Vnc gatewayproiecte
...Adăugarea profilelor copiilor cu informații despre vârstă, servicii alese, și progres. Monitorizarea prezenței și generarea de rapoarte. Gestionarea serviciilor: Crearea de servicii extra (ex. mese, transport). Asocierea serviciilor cu copiii și integrarea acestora în facturi. Facturare și plăți online: Generarea facturilor automate pentru părinți, bazate pe serviciile selectate. Integrare cu gateway-uri de plată (Stripe, PayPal) pentru tranzacții directe pe Documente: Încărcarea documentelor importante (ex. contracte, autorizații). Opțiunea de semnare electronică a documentelor și stocarea lor în siguranță. 3. Funcționalități pentru părinți: Dashboard personalizat: Vizualizarea informațiilor copilului (grupă, servicii, prezență). Acces ...
Bună, Arpit A.. Ți-am remarcat profilul și-aș dori să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile pe chat. 1 50 5 days complete design of admin and agent panel 2 300 7 days admintagentlogin, product/supplier/employee add/edit/delete/stock/, agents will see prod PO, Chat, order form, order confirmation, sales process, sms gateway 4 100 5 days I nvoice, barcode generation,adding and remove the products by scanning barcodes, convert to Romania language 5 150 2 days Testing and live Total 600 28 days
Pornind de la o platforma open source - existenta, aceasta trebuie modificata/configurata/ adataptata, si anumite module integrate (gen payment gateway, si altele). Plaforma are modul de CMS, dar implica si modificari CSS/Python.
Buna, caut specialist pentru instalarea si configurarea unui server asterisk/freepbx ca centrala telefonica si cu dongle usb cu functie SMS-gateway. cu stima,
Buna ziua, Ma adresez doar vorbitorilor de limba romana. A. Scurta descriere a proiectului Scopul proiectului este acela de implementa o soluție de plăti recursive pentru Wordpress // WooCommerce // Subscriptions. Gateway-ul folosit va fi MobilPay (actualmente, MobilPay este instalat pe site pentru one time payment la checkout si este functional). B. Cerințe importante/Constrângeri Implementare prima plata standard cu salvarea token-ului. Plăti nereușite. Anulare plăti. C. Arhitectura sistemului Wordpress // WooCommerce // Subscriptions D. Tehnologii Tehnologiile folosite vor fi urmatoarele: 1) HTTP 2) PHP 3) MySQL 4) Javascript E. Controlul calității si testare Înainte de predarea proiectului vor fi efectuate următoarele: 1) Testare functionala...
Buna ziua, Ma adresez doar vorbitorilor de limba romana. A. Scurta descriere a proiectului Scopul proiectului este acela de implementa o soluție de plăti recursive pentru Wordpress // WooCommerce // Subscriptions. Gateway-ul folosit va fi MobilPay (actualmente, MobilPay este instalat pe site pentru one time payment la checkout) B. Cerințe importante/Constrângeri Implementare prima plata standard cu salvarea token-ului. Plăti nereușite. Anulare plăti. C. Arhitectura sistemului Wordpress // WooCommerce // Subscriptions D. Tehnologii Tehnologiile folosite vor fi urmatoarele: 1) HTTP 2) PHP 3) MySQL 4) Javascript E. Controlul calității si testare Înainte de predarea proiectului vor fi efectuate următoarele: 1) Testare functionala 2) Testare de perf...
vreau sa am 1.5 sec viteza de incarcare site
implementare plata cu amazon , implementare plata cu cardul payment gateway, crestere viteza site.... crestere viteza de incarcare site marire scor in google developer de la 47 pt desktop la 77....... platforma este magento implementarea platilor trebuie facuta in 24 ore iar viteza 3 -4 zile.......doar freelanceri din Romania
Am nevoie de un plugin - gateway pentru MobilPay (se pune la dispozitie documentatie) pentru plati recurente, care sa functioneze sincronizat cu un magazin online instalat pe platforma Woocommerce si cu plugin-ul de membership Paid Memberships Pro . Link magazin online: . Doresc sa pot vinde produse/servicii cu plata lunara prin intermediul magazinului online, cat si abonamente de membership (atunci cand un client doreste sa achizitioneze un abonament, acesta sa fie redirectionat in magazinul online, in pagina produsului aferent abonamentului pe care l-a selectat).
