logo for a website that will offer web design services (websites / online stores), custom web application development, hosting. the website has the domain: albaweb.ro. The logo should be simple. It can be just a text with something to think about the activity we perform. to be clean and easy to use for future promotional materials. (T-shirts, coffee cups, etc.). the colors we would like to be no more than two, but to express energy.
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Coffee paper cup'
Noi am inceput un proiect, exact ca cei de la Genius din afara, in care chemam artistii sa-si explice versurile. Noi am avea nevoie de un site cam la fel ca al celor de la , unde lumea sa poata adauga versurile unor melodii, iar pe langa asta sa mai fie cateva taburi de news, shop, etc.
newsletter-ul trebuie sa se trimita automat 1 data la intervalul in care apar anunturile (nu zilnic) daca setez sa apara anunturile la 5 zile asa sa se trimita si news-ul. in una din aceste zile la ora 6 dimineata. sa se trimita 1 data in intervalul selectat in administrare In admin sa pot sa sterg ce clienti news vreau, sa pot sa adaug(eventual import csv. sa pot sa modific titlul email-ului. trebuie sa pot sa vad nuamrul abonatilor la newsletter si numarul dezabonarilor. Email-ul trebuie sa aiba grafica din prima pagina a site-ului pentru oferte. Deasemenea si logo-ul.
3 responsive Html, CSS (SASS), JS layouts for a travel site, executed...created in Adobe XD 1. Home - Desktop / Mobile 2. Results page - Desktop / Mobile 3. Hotel detail page - Desktop / Mobile Layouts must be done with a CSS framework, such as Google Material Design Web, .. or a Bootstrap Material Design kit (ex Now UI from Creative Tim), MDB, etc. The framework will be chosen in agreement with the developer Google Material design kit for web (the graphics were executed in Adobe XD using this kit) * OR something like Css framework from Creative-Tim * * Project layouts
Hi, I created a website where people review adult websites and I would like to kickstart it by having some reviews. So I need someone to write reviews for adult websites. There are a few websites already doing this so there is content for you if you want to see already made reviews on adult websites or you can just do the review yourself. It might be just a job of putting together ideas from 2, 3 reviews. It needs of course funky dirty language - the reviews need to be like made by users.. hope it is not an issue. The reviews need to be SEO aware. So you need to use the website name where you can - dont over do it but use it at least in the title and at least once in the review. And of course the reviews need to be unique for google. I need for the beginnin...
Salut, am nevoie de un programator pentru a crea o aplicatie nu foarte complexa, care sa contina geo-locatie (GPS) pentru a seta ruta de la punctul GPS-ului catre punctul B, News feed promotii, Search bar, Setari cont, Log-in, baza de date cu poze si text / review uri. Astept oferte, doar Bucuresti. Aplicatia o vreau pentru ambele sisteme de operare, Android / iOS. Multumesc.
Am nevoie de un programator cu experienta, care sa fie familiarizat cu platforma Magento eCommerce. de asemenea, trebuie să aibă cunoștințe avansate în PHP, HTML5, CSS3, SASS / LESS.
Buna ziua, Cautam o persoana pentru a "construi" un website pentru o firma de advertising. Dorim sa fie un design simplu si modern. Mobile friendly si cu un admin pentru a fi usor de modificat texte, news sau de adaugat poze in interiorul website-ului.
salut. 1. am salvat contactul vostru pe vremea cand aveati postata o oferta cu crearea unui site de news aprobat de google news. ma intereseaza daca mai oferiti serviciul asta si care este pretul curent. 2. ma intereseaza si link building (seo) pentru site-uri unul pentru US si unul pentru RO. articole linkuri pe site-uri sau orice alte informatii despre serviciile oferite, inclusiv preturi. Multumesc Dorin.
Salut, Caut o persoana care sa vorbeasca limba romana si sa poata face o pagina prin care sa se interogheze contul de analytics iar de acolo sa extraga lista de siteuri si pentru fiecare site in parte sa apara cateva informatii despre ele. Aplicatia are 2 ...ultimele 30 zile (vizitatori, vizite, afisari, durata) -un tabel cu ultimele 12 luni (vizitatori, vizite, afisari, durata) -bounce rate, average sesion duration, new session, pages/session -demografic: tara, oras / browser, sistem de operare / mobil vs desktop vs tablet -news visitator vs returning, referer, lista referer, top pagini accesate, top cuvinte cautate. Am sa pun la dispozitie o schita cu cele 2 pagini, am o tema pentru design pe care o putem folosi la design. Astept of...
...and to decrease costs. The efficiency of a company will be increased by making advantage of the international IT services of our company. Especially for well educated, experienced and multilingual IT experts there are always good chances for limited and interesting onsite stays. Very often these stays are the start and also the pre conditions for long lasting nearshore / remote projects. BRUSCH makes advantage of the long lasting experience of the founders and its partners to leverage best practices to its clients....
