Web based company filesproiecte
Vreau sa dezvolt aplicatie mobila web based. Am Un site vreau doar pentru partea de login cu 4 sau taburi jos (home - redirect la /login, inca 2 sau 3 cu redirect la alte pagini si ultima notifications) daca utilizatorul se logheaza sa fie logat pe toate gen ai pe home si pe celelalte 2-3 taburi. Daca ma poti ajuta ma intereseaza si un pret estimativ. Nu ma intereseaza acum sa le pun pe playstore sau app store, doar pe site-ul meu sa le descarce de acolo.
Suntem o firma de import si export cu sediul in Cluj. Biroul nostru de vanzari este situat in Bucuresti. Cumpărăm o mulțime de produse de la licitațiile străine. Conduc o afacere în București care operează atât un magazin online, cât și fizic. Caut un specialist în marketing calificat care să mă ajute să măresc vânzările de produse. Specialistul selectat va fi compensat printr-un comision de 5% la toate vânzările pe care le generează. Responsabilitati cheie: - Dezvoltați și implementați o strategie de marketing cuprinzătoare pentru a stimula vânzările de produse. - Utilizați eficient atât canalele de vânzare online, cât și cele fizice. - Monitorizarea și analizarea eficienței diferitelor inițiative de marketing. Abilități și e...
Cine suntem? Suntem un studio de Animație și Vfx progresist, care creează spoturi publicitare și desene animate. La baza succesului nostru stă un portofoliu de peste 200 de proiecte implementate la nivel național și internațional, o echipa dinamică și multă creativitate. Sarcinile și atribuțiile postului: să cauți și să elaborezi bază de date cu potențiali clienți; deservirea clienților actuali; recepționarea si managementul comenzilor primite; să programați și desfășurați întâlniri / întâlniri Zoom cu clienții; să efectuarea prezentărilor de produs; să negocierea și semnarea contractelor; să construiești relații cu clienții de lungă durată; să faci constant follow-up către clienții indeciși; să conduci clientul către încheierea tranzacției; elaborarea unui b...
Aplicatie intranet formata din mai multe module scrise in diferite perioade de timp incepand cu 2004. Am nevoie sa obtin un redesign (migrare la boostrap 4) al aplicatiei pastrand functionalitatile existente. Unul din module as vrea sa fie redesenat astfel incat sa atat pentru mobil cat si pentru web, in momentul de fata existand doua aplicatii separate.
Scop principal: - Citirea / extragerea unor datelor specifice din fisiere PDF (fisierele PDF au aceasi structura -versiune PDF 1.4), afisarea datelor si oferirea posibilitatii de modificare a lor - Ecran (form) selectare optiuni (yes / No) - Tiparire raport bazat pe datele extrase Functionalitati aditionale: - Creare conturi / profil. - Planuri tarifare (bazat pe numar de documente procesate per / luna) - Per fiecare utilizator – stocare ultimul document procesat - Stocare la nivel de utilizator numar de documente procesate / nr de pagii / data - Emitere automata factura conform plan tarifar ales (conectare cu smart bill)
Cautam un developer care poate dezvolta un sistem web based de gestiune a clientilor. Functii esentiale: posibilitate de preluare date din Google Sheet; generare rapoarte si salvare in PDF si Excel generare contracte PDF dupa un model; gestiune clienti, documentele lor, situatie plati.
I would prefer silhouettes instead of images that is more professional and expressive but well shaped especially the desert, I have to choose the desert two different backgrounds that merge with related elements
!!! ONLY ROMANIA !!!!! In mare Baza de date include ca functionalitati urmatoarele: Functie adaugare persoane in baza de date Campuri disponibile intre 60 si 100 in functie de necesitatile clientului ; Se customizeaza in functie de informatiile oferite ; Pot fi adaugate ulteriol si alte campuri in baza contractului de mentenanta ; Functie editare fisa persoana adaugata Permite orice modificare a informatiilor introduse anterior; Posibilitate de cautare in baza de date dupa oricare din campurile folosite Se poate cauta dupa unul sau mai multe campuri simultan ; Vizualizare fisa personala: Administrator – vizualizare date complete, acces functii complete (inclusiv contact) Editor – in functie de alegerea Administratorului Utilizator – vizualizare date partiale (ce alege ...