Platforma care sa fie instalata si configurata pe un server, astfel incat sa avem control total asupra platformei de SMS. Singurele costruri care trebuiesc suportate, sa fie cele de telefonice. Platforma trebuie sa suporte transmiterea unui numar mare de sms-uri catre orice operator de telefonie mobila din Romania. Programul SMS Gateway trebuie sa fie optimizat atat din punct de vedere al marimii cat si al puterii de procesare. Ca si sistem de operare, serverul sa fie construit pe arhitectura Linux CentOS cu module de comunicare. Aplicatia propriu-zisa de trimitere a SMS-urilor sa poata fi accesata atat direct printr-o interfata web (un fel de site), cat si prin intermendiul unui API de la distanta (daca serverul este conectat la Internet sau o retea locala).
Avem deja designul, avem si o tema de wp care ofera deja mare parte (80%) din functionalitati, trebuie implmentat designul si creat o optiune de remove video (cu plata), si de implementat un payment gateway(), Va rugam sa ne contactati in cazul in care sunteti interesat, de asemenea cautam unu sau mai multi developeri pentru mai multe proiecte care la momentul de fata stau in asteptare Cu respect, Marius Tudor
Ce contine site-ul? -logare cu user si parola -gateway pentru plati Ce contine siteul care este asemanator unui joc? Elementele deosebite sunt niste cronometre ,in rest sunt statistici. de timp este setat de admin de ex ptr 2 sau porneste descrescand de la doua ore pana la are ore,min, secunde ,zecimi,sutimi,miimi de ajunge la zero reporneste automat de la doua ore in jos. crescator cu ore,min,sec,zecimi,sutimi cronometru se poate opri si porni de catre jucatori in decursul jocului prin apasarea unui buton . valoare chipsuri .Jucatorul seteaza valoarea unei apasari a cronometrului de apasa ii ia din contul virtual un numar de chipsuri egal cu setarea
Ce contine site-ul? -logare cu user si parola -gateway pentru plati Ce contine siteul care este asemanator unui joc? Elementele deosebite sunt niste cronometre ,in rest sunt statistici. de timp este setat de admin de ex ptr 2 sau porneste descrescand de la doua ore pana la are ore,min, secunde ,zecimi,sutimi,miimi de ajunge la zero reporneste automat de la doua ore in jos. crescator cu ore,min,sec,zecimi,sutimi cronometru se poate opri si porni de catre jucatori in decursul jocului prin apasarea unui buton . valoare chipsuri .Jucatorul seteaza valoarea unei apasari a cronometrului de apasa ii ia din contul virtual un numar de chipsuri egal cu setarea
Salut, m-ar interesa daca poti sa construiesti un site pentru mine...programare:) -Produsele pe care doresc sa le vand sunt din categoria(medicamente, porno..etc ceva de genu, adica nu sunt produse pe care le poti vinde oriunde).Aici mai apare o problema, metoda de plata, deoarece produsele sunt din aceasta categorie, cei de genul paypal,skrill...etc nu vor dori sa conlucreze cu mine, ma poti ajuta si la acest capitol???adica sa gasesti payment gateway PROFITABILA(payment gateway care de dorit sa lucreze pe % nu pe monthly fee, sau macar sa aiba preturi rezonabile). -Mai am nevoie ca pe site-ul asta clientii sa aiba posibilitatea de a lasa feedback. E posibil sa ma ajuti?? De cit timp ai nevoie, si cel mai important, SUMA pentru care esti gata sa te apuci de lucru. Astept ...
Salut, m-ar interesa daca poti sa construiesti un site pentru programare:) -Produsele pe care doresc sa le vand sunt din categoria(medicamente, porno..etc ceva de genu, adica nu sunt produse pe care le poti vinde oriunde).Aici mai apare o problema, metoda de plata, deoarece produsele sunt din aceasta categorie, cei de genul paypal,skrill...etc nu vor dori sa conlucreze cu mine, ma poti ajuta si la acest capitol???adica sa gasesti payment gateway PROFITABILA(payment gateway care de dorit sa lucreze pe % nu pe monthly fee, sau macar sa aiba preturi rezonabile). -Mai am nevoie ca pe site-ul asta clientii sa aiba posibilitatea de a lasa feedback. E posibil sa ma ajuti?? De cit timp ai nevoie, si cel mai important, SUMA pentru care esti gata sa te apuci de lucru. Astept ...
Salut, m-ar interesa daca poti sa construiesti un site pentru programare:) -Produsele pe care doresc sa le vand sunt din categoria(medicamente, porno..etc ceva de genu, adica nu sunt produse pe care le poti vinde oriunde).Aici mai apare o problema, metoda de plata, deoarece produsele sunt din aceasta categorie, cei de genul paypal,skrill...etc nu vor dori sa conlucreze cu mine, ma poti ajuta si la acest capitol???adica sa gasesti payment gateway PROFITABILA(payment gateway care de dorit sa lucreze pe % nu pe monthly fee, sau macar sa aiba preturi rezonabile). -Mai am nevoie ca pe site-ul asta clientii sa aiba posibilitatea de a lasa feedback. E posibil sa ma ajuti?? De cit timp ai nevoie, si cel mai important, SUMA pentru care esti gata sa te apuci de lucru. Astept ...
