Volt amp battery charger circuit diagramproiecte
...themes, and responsiveness will need to be tested to ensure compatibility with Android 14's design guidelines. Performance Optimization: Android 14 includes performance optimizations that improve battery life, app startup times, and memory usage. To take full advantage of these improvements, the app's code may need to be optimized. Background Services and Battery Management: Android 14 introduces stricter controls on background services and app activity to enhance battery life. Any background processes within the app will need to be reviewed and optimized to ensure compliance with the new battery management policies. Security Enhancements: Android 14 includes enhanced security measures, such as stronger encryption, improved authentication methods, a...
Să se proiecteze un regulator PID cu Amplificator operațional cu funcția de transfer H(s)=Kpc( 1+1/Ti(s)+Td(s)), unde Kpc=-10, Ti= 150 ms și Td=80. Plaja tensiunilor de reacție, ieșire și referință este +10V. Doresc schema electronică împreună cu calculele matematice folosite pentru determinarea valorilor fiecărui dispozitiv electronic folosit.
Este vorba de o aplicatie care permite clientilor inregistrati sa participe la un Turneu cu premii. Turneul este format din doua runde. Turneul are cateva reguli care trebuie implementate. Aplicatie are nevoie de un Dashbord Panel pentru Admin. Adminul creeaza partidele cu valoarea fiecarui meci. Aplicati...aplicatie care permite clientilor inregistrati sa participe la un Turneu cu premii. Turneul este format din doua runde. Turneul are cateva reguli care trebuie implementate. Aplicatie are nevoie de un Dashbord Panel pentru Admin. Adminul creeaza partidele cu valoarea fiecarui meci. Aplicatie este formata din 3 Pagini Interface Ux Ui. Proiectul este in 85% detaliat (Ex: culori folosite, modul de plata, diagram userului sa.). Sunt deschis pentru imbunatatiri sau alte modalitai sau n...
Aceasta aplicatie doresc ca atunci cand telefonul atinge un anumit procentaj de incarcare al bateriei(exemplu 100%) sa intrerupa alimentarea incarcatorului, iar cand acest procentaj scade sub un anumit nivel( exemplu 25%) sa reia incarcarea, adica la anumite procentaje ale bateriei sa inchida si sa deschida un circuit(releu). Conectarea aplicatiei sa poata fii facuta prin bluetooth. Va multumesc anticipat, iar pentru mai multe detalii nu ezitati sa ma contactati.
Salut, Sunt interesat de o colaborare de durata. Intai as vrea un face-lift la si mutat pe Laravel, acum e pe Yii, dar si administrare la nivelul actual. Site-ul este full AMP
Am atasat un pdf cu informatii despre cum ar trebuii sa arate, locatia este aceasi doar imi trebuie alte cladiri ca si design, textura etc. Totul este stabilit si include in esenta pentru aceasta faza doar 5 cladiri (diagrama atasata). Insasi cladirea 5 din diagram o am ca si referinta atasata (nu, nu am modelul dar daca se poate recrea exact asta nu avem de ce sa pierdem vremea pe explicatii si research). Cladirea 1 se doreste ca si texturi precum cladirea 5 dar evident este mai mare si in loc de garaj o sa fie cladire de apartamente. Daca esti disponibil(a) si poti sa imi trimiti un portofoliu care sa arate ca poti sa faci asa ceva destul de usor, atunci discutam. Multumesc
Template Proiect LCD - simulare in Proteus Cerinte de p...care unul sa fie analogic si altul digital. exemplu senzor de umiditate analogic: 5) contine un senzor de lumina (fotorezistenta/fotodioda/modul_lumina). 6) Se va proiecta un circuit cu A.O. pentru conditionarea semnalului de la senzorul de umiditate analogic. 7) Se va face o simulare a proiectului AEMC folosind programul Proteus (senzorii vor fi emulati, acolo unde este posibil). 8) Se va realiza un circuit electronic si PCB-ul. Pe partea PCB bottom se va scrie numele studentilor din echipa. 9) Se va implementa software un ceas cu data si 1 alarma. Numarul de butoane nu este impus. Se va folosi un buzzer audio (activ sau pasiv).