Îngrijirea companiei este serviciul de care aveti nevoie
Aplicatia este pentru a administra o retea de panouri publicitare, care sa fie impartita pe mai multe module de exemplu: - vanzari (ofertare, posibilitatea de a intocmi o oferta personalizata in functie de cerintele clientilor intr-un format excel, rezervare locatii in urma une cereri , costuri de vanzari, raportare...media(adaugare de panouri noi in aplicatie, modificarea lor si a datelor,contracte cu proprietarii unde sunt amplasate panourile, raport lunar cu ce plati sunt de facut catre proprietarii de locatii) - suport tehnic (gestionarea montarii reclamelor pe zile, trimiterea pozelor ca reclama s-a afisat catre clienti, raport periodic plata a muncitorului care monteaza reclama.. etc) Aplicatia as vrea sa fie web si responsive pentru mai multe detalii va rog sa ma ...
Buna ziua Am nevoie de servicii de HTML - de la files design .psd sau .ai pe HTML, pentru email marketing. As dori sa stiu care este rata pe ora. Multumesc.
Caut Freelancer din Constanta pentru joburi Project-Based. Cerinte: - Limba engleza nivel avansat - Cunostinte HTML5/CSS3 - Cunostinte javascript/jQuery - Cunostinte PHP si CMS (Wordpress) - Cunostinte medii Photoshop Detinerea unui laptop bun este necesara, alte detalii pe privat. Jobul consta in realizare de siteuri PSD to Wordpress. Cunostinte de folosire ACF reprezinta un mare plus
I want a project that contains visual identity design for the following : logo Business card Presentation folder personalized bill badge car design A4 and A5 envelopes I want that project to use colors that denote seriousness. The project to be done in Illustrator or Corel Draw The company is called FunIMOB and its field of activity , real estate Doresc un proiect de identitate vizuala care sa contina design pentru urmatoarele: Logo Carte de vizita Mapa de prezentare factura personalizata ecuson car design plicuri A4 si A5 Doresc ca in proiect sa se foloseasca culori care denota seriozitate. Proiectul sa fie realizat in Illustrator sau Corel Draw Firma se numeste FunIMOB si are ca domeniu de activitate, imobiliare
Caut statistician pasionat, cu experienta, pentru finisarea unui proiect de cercetare, in perioada mai-iulie 2016.
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Design a Logo for a Startup Software Company'
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Design a Logo for a Tire Service Company'
Proiectul este pentru o companie Belgiana care doreste o combinatie intre platforma de freelanceri si un site. Proiectul trebuie finalizat pana in martie 2015, iar in cadrul echipei vor fi 3 specialisti. Se ofera: > salariu atractiv; > posibilitatea de a lucra la de acasa; > se poate lucra cu contract PFA;
We are an Italian Web Agency interested in working with bucuresti programmers. We will be in Bucuresti from 07 OCtober to 10 October; we will meet programmers. Send us your portfolio and work experience. We will evaluate and contact for an appointment in Bucuresti. ************************************ Suntem o agentie web italian interesat de lucru cu bucuresti programatori. Vom fi in Bucuresti de la 07 octombrie până la 10 octombrie; ne vom întâlni programatori. Trimite-ne portofoliul și experiența de muncă. Vom evalua și contacta pentru o programare in Bucuresti.
Salutare, Cineva care sa ma poata ajuta cu un program vechi (scris inainte de anul 2.000) de evidenta a unui mic hotel (facturare, reserve, clienti, blablabla cu baze de date .dbf ; executabil .exe) - firma software nu mai asigura nici un fel de suport, am depashi...oooold application, the creator doesn't offer support anymore,written before year 2000, easy to modify for somebody who knows compiling things (I do not know, hahahaha...), need to eliminate shittie protection (allowed maximum data 2.010 !!! from some clipper who calls now a blinker exceeded data ??? - god knows what does it means) and remove also some hwid prot. (hdd based???, also other devices I guess). I repeat, an old win98 based application (small hotel billing and reservations, with clients,bills,pri...