Salut, m-ar interesa daca poti sa construiesti un site pentru mine...programare:) -Produsele pe care doresc sa le vand sunt din categoria(medicamente, porno..etc ceva de genu, adica nu sunt produse pe care le poti vinde oriunde).Aici mai apare o problema, metoda de plata, deoarece produsele sunt din aceasta categorie, cei de genul paypal,skrill...etc nu vor dori sa conlucreze cu mine, ma poti ajuta si la acest capitol???adica sa gasesti payment gateway PROFITABILA(payment gateway care de dorit sa lucreze pe % nu pe monthly fee, sau macar sa aiba preturi rezonabile). -Mai am nevoie ca pe site-ul asta clientii sa aiba posibilitatea de a lasa feedback. E posibil sa ma ajuti?? De cit timp ai nevoie, si cel mai important, SUMA pentru care esti gata sa te apuci de lucru. Astept ...
Salut, m-ar interesa daca poti sa construiesti un site pentru mine...programare:) -Produsele pe care doresc sa le vand sunt din categoria(medicamente, porno..etc ceva de genu, adica nu sunt produse pe care le poti vinde oriunde).Aici mai apare o problema, metoda de plata, deoarece produsele sunt din aceasta categorie, cei de genul paypal,skrill...etc nu vor dori sa conlucreze cu mine, ma poti ajuta si la acest capitol???adica sa gasesti payment gateway PROFITABILA(payment gateway care de dorit sa lucreze pe % nu pe monthly fee, sau macar sa aiba preturi rezonabile). -Mai am nevoie ca pe site-ul asta clientii sa aiba posibilitatea de a lasa feedback. E posibil sa ma ajuti?? De cit timp ai nevoie, si cel mai important, SUMA pentru care esti gata sa te apuci de lucru. Astept ...
Salut, m-ar interesa daca poti sa construiesti un site pentru mine, daca se poate spune asa. Va fi u...simplu de a modifica. Produsele pe care doresc sa le vand sunt din categoria(medicamente, porno..etc ceva de genu, adica nu sunt produse pe care le poti vinde oriunde.)Aici mai apare o problema, metoda de plata, deoarece produsele sunt din aceasta categorie, cei de genul paypal...etc nu vor dori sa conlucreze cu mine, ma poti ajuta si la acest capitol???adica sa gasesti payment gateway PROFITABILA(payment gateway care de dorit sa lucreze pe % nu pe monthly fee) Mai am nevoie ca pe site-ul asta clientii sa aiba posibilitatea de a lasa feedback. E posibil sa ma ajuti?? De cit timp ai nevoie, si cel mai important, SUMA pentru care esti gata sa te apuci de lucru. Astept ...
Doresc implementarea plății prin SMS cu API. Mai exact, un Gateway pentru Nexus în 3.4.6 Dețin documentația oferită de : Documentație: KEY: 9294b34bec6d15f1eb8dbbb4ed8993d2
I need a skilled Flutter developer to integrate the Razorpay payment gateway in my application. Ideal candidate should have: - Experience with Flutter and Dart - Previous work with Razorpay integration
...Required: - User account creation and management - Real-time booking and availability system - Secure payment gateway integration - Interactive map for spot location display - Mobile responsiveness for user convenience - A review and rating system for spots and users Ideal Candidate Should Have: - Proven experience in full-stack web development - Strong knowledge of front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and frameworks (React, Angular, Vue, etc.) - Familiarity with back-end development (Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Django, etc.) - Experience with database management (SQL, MongoDB) - Ability to implement interactive maps using APIs (Google Maps, Mapbox) - Knowledge of payment gateway integration (Stripe, PayPal) - Commitment to developing a user-friendly interface and s...
I'm experiencing connection problems with AWS API Gateway and the WebSocket protocol. The issues arise during the initial connection attempt and I'm receiving a '502: Bad Gateway' error message. I am looking for an experienced AWS professional who can help troubleshoot and resolve these connection issues. Ideal skills include: - Deep understanding of AWS API Gateway - Experience with WebSocket protocol - Strong analytical and troubleshooting skills - Ability to interpret and resolve '502: Bad Gateway' errors Please only apply if you have relevant experience and can demonstrate a track record of successfully resolving similar issues.
...Expiration notifications and relisting options. Vehicle Details Page: High-quality images and videos. Detailed specifications and seller contact info. Financing options and insurance partners