Doresc sa construiesc un site al unei agentii de publicitate....acesta ar trebui sa contina 5 pagini diferite (despre noi, ce oferim/servicii/contact, galerie foto, si news letter). De asemenea doresc acces C PAnnel . Multumesc
Vreau un logo 200X90 px, As porni de "deviza" blogului: "modern times - ancient humans". ...ghidam. Nu am o ideea foarte clara in minte, dar astept cateva propuneri. Tema pe care o voi folosi: Numele site-ului: I want a logo 200 x 90 px, "Motto" blog: "Modern Times - Ancient humans". We can use classical idea of the evolution of the human race, but there is an anatomical evolution, not rational, and animalistic instincts remain our guiding principal. I don't have a very clear idea in mind, but wait a few proposals. The name of the site is: and wp theme:
Cautam un programator care sa realizeze pentru radioul nostru online un site pe platforma wordpress care sa contina: - player html5 (avem designul la acest player) care sa ruleze pe .mp3 si aac plus si sa-l putem distribui si site-urilor partenere - chat intern incl...care sa contina: - player html5 (avem designul la acest player) care sa ruleze pe .mp3 si aac plus si sa-l putem distribui si site-urilor partenere - chat intern inclus in cadrul playerului in care ascultatorii sa interactioneze intre ei - posibilitatea ca fundalul site-ului sa se schimbe dupa orele zilei - posibilitatea introducerii de bannere publicitare - posibilitatea insertiei de breaking news - posibilitatea adaugarii modulelor de informatii si dupa finalizarea proiectului (stiri proprii) - sa fie tema r...
Caut pe cineva sa scrie articole pentru siteul meu , este long term job ! articolele sunt in engleza ! acesta este siteul Imi trebuie articole la categoria news si health /fitness etc !
...grafic pus la dispozitie de catre beneficiarul site-ului; • Platforma: Prestashop (accept alternative: Magento, CS Cart, Opencart). • Sistem de comanda. • Instalare si configurare elemente de Social Media. • Slidershow. • Afisarea imaginilor produselor in Lightbox. • Responsive design. • Sistem multilimbaj: engleza si romana initial, cu posibilitate adaugare maxim 4 ulterior. • Sectiune de news / evenimente / informatii utile. • Cos de cumparaturi. • Modul de gestiune utilizatori, clienti si comenzi on-line. • Modul de gestiune oferte speciale si promotii. • Posibilitate adaugare filtre. • ...
Doresc crearea unui site de vanzari online asigurari cu urmatoarel atribute - calculator si comanda online - plata online - sa fie accesibil atat desktop cat si mobile - sa se poata incarca talon auto si CI iar sistemul sa recunoasca textul si sa completeze automat campurile - news letter - trimitere sms automat inainte de expirare sau rata scadenta
I need your help with my helium scraper I have not used it in a long time... note you must know how to work helium scraper or how it works very fast. I need to get a project done but I have a few issues with it. You are not being paid to extract data. You are being paid to help me set up a helium scraper project. Should take a expert less than 30 minutes. THIS IS URGENT. No time wasters you waste my time you get bad feedback. Type I know helium in your proposal so I know you have read all this.
Am si eu nevoie de o tema wordpress. Ce ma intereseaza pe mine este un site de gaming in care pot organiza cupe/turnee/laddere intre jucatori si echipe. Sa aibe pagina pentru echipa, jucatorii sa isi poata construi o echipa, sa se inscrie in anumite cupe organizate......mine este un site de gaming in care pot organiza cupe/turnee/laddere intre jucatori si echipe. Sa aibe pagina pentru echipa, jucatorii sa isi poata construi o echipa, sa se inscrie in anumite cupe organizate... Ca o idee: Sau ma intereseaza si ideea de doar un script care sa il pot implementa intr-o tema. Eventual sa imi gasesc eu o tema de gaming (de news de exemplu) si sa ii implementez un script/sistem cu asa ceva. Am pus buget cel mai mic dar nu are legatura, astept oferte.
Am nevoie de un economics paper. Toate detaliile sunt in documentul atasat. E un introductory core class la care am 91% dar de care nu am timp sa ma ocup. Am double major si am alte proiecte finale de care trebuie sa ma ocup. Pretul l-am pus ca trebuie. Astept oferta ta.