Salut , am nevoie si eu de o schema de circuit si o simulare in PS Spice pentru un proiect de facultate cu titlul "Divizor de trepte de tensiune " , las atasat mai jos o posibila schema
Buna, vad ca ai un profil excelent pe Freelancer, ceea ce inseamna ca stii sa-ti organizezi munca si sa lucrezi fara un sef pe langa tine. Eu caut acum un virtual assistant (din judetele AB, BV, CV, HR, MS sau SB) pentru a lucra in regim de telemunca (work from home). Munca implica user support pt. o aplicatie Android+web, online marketing, web...Android+web, online marketing, web-based sales, content creation, testare aplicatii Android/web si altele asemenea. Daca ai domiciliul in una din aceste judete, ai fi interesata de un astfel de job cu contract de munca si beneficiile legale? Poate fi si pt. un program sub 40 ore/saptamana, a.i. ai putea continua sa lucrezi si pe Freelancer. U.I. magyarul is irhatunk, csak a fenti szoveget konnyebb volt atmasolni egy mas targyalasbol :) K...
Modifică niște imagini Salutare, în materie de design grafic pot face diverse: profile, layout-uri pentru diverse site-uri, editări foto, ajustări și modificări, logo-uri profesionale. Toată cariera mea a început doar de la crearea unor layout-uri pentru canale de YouTube ...dori foarte mult ca să lucrez pentru platforma dumneavoastră deoarece as avea un potențial de a evolua în micul meu talent și de a fi răsplătit de pe urma lui, vreau sa ajung cât se poate de departe. Ca și punct forte, lucrez foarte repede și calitativ, îmi place sa colaborez cu persoane și ador munca în echipa, în special cu oameni experimentați. Ca un mic bonus, eu fac și texturi pentru jocul Re-volt lansat în anul 1999. Practic, pentru jocul acela fac mașini, l...
...telecomenzile traditionale vor functiona la fel ca inainte. Daca aveti vreo indoiala daca deschizatorul dvs. este compatibil cu Nold, nu ezitati sa ne contactati. Daca aveti deja instalat un intrerupator de perete, puteti efectua acest test simplu pentru a verifica compatibilitatea: urmati cele doua fire care vin de la butonul de deschidere la deschizator. In cazul in care se conecteaza la placa de circuit, atingeti-le impreuna pentru o clipa. Daca acest lucru va face usa deschisa, opriti-va si inchideti, atunci deschizatorul de usi de garaj accepta un buton standard, deci va fi compatibil si cu Nold Open. Cu un dispozitiv puteti lega doua porti/usi diferite aflate la cel mult 10 metri una de alta. Functionarea acestora este independenta. In pagina noastra de internet regasiti...
The numerator used will have entrance to R asynchronous. It will only use the 4000 series circuits. The clock oscillator will provide two rectangular signals with frequencies of 3Hz, 5Hz and 360kHz and a tact signal manually. Divizor fix de frecvență cu 68. Numărătorul folosit va avea intrarea R asincronă. Se vor utiliza numai circuite din seria 4000. Oscilatorul va furniza semnale dreptunghiulare cu frecvențele de 3,5 Hz, respectiv 360kHz și un semnal de tact manual.
Am nevoie pentru un site realizat in joomla de niste modificari la k2. Template-ul este unul platit dar suportul lasa de dorit. Am nevoie ca item-urile din k2 sa aiba o optiune sa setez un ribbon pe imagine care sa apara atat in item efectiv cat si in lista de afisare. Trebuie sa pot scrie sau sa atasez o imagine in coltul din dreapta sau stanga ( early booking, circuit, revelion) Atasez o poza sa va dati seama la ce ma refer.
... cu parametrii: a. action = get_offers b. username = username c. password = password Username si password sunt primiti in prealabil pe email. Metoda va intoarce toate ofertele prezente in acel moment pe site-ul nostru. Recomandam folosirea ei de maxim 2 ori pe zi, pentru a evita load-ul mare pe server. Ex raspuns (1 item): {"id":"8","type":"circuit","departure_id":"4","departure_destination_id":"0","departure_destination_title":"","departure_destination_url":"","search_id":"15866","intern":"0","search_url":"src0h513874c3ecc81","result_id":"47591","package_id":"0...