Aplicatia consta in gestionarea fluxului de comenzi si obtinerea de rapoarte privitoare la activitate. Preferam un partener din Galati pentru a usura documentarea si implementarea aplicatiei. De principiu am fi interesati de o persoana care sa dezvolte proiectul tinand cont de: - limbaje pentru implementarea aplicatiei, de ales dintre (in ordinea preferintei noastre, dar nu este o conditie): PHP, RUBY, PYTON, JAVASCRIPT, JAVA sau C++, C#, J#, Objective C, .NET - cunostinte SQL necesare pentru gestionarea/manipularea bazelor de date (se va utiliza ca preferinta MySQL), HTML si CSS. - ne-ar avantaja cunoasterea bibliotecilor javascript gen JQUERY, PROTOTYPE, etc. Precizam ca avem deja in functiune o aplicatie care functioneaza dar dorim un upgrade de substanta care presupune rescrierea...
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'Need logo for my company'
imagini clare , apreciere in materie ,e un desen in forma de floare care sunt puse nasturi culori deferite
I have about 1300 files that are saved in a format that is not readable / recognized by Excel. - I need each file to be opened using a program that reads the file format (program will be provided) - I need each file to be extracted / saved under the same file name but as an Excel file
I am looking for a freelancer to create a professional and engaging company profile for my IT company, Datanet Hosting Solutions. The final deliverable should be a PDF document that I can share with clients and partners. Key Sections: - Company Overview: This should provide a brief history of Datanet Hosting Solutions, our mission, vision, and values. - Services Offered: A comprehensive list and description of the IT services we provide. - Client Testimonials: Positive feedback from our clients that showcases our reliability and quality of service. Branding: We have a detailed branding document that the freelancer will need to adhere to. This includes our visual themes and brand messaging. Ideal Skills: - Experience in corporate communications and marketing - Graph...
...features using a combination of realistic images, animations, and voiceover narration. Since direct access to the SaaS platform is unavailable, you will need to design custom, realistic-looking UI elements that simulate the software in action. Responsibilities • Create a professional explainer video (max 5 minutes) showcasing the following AI-powered features: • AI Inbound Call Handling • AI Text-Based Customer Service • AI Missed Call Text Reply • AI Auto-Review Response (for good & bad reviews) • Possibly include a short clip showing how an FAQ page’s data is input into the system • Develop realistic-looking UI mockups of phone and computer screens to visually represent the service. • Add smooth, engaging animations (no...
I'm seeking a talented graphics designer who can create a modern and sleek wireframe for a luxury building company. The wireframe should be for both mobile and desktop, with a strong emphasis on customer service, timely job completions, and showcasing high-quality images of our luxury buildings. Key Sections of the Wireframe: - Homepage - Services - Case Studies - Contact Page The homepage wireframe should specifically highlight: - High-quality images of our luxury buildings - Client testimonials - A summary of our service offerings Ideal candidates for this project should provide proof of other website designs they've made in the past. Experience in designing for the luxury sector will be highly regarded. I am looking for a designer who can work in a timely manner and ...
I'm looking to modernize and innovate my brand, starting with a complete overhaul of my logo and visual identity, as well as a refreshing of my company name and tagline. The ideal freelancer for this project should be able to: - Develop a fresh, contemporary brand that conveys a sense of innovation and modernity. - Create a new logo and visual identity that reflects this updated brand. - Propose a new, fitting company name and tagline. I am open to all suggestions and do not have any specific colors or themes that need to be incorporated. The ideal candidate would have a strong background in branding and graphic design, with a portfolio showcasing modern and innovative brands.
I need a userwise travel distance finder
My company website is not loading at all, and this issue is persistent. It hasn't been updated or changed recently, so I'm unsure what has caused it. Skills and Experience Required: - Web Development - Troubleshooting - Website Recovery - Server Management
I'm looking for a web-based DiSC survey platform that can process responses from 48 questions to place users in one of 16 quadrants on a graph. Following this, the system should generate a comprehensive report with pre-defined text tailored to each quadrant. Key Requirements: - The platform must be web-based, easy to navigate and user-friendly. - It should support email and password for user authentication. - Custom branding and themes are essential to align with my business's identity and aesthetics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web application development. - Prior experience with survey platform creation is highly advantageous. - Knowledge of custom branding implementation on web platforms. - Excellent understanding ...