Avem urmatoarele task-uri de rezolvat pentru site-ul : 1. A aparut o eroare la sistemul de mailing, adica nu mai primim mailuri de confirmare la inregistrarea comenzii sau alte operatiuni din site, nici noi nici clientii. 2. De creat un data feed pentru site-ul de comparatoare (avem ghidul/modelul de creare si model data feed shopmania, difera putin cele doua) 3. Concurs Newsletter (de creat o pagina a concursului care sa fie usor editabila, adica sa poata fi oricand actualizata de orice persoana de la noi) 4. Avem nevoie de date din adminul vechi al site-ului parfumeriedelux.ro. Site-ul a fost inchis iar baza de date a fost mutata pe serverul noului site. Odata cu mutarea a aparut o eroare care nu ne mai lasa sa vedem vechiul admin. Dar baza de date poate fi extrasa de exempl...
este website`ul pe care nu am reusit sa il finalizam . Avem design`ul in psd la care se vor mai face mici modificari , paginile vor fi facute dupa cateva exemple date . Ca pe acest website ne`ar placea sa fie urmatoarele pagini ; News , The Team / Squad , About us , Parteners/ Sponsors etc . Putem dicuta mai multe detalii pe Incerc sa gasesc ceva intr`un buget destul de mic .. undeva la 50 - 60 euro
Full Erase 1 Internet News -From WebSite -From Google Search eg. This is not the news, is just an exemple :
Salut Radu, Am 2 websites cumparate de la compania LifeGuard Insurance si vreau sa le fac rebranding (scot tot ce este de la LifeGuard si inlocuit cu altceva) Am nevoie de un programator wordpress si bun designer care sa fie capabil sa creeze imagini etc pentru un numar determinat de ore lunar si/sau per proiect. Spune-mi daca esti interesat: bucurdan@
As dori un site web pentru o canisa. Ceva simplu , un site de prezentare a cainilor pe care ii avem. Precizez ca am deja domeniul cumparat si am si spatiul de stocare. Site-ul as dori sa contina paginile :rrn2. Newsrn3. Males:rn a) male 1rn b) male 2rn c) male 3rn ....rn4. Females:rn a) female 1rn b) female 2rn c) female 3rn ....rn5. Puppy :rn a) next mattingrn b) avaible puppiesrn6. ContactrnrnSite-ul poate fi html sau flash ...rn
This task takes less than 5 minutes of your time daily We are creating a website where people can read headline news and engage or start a discussion to express their free will opinion, reaction, suggestions about news they read as well as make new friends with people of substance. User can also customise which news they would like to get update on in their feed. We will have an extensive list of news categories from Celebs, fashion, personal, football and many more. We need intelligent people to help us start up the discussion so this project require you to create a real profile account on our website and engage/ leave a reaction to any news that catch your fancy. Note that this is not a compulsory comments. If you dont have anything to say , you ...
EN : A program that makes a tunnel between multiple computers. The program will be developed for a game called Warcraft 3 - It helps users to find the localhost range of play. The platform will have a database, but the target must be placed on the connection between users with jocu. kind of game is client server and connect to it. If the project out well. Creator will receive money every time you make an adjustment. RO: Un program care face un tunel intre mai multe calculatoare . Programul va fi dezvoltat pentru un joc numit warcraft 3 - Acesta ajuta useri sa se gasesca in localhost game al jocului. Platforma va avea o baza de date, dar tinta trebuie pusa pe conexiunea dintre useri cu jocu . un fel de server si jocul e clientul care se conecteaza la el. Daca proiectul i...
We need coders to code our websites. The websites are already designed (PSD), all the content is created and the final site is approved by the client already. We simply convert the PSD to HTML5/CSS3/JS sites and send them back!I am looking for somebody who can start right now and could deliver the results in next 24 hours. We are looking for a long term relationship with the right candidates. Must have experience in Twitter Bootstrap Responsive design. please see 3 attach file.
The tasks are very simple, i will provide instructions/links to websites where you will work for. Don’t worry before you will start your simple tasks you will be trained on how to get the tasks done and after that training you can continue working on your tasks.
...environment. To accomplish this, I am seeking a talented and experienced team to bring my vision to life. Key Roles Needed: 1. Website Developer & Scripter We are in need of a highly skilled website builder with experience in creating dynamic, interactive websites. The ideal candidate should have experience developing platforms with functionalities similar to existing websites like BloxyBet, BloxyVerse, BloxySpin, and BloxLuck. The site should be visually appealing, highly responsive, and user-friendly. Core Responsibilities: Design & Development: Build a visually engaging betting platform where users can participate in coin flips, view item betting histories, check their win/loss statistics, and track their wallet balances. Real-Time Features: 1: Implem...
We are a private jet company specializing in charter operations, aircraft sales, acquisitions, and management services. Our mission is to provide exceptional, customized aviation solutions for our clients. We are seeking a talented and creative Web Designer and Developer to lead the design and development of a dynamic, user-friendly website using Webflow. This role requires not only an eye for aesthetics but also the technical expertise to integrate the site with Airtable, ensuring seamless data management and workflow automation. Project Goals Our objective is to create a cutting-edge website that highlights our aviation services and offers a seamless user experience. The site will include features like a CMS-driven aircraft inventory with detailed specifications, an emplo...