Buna ziua, suntem in cautarea unui programator web pentru realizarea unui proiect legat de activitatatea de productie publicitara - mai exact imprimare tablouri personalizate. Acest modul va fi integra...integrat intr-un site web si va permite clientului sa customizeze online si sa primeasca in timp real rezultatele generate prin intermediul siteului. Avem un site de model al unei firmei din afara pe care vi-l putem oferi spre analiza. In cazul in care sunteti interesat va rog sa ne instiintati pentru a putea avansa. Multumesc, Gabriel Munteanu Director de dezvoltare Romconect - Print, Signs & Billboards Fax: (+4) 0351 431 070 Tel: (+4) 0351 431 069 Mobil: (+4) 0788 503 422 Email: office@ WEB:
...statului. Finantele private cuprind totalitatea societatilor comerciale, bancare, de asigurari, indiferent de proprietarul capitalului. In domeniul finantelor private se constituie capitalul tuturor tipurilor de societati comerciale, regii autonome si companii nationale. Caracteristica esentiala a finantelor private este ca aici fondurile nu se consuma, ci se avanseaza si recupereaza in permanenta in circuit. Finantele private mai cuprind alaturi de fondurile firmei propriu-zise de care am vorbit mai sus, fondurile de credit si fondurile de asigurari. Fondurile de credit se caracterizeaza prin aceea ca se constituie pe baze rambursabile si se utilizeaza tot pe baze rambursabile. Fondurile de asigurari se constituie in mod definitiv dar se folosesc numai in cazul survenirii riscul...
I have a power amplifier that's not producing any sound. I've already checked the cables and connections but the issue persists. I'm looking for an electronic engineer with experience in diagnosing and fixing power amplifiers. Ideally, you should have a strong background in circuit analysis and repair, and be skilled in troubleshooting transistors and ICs. Please message me if you're interested in helping me restore my amplifier to full functionality.
I'm obtaining a permit from the City of Phoenix to add a 50A dedicated circuit for a pool heater. The City of Phoenix requires: (1) Electrical Load Calculation that will ultimately show at/below 200A for my existing setup + new pool heater (Pentair Ultratemp 140 H/C) (2) Electrical Panel Schedule showing existing + new circuits (NOTE: We have a 200A main panel, then a 125A sub-panel connected, see attachments). Seeking an expert to take my attached documents along with the City's examples and share (1) Electrical Load Calculation and (2) Electrical Panel Schedule that I can submit right to the City of Phoenix along with my permit application. Key Requirements: - Analysis to include lighting and outlets, HVAC systems, and all of my appliances. - Ability to follow stand...
I need detailed flow charts and data flow diagrams drawn for a JavaScript Chrome extension code. This extension detects text input fields and autopopulates them. The diagrams should be insightful enough to show the workings of the DOM parsing algorithm and the autopopulating algorithm. Key Requirements: - The primary goal of these diagrams is to aid developers in understanding the code. - The diagrams should clearly outline the step-by-step process of the algorithms. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in creating flow charts and data flow diagrams. - Experience with JavaScript and Chrome extensions. - Ability to convey complex processes in a clear and concise manner.
...Comprehensive Testing: Thoroughly test all app features, functionalities, and user flows on your iOS device. This includes: Navigation and UI/UX testing across different iOS versions and device screen sizes (please specify your device and iOS version in your application). Functional testing of all features and user interactions. Performance testing (e.g., app launch time, responsiveness, memory usage, battery consumption). Usability testing, identifying areas for improvement in user experience. Testing under various network conditions (Wi-Fi, cellular, offline). Detailed Bug Reporting: Document all bugs and issues found with meticulous detail, including: Clear and concise descriptions of the issue. Precise steps to reproduce the bug. Screenshots or screen recordings demonstrating...