I'm looking for a professional Android and iOS app developer based in the UK to create a top-notch E-commerce app. Key Features: - Payment Gateway Integration: The app must support secure and seamless transactions. - User Reviews and Ratings: To enhance user engagement and trustworthiness of products. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in developing E-commerce apps. - Proficient in integrating payment gateways. - Skilled in creating user review and rating systems. - In-depth knowledge of Android and iOS development. - Familiarity with UK market standards and regulations. Your bid should reflect your expertise and understanding of this project.
I currently operate a towing company with a functional website, but I need to enhance its usability by incorporating a location-sharing button for my customers. Sometimes, those requesting assistance are unable to pinpoint their location, and this feature would enable us to automatically identify their whereabouts. Features: - Compatibility with both mobile devices and desktop computers - Triggering an SMS with the shared location - A message box for additional customer details Skills required: Proficiency in web development and SMS integration. Experience with user-friendly interface design and location-sharing functionalities will be highly regarded.
Logo Design The name is changing so use the name KAM Roofing and Reconstruction With the slogan Commercial & Industrial Roofing Experts I need a unique, modern logo for my COMMERCIAL roofing and ROOF RESTORATION company. Please do not just pop it into software to create it. Take some time and put some thought into it. Key Requirements: - Avoid using images of houses or house roofs. NO HOUSE ROOFS - Consider using abstract shapes or tools in a creative way. - The logo CAN BE built off the name 'KAM'. BUT IT IS NOT REQUIRED. - Utilize cool tones like blue or green in the design. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design, particularly logo design. - Creativity in using abstract imagery. - Ability to work with specified color themes.
...real-time. *Key Features Needed:* 1. *Customer Registration:* - Customers should be able to register and provide details about the item they wish to send, including the pickup and destination locations. 2. *Cargo Company Dashboard:* - Each cargo company should have a separate login with its own dashboard to manage shipments. - The cargo companies (e.g., Ajmal Cargo) should be able to fill in information about the sender (customer) and recipient (delivery person) of the goods. 3. *SMS Notifications:* - Once the shipment details are filled by the cargo company, SMS notifications should be sent to both the sender and recipient with tracking updates. - Customers and cargo companies should receive SMS notifications at key points in the delivery pr...
I'm in need of a minimalist style logo for my car and jeep rental business. The logo should incorporate car and jeep icons alongside the company name/text. A monochrome color scheme is preferred. Key Requirements: - Design a modern, minimalist logo - Include car and jeep icons - Incorporate the company name/text - Use a monochrome color scheme Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Experience with minimalist designs - Knowledge of monochrome color palettes NOTE: I would like a similiar logo to my main company logo attached.
I'm looking for a professional who can set up a Google Maps listing for a towing company. We operate on-call only and do not have a physical location where customers can visit. Key Requirements: - The listing should display our contact number and hours of operation. - It must accurately represent the service areas we cover. - There are 6-8 photos to add. Ideal Skills: - Experience with Google Maps business listings. - Understanding of SEO and online visibility. - Good communication skills for understanding and implementing my requirements. -How to make the best listing -You will be provided with answers from the client's questionnaire. There will be more of these google maps projects.
I'm looking for a professional to redesign and refresh our existing company profile with a bold and eye-catching style. Given that we lack visuals of our work, I'll need you to come up with creative ways to present our company. Key Expectations: - Redesign the company profile to have a bold and eye-catching style. - Come up with creative ideas to present our company in absence of project visuals. Please check the attached file and prepare out of box ideas prior to bidding. Your proposal will be favored if it showcases unique and engaging presentation ideas. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Creative Thinking - Adobe Suite Proficiency - Branding Expertise Experience: - Previous work in company profile redesigns - Portfolio demonstrating bol...
I'm in need of a modern style logo for a store with smoking products, which have a website and a physical store. The logo should incorporate a blonde girl. Key Requirements: - Experience in modern logo design - Ability to incorporate specific imagery (cigarette or cigar, a blonde girl) - Proficiency in monochrome design - Strong portfolio demonstrating previous work of similar style
I need a skilled bookkeeper to help me with 8 months of back bookkeeping for a closed company using QuickBooks. The project involves recording both income and expenses. While I have some of the financial documents and receipts organized, not everything is ready. Therefore, the ideal candidate should have experience in: - QuickBooks - Back bookkeeping - Income and expense tracking - Document organization A keen eye for detail and strong organizational skills will be key. The goal is to bring the company's books up to date and ready for any necessary evaluations. Basic organization and preparation of financial documents will be required. The project should be completed within 1 month. I will provide any missing financial documents when needed. Please provide summary reports de...