I'm looking for a speedy and talented video editor with attention to detail who can help me with my Opus Clip videos. We have Opus, you can use our account. The primary purpose of these videos is marketing, and they'll be shared predominantly on Instagram and Facebook. I am ...ONLY in hiring from Philippines. Key Requirements: - Proven experience with video editing, specifically with Opus Clip. - Understanding of social media marketing and platform-specific content. - Ability to adapt to varying styles and tones: from professional to casual to humorous. The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong portfolio of similar work, a deep understanding of what makes content shareable and engaging on social media, and the flexibility to adjust the style and tone of t...
I'm seeking an experienced Wordpress specialist to assist with editing my existing websites and building engaging landing pages. The project involves: - Content Updates: Regular updates of text, image replacements, and adding new videos as needed. - Design Changes: Primarily focusing on a complete layout redesign. In addition to the above, I also need some functionality improvements on the sites. This might include: 1. Inserting calendly links 2. Inserting forms to be completed 3. Social media integrations Ideal candidates should have a strong background in web design, content management, and site functionality enhancement. Experience with building attractive and effective landing pages is a definite plus. It's extremely important to me that ...
I am looking for a writer to publish guest articles on different websites or blogs as Guest Posting, each with a word count of 1500 or more (this depends on the site where it will be posted) to be written in English and published on genuine websites or blogs related to marketing, education or business. Requirements: 1. A Seasoned writer with proven experience in Guest Posting, who already writes for different authoritative websites, that has a section or is on the Digital Marketing topic, the sites must have traffic mostly from the US. 2. Know about SEO. 3. Initially I ask for 10 articles well researched and written by you and publish to the high DA & PA websites or blogs. - Must be unique and not re-written or ghost written from other articles; - Don...
I'm seeking a web developer to create a simple yet engaging website that showcases historic buildings around San Francisco on an interactive map. Key Features: - The map should be in a satellite view style. - When a user clicks on a historical building on the map, a text description of the building should be displayed along with images. -The map needs to have an associated QR code. When scanned, it redirects to a dedicated webpage with the walking tour of other famous buildings. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development, with a keen understanding of interactive mapping. - Experience in creating websites with QR code integrations. - Ability to design clear, user-friendly interfaces. Please include examples of similar projects you've worked on in...
I'm in urgent need of a website update. The site is custom-built and currently live but I am running short on time. I have all the necessary material and analysis ready to go. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in working with custom-built websites - Experience with Wix platform - Strong understanding of web content, design and functionality updates - Ability to deliver within tight deadlines I need the updates to be completed within 2 days. Time is of the essence.
I need a comprehensive project plan for a website. The plan should detail the website's concept, functionality, and development roadmap. It should include a clear explanati...should detail the website's concept, functionality, and development roadmap. It should include a clear explanation of the website's purpose and functionality, a detailed project roadmap covering design, development, content creation, site architecture, and user interaction, as well as design specifications. - The plan should be communicated both visually and textually - It should serve as a comprehensive guide for eventual developers This task requires skills in project management, website development understanding, graphical presentation, and clear communication. Experience in developi...
Utilizatorul - Pagina Login Pagina Principala - Meniu de selectie(Guided Process / Catalog / My devices / FAQ / News) Account Settings - Account Details(email / password/name / surname) Subscription (view / upgrade / cancel ) Business(Business name / Address , City , Postcode, Country , Phone number, website, business type) Preferences(Language(EN/ES)/ Privacy) principala si continutul subpaginilor in paranteza Program a Vehicle key Catalogue (All Keys / Residential Keys / Vehicle Keys & Remotes /Residential Remote / Complementary Products / Machines / Optional and Cutters / Programming Tools) FAQ(Top page => Search box-> [Title & Date] =>(click) = article) News(News Page [Title & Date] =>(click) = article) Program a Vehicl...
...decorative ok, but thick is necessary as we will paint the raised area after production). Each numeral should take up the appropriate amount of space and be the same size on all 4 sides. Font MUST be a font you can send me the file of. If it is an "adobe font" that I can't add to our company font files, it can not be used. - Beyond these features, the die should have some creative decor that makes them more interesting than just a 3d cube. (Example concepts attached.) Decor can be "lovely" or "fancy" or "playful". Up to you. EXPORTS: Must be able to export in .STL and .OBJ, and possibly in .STEP. HOW TO SUBMIT: - Please submit with zero color or effects, just grey models only, on a boring grey background. Thank you. - Please s...