...tting/ ■SUPER PWA+ONESIGNAL PUSH notification set up I want to display push notifications (floating notifications) If User do not allow notifications, the user will not be notified The web app requests notification settings when installed ■Timeline ・Start Date: Immediate start preferred ・Duration: Must be completed within 72 hours ・Note: Project will be cancelled without payment if deadline is exceeded ■Technical Requirements ・WordPress expertise ・HivePress plugin experience ・Divi theme proficiency ・React/TypeScript knowledge ・Code implementation as per provided reference examples ■Development
...services to global clients, primarily focused on Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design and manufacturing. Our uniqueness lies in designing, prototyping, and developing diverse electronic hardware in a customized and highly precise manner. As a firm, we can transform your ideas or functional diagrams into electronic circuits or products that enhance the functionality of electronic devices. With a team of proficient engineers, we create exceptional electronic designs. Role Overview: R&D Engineer Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu Key Responsibilities: • Product Development & Redesign: Develop new electronic products and redesign existing ones. Conduct research and testing on product concepts to improve functionality and performance. • Circuit Design: Design and dev...
I’m in need of a professional who can design a Switching Mode Power Supply (SMPS) for industrial use. The requirements for the power supply are as follows: - Input: 12-30V DC - Output: 19.5V - Current: 10.3A Key Features: The power supply needs to be robust and reliable, equipped with: - Overload Protection - Short Circuit Protection - Temperature Control While there are no specific certifications or standards required at this moment, it's important that the design considers the necessary industry standards for safety and performance. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience in power supply design, particularly for industrial applications, with a strong understanding of SMPS technology.
I'm in need of a specialist who can create a detailed design with specifications for an electric two-wheeler wiring harness. Your tasks will encompass: - Integrating various components into the wiring harness design including: - Battery connections - Lights and indicators - Motor controller - Instrument cluster - Telematics - Hub motor - More - Ensuring the design adheres to electric vehicle standards. Ideal candidates should possess: - Extensive experience in designing wiring harnesses, preferably for electric two-wheelers. - In-depth understanding of electric vehicle standards. - Proficiency in creating detailed designs with specifications.
I'm looking for a skilled designer to create a visually appealing schematic for a project in the field of Electronics, Physics, and Nanotechnology. Key Aspects: - The diagram should have a strong visual appeal, as it will be used for presentations and publications. - While the visual aspect is crucial, the schematic must still be accurate and detailed to serve its purpose in the scientific community. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in schematic design software. - Strong background in Electronics/Physics/Nanotechnology. - Excellent design skills with a focus on visual aesthetics. Please provide samples of your previous work in your proposal.
I'm in need of a seasoned MATLAB and Simulink specialist who can assist me with a project involving the design and development of a 20kV and 50kHz system for generating RF Cold Plasma. Key Responsibilities: - Create a comprehensive sim...in need of a seasoned MATLAB and Simulink specialist who can assist me with a project involving the design and development of a 20kV and 50kHz system for generating RF Cold Plasma. Key Responsibilities: - Create a comprehensive simulation of the system in Simulink - Ensure the simulation accurately reflects the intended circuit design Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in MATLAB and Simulink - Prior experience with RF Plasma simulation preferred - Strong circuit design understanding - Excellent analytical skills for interpret...
I need a professional who can convert my hand drawings into a detailed Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID). Key Requirements: - CAD expertise, specifically in P&ID creation - Ability to accurately translate drawings into CAD - High level of detail and precision - Create autocad blocks for features - Create template layout with title head - Proficiency in adding comprehensive annotations and specifications - Previous experience in system design CAD projects Ideal Skills: - CAD software proficiency - Mechanical drawing skills - 3D modeling experience Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed. Looking forward to your bids. Example P&ID required to be drawn up
I need a professional who can write a comprehensive research paper on estimating the state of charge of lithium-ion batteries using an extended Kalman filter. The goal is ...charge of lithium-ion batteries using an extended Kalman filter. The goal is to optimize the state of charge in an academic manner. The paper should be submitted as a Word document and must include the following sections: - Abstract and Introduction - Methodology and Results - Conclusion and References The ideal candidate for this project should possess: - Extensive knowledge and experience in battery research and estimation techniques. - Proficiency in academic writing. - The ability to provide an in-depth analysis of the subject matter. Please make sure your bid demonstrates your ability to meet these req...
I need a skilled Arduino professional to design a compact, wireless device for me. This device will blink an LED light on a predetermined date, operating on a long-lasting battery. Key Requirements: - The device should be suitable for indoor use. - It needs to be as small and compact as possible. - Experience with Arduino is a must. - Prior work with designing battery-powered devices is preferred. - Knowledge of LED circuitry is desirable. - Understanding of timing mechanisms for the LED blinks. - Ability to ensure efficient power usage for long battery life.
...smaller) incorporating the STM32 microchip for UART, SIM800L (GSM), and NEO-6M (GPS). The design should also accommodate a buzzer, mini LEDs, and USB-C charging, with provisions for battery integration (details to be finalized). Key Tasks: - Optimize the antenna design for GSM and GPS to ensure the best performance. - Create compact and efficient layouts that can withstand the rigors of a prototype. - Transition existing code from ESP32 to STM32. Key Considerations: - The primary focus of the PCB design is compactness. The smaller the PCB, the better. - The IoT device will be powered by a rechargeable battery, so consideration for this power source is crucial. - GPS accuracy is the most critical feature of the device, so the design should facilitate this. Ideal Skills ...
...thematic designs are essential. Key Requirements: • The designer must sign an NDA before receiving detailed project specifics. • Provide examples of previous design work (board games or similar projects preferred). • Ability to deliver high-resolution, print-ready files for production. • Collaboration and timely communication during the project. Scope of Work: 1. Game Board Design: • A circuit-style board layout with thematic elements (e.g., start/finish line, pit stops, trivia spaces, hazards, and action spaces). • Approximate size: 20x20 inches, foldable for compact storage. • Clear icons and visually distinct spaces for movement and interactions. • Decorative elements to enhance the motorsport theme, including textures, cur...
I need an expert in circuit design and reverse engineering to help me replicate a 24v 2.5v SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply) circuit for a new application. Key Tasks: - Reverse engineer the existing circuit and create a full schematic and operation guide - Design a new SMPS circuit capable of driving a mixed load (inductive and resistive) Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in circuit design and reverse engineering - Previous experience with SMPS circuits - Able to create comprehensive schematics and operation guides The goal is to fully understand the existing design so that we can replicate it for a new use. The focus will be on creating a circuit that is capable of handling a mixed load, as well as improving efficiency where possible...
I'm looking for an experienced electronics engineer to design and code a circuit board that can control both analog RGBW LED strips and digital addressable LED strips (like WS2812) using an ESP32. Key Responsibilities: - Design a circuit board compatible with both types of LED strips - Code the ESP32 to control the LED strips - Ensure the circuit board can perform static color displays on the LED strips Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in circuit design and coding - Previous experience with ESP32 and LED strip control - Ability to create a robust and efficient circuit board Please note, there is no need for the circuit board to support any wireless control options or music synchronization. The primary focus is on controlling the LED strips to di...
My Huawei phone is stuck on the EMUI e-recovery page and I need an expert to help troubleshoot the issue. I was on a whatsapp phone call when it shut down due to a dead battery. Background: - I have already attempted all options I found online to fix the issue without success. - The cause of the problem is currently unknown to me. - There are some important files on the phone that I need to recover. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Huawei phones - Proficient in troubleshooting software issues - Capable of diagnosing potential hardware problems - Skilled in data recovery Ideally, you should be someone who is well-versed with Huawei devices and can offer a solution to my predicament.
I have a power amplifier that's not producing any sound. I've already checked the cables and connections but the issue persists. I'm looking for an electronic engineer with experience in diagnosing and fixing power amplifiers. Ideally, you should have a strong background in circuit analysis and repair, and be skilled in troubleshooting transistors and ICs. Please message me if you're interested in helping me restore my amplifier to full functionality.
I need to remotely access serial ports over a 4G connection. My actual solution that is working is: REMOTE SIDE, this consists on a battery operated device controlled by 2 UART PORTS (RS232 9600 BAUD 8 byte transparent SERIAL (HARDWARE 2 X serial to Ethernet converter (MOXA 5110), 1 X Openwrt modified router with wireguard tunnel configured, 1 X 4G modem (ALSO INCLUDE 2 NORMAL IPCAMS (CCTV) CONNECTED TO SPARE ETHERNET PORTS OF THE ROUTER) LOCAL SITE , VPN SERVER, this is actually my local home network I used it since it's a stable and accessible network (1 X OrangePi with piVPN and wireguard, 1 fixed internet connection router) CONTROL SIDE, this is consists on the remote control of the device. Its a box with keys that "just" send and receive serial data over two S...
...programmer and circuit designer to help create a home security system using a Raspberry Pi. Key Requirements: - Programming the Raspberry Pi to facilitate automation and control tasks. - Designing a circuit that integrates with various security components. - Enabling wireless communication between the Raspberry Pi and various sensors and cameras. Main Components: - Cameras and video recording: The system should be able to capture footage and potentially stream it. - Sensors and alarms: Integrating motion detectors, door/window sensors, and alarms is crucial. - Remote access and control: The system needs to be controllable and accessible from a remote location. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Raspberry Pi programming and microcontroller programming. - Experie...
I am in need of a professional to help with my small remote control project. Currently, the device has been built, but I am seeking someone to make certain improvements to its performance as well as additional functionalities. Your main tasks will be: - Enhancing Features: Introduce new capabilities to the remote control that align with my vision while improving its performance. - Optimizing Code: I want the code to run significantly faster, meaning you will need to revise and optimize it to ensure there is a speed boost in processing time. Ideal candidates are those who have a keen eye for quality code writing and experience with programming for hardware devices. A strong understanding of algorithms, code efficiency metrics, and hardware-software integration is vital for this pro...
***Please read it thoroughly and let me know if it’s doable for you. Kindly avoid placing a bid in just a second without fully reviewing it.*** i have a presentation, with the subject: ‘’ Limitations of hybrid imaging devices (e.g., by attenuation correction) —> Discuss potential effects from auxiliary imaging (e....on image quality, supported by clinical examples. * Conclude with a discussion on mitigation strategies and their effectiveness, tying back to the artefacts previously discussed. —Visual Aids and Supplementary Materials— * Include clinical CT images demonstrating: * Streak artefacts caused by metal implants. * Beam-hardening artefacts in dense anatomical regions. * Use a flowchart or diagram to visually connect artefacts...
...expert who can design a circuit aimed at preventing current from flowing into a primary battery. This circuit will be used in a hazardous environment and needs triple redundancy. Normally this can be done with 3 diodes in series (see example attached) but the voltage drop is too big with diodes. Battery is 3.6V and circuit needs at least 3.3V. The design must adhere to the following specifications: - Incorporate triple redundancy - Ensure minimal voltage drop across the circuit - The circuit must be able to withstand a malfunction in the main device that could produce up to 7.5V without allowing any current to flow into the battery - Background current consumption should be minimal Ideal candidates for this project should posse...
I'm seeking a skilled professional with expertise in IoT development, PCB design, and radio circuit design to assist in the prototyping stage of my project. The primary purpose of the IoT Arduino PCB is to carry out various tasks, including IoT, PCB, and radio circuits. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in IoT development - Proficient in PCB design - Skilled in radio circuit design - Able to help move project from prototyping to final production - Capable of innovative thinking for diverse task applications Your role will be instrumental in advancing this project. Your skills can help transform this prototype into a successful final product.
I need an experienced PCB designer to enhance my existing design. The PCB will integrate 2 high power relay-based motor controllers, with one of the controllers designed for speed control using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation). The whole project will be powered by a 12V-14V car battery. One motor have 10A max current and the other one have 60A max current. The whole project is controlled by an ESP32 micro controller. Also i would like to integrate a 12V to 5V stepdown converter to power the ESP32. Key requirements: - Add relay motor control for forward and reverse motion. - Incorporate speed control for one motor with PWM. - Integrate overcurrent protection into the PCB design. - Integrate 5V stepdown converter for ESP32 Ideal candidates should have: - Strong background in PCB design...
Project Title: Creation of a Technical Diagram for Fire Detection System Description for the STEP1 : I am looking for a professional designer to create a clear and detailed technical diagram illustrating the setup of a fire detection system. The diagram must include the following elements: Camera: Positioned in front of a pile of wood. Cables: Three cables extending from the camera to Splitter1 (RJ45). Splitter1 (RJ45): Connected to Splitter2 (RJ45) via one RJ45 cable. Splitter2 (RJ45): One cable connected to a Power Outlet (sector). One cable connected to a Network Switch. One cable connected to a Wired Alarm Control Panel. One cable connected to an Exterior Siren Bell from the Wire Alarm Control Panel. The diagram should have a clean and professional look, w...
I'm looking for a MATLAB expert to help me simulate a robotic arm with 13 joints. This project involves using a DC control circuit and a polynomial trajectory block. The goal is to configure the polynomial trajectory block so that the arm performs linear movements in a logical and consistent manner. Key Requirements: - Simulate basic motion with visible joints - Implement basic feedback control mechanisms Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in MATLAB - Experience with robotic simulations - Understanding of DC control circuits - Familiarity with polynomial trajectory blocks - Ability to configure simulations for specific movement patterns.
I'm seeking an electrical engineer with expertise in circuit design to help me develop a basic circuit for a control system. I own an elevator service company and require some assistance modernizing elevator components.
I need a plumbing riser diagram for a residential kitchen I am renovating. Here is the requirement of the Village for permit: New plumbing work must provide a riser diagram for water, waste and vent lines even if existing plumbing remains. This must be indicated on plans and meet the 2014 Illinois Plumbing Code requirements. Currently the sink is in the peninsula and I would like to move it to the wall where the peninsula is attached. me know if you are interested. Thanks The ideal freelancer should have a strong background in plumbing and architecture, with experience in creating riser diagrams for residential properties. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I need a plumbing riser diagram for a residential kitchen I am renovating. Here is the requirement of the Village for permit: New plumbing work must provide a riser diagram for water, waste and vent lines even if existing plumbing remains. This must be indicated on plans and meet the 2014 Illinois Plumbing Code requirements. Currently the sink is in the peninsula and I would like to move it to the wall where the peninsula is attached. me know if you are interested. Thanks The ideal freelancer should have a strong background in plumbing and architecture, with experience in creating riser diagrams for residential properties. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I need a plumbing riser diagram for a residential kitchen I am renovating. Here is the requirement of the Village for permit: New plumbing work must provide a riser diagram for water, waste and vent lines even if existing plumbing remains. This must be indicated on plans and meet the 2014 Illinois Plumbing Code requirements. Currently the sink is in the peninsula and I would like to move it to the wall where the peninsula is attached. me know if you are interested. Thanks The ideal freelancer should have a strong background in plumbing and architecture, with experience in creating riser diagrams for residential properties. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I need an experienced mathematician/electrical engineer to check formulas (integrals and basic a...the different types of acceleration possible at the same time. There is only one issue I have, and it concerns straight line acceleration of a charge. Assuming the electric field is even around a spherical surface, I can get very close to the answer, except my 4? should be 6? in the denominator. Something about a normalisation factor needs to be included. I would need the freelancer to show a diagram and the correct integrals to help me see this normalisation factor and arrive at the correct answer. Other than that, everything should look straightforward. The freelancer may also edit the work to ensure a cleaner and simpler document for use by both professionals and standard readers...
I'm looking for a professional to assist me with the installation of a Level 2 (240V) EV charger for Tesla Model Yat my home. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience with EV charger installations, particularly Level 2 chargers - Strong knowledge about home electrical systems - Ability to provide recommendations for high-quality, reliable EV chargers Your role will involve: - Suggesting suitable EV chargers for purchase - Conducting the installation of the selected charger - Ensuring all installation work meets safety and quality standards I am keen to have this project completed as soon as possible. Please only apply if you are available for immediate start. Thank you.