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Telegram Poster Bot: Python-based Telegram message sender software with instant and scheduled messaging capabilities. Should be made as an API. Basic front end for testing purposes needed. Backend: Python API: Telegram API Proxy Management: Custom Proxy Checker 1. Project Overview The system will allow users/admins to: • Authenticate and register accounts in TG. • Add multiple Telegram accounts to a user account with an option to choose between the accounts. • Enquiry the contacts list to the user interface (from each linked TG account) • Manage recipient groups (by ID or name). • Create messages and as an ID + add CRUD capabilities. Messages • Send instant messages and schedule messages. Schedule messages should have a cycle of sending and time...
Need to cover and update the following points 1: Prevent users from copying and pasting data to the Template file from other files 2: Link the new planning template to VLOOKUP file. Need the Dropdown data validation options on this file to match the Vlookup file that we maintain separately and use for our other templates. 3: Ensure that VLOOKUP file needs to be referenced from original location instead of creating a copy to the folder. 4: Stop workbook links message when file is opened 5: Stop VLOOKUP file closing message when file is closed
I'm in need of a complete branding package for my event rental company. This includes a modern logo, business cards, and a brochure. The design should be bright and vibrant, reflecting a contemporary and energetic style. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop etc.) - Strong portfolio in modern branding design - Previous experience with designing for the event industry is a plus - Excellent communication skills for understanding and implementing feedback.
I'm seeking a capable web developer with a strong background in creating online service marketplaces. The platform will primarily cater to service providers and service seekers. Key Features: - User Profiles and Reviews: The marketplace will need to incorporate user profiles, with a system for rating and reviewing service providers. - Service Provider Profiles: While service providers will have the ability to create profiles, these will only need to include basic information. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in website development, particularly with service-based marketplaces. - Proficient in integrating user profiles and review systems. - Ability to create intuitive, user-friendly interfaces. - Strong understanding of secure and seamless payment integrations (ev...
We are seeking a US/Canadian based Accounting, Bookkeeper and Payroll Administrator to manage our financial records and payroll processes. The ideal candidate should have hands-on experience with Square, Wave, QuickBooks and ADP systems. Responsibilities include processing payroll, maintaining accurate financial records, and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations. If you're organized, detail-oriented, and possess strong analytical skills, we want to hear from you!
I'm in need of a logo for my media company. The style should be playful, and I'd like to incorporate Turkish calligraphy and an eclipse into the design. I already have a prototype, we just need to refine and perfect it. Key features of this project: - Modern, playful logo design - Incorporation of specific elements (Turkish calligraphy and an eclipse) - Refinement of an existing prototype Ideal skills and experience include: - Graphic design - Logo design - Familiarity with Turkish calligraphy - Experience with playful, modern designs - Ability to refine and improve upon existing ideas
I'm looking for a professional web developer who can create a comprehensive and user-friendly website for my construction company. The main goal of the website is to provide detailed company information to our visitors. Key Features and Requirements: - About Us Page: A well-crafted narrative about our company's history, mission, and values. - Services Offered: A detailed breakdown of the various services we provide in the construction sector. - Team Member Bios: Informative and engaging profiles of our team members to showcase their expertise and experience. - Completed Work: A portfolio of our past projects to demonstrate our capabilities and quality of work. - Other Verticals: Information about other sectors we operate in, if applicable. The website shoul...
I'm looking for an AI solution that can effectively process scanned documents. This solution will detect segmented lines within these images, link and straighten these lines while maintaining the original structure, and finally, form rectangles from these linked lines. It's important that the solution has the capability to handle multiple lines on a single rectangle side. Key aspects of the project include: - Input: The primary input for this project will be images containing segmented lines, generally scanned documents. - Output: The desired output will be the detected and linked rectangles in vector format. - AI Approach: I prefer a deep learning approach, ideally utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) or Transformers, combined with traditional methods from OpenCV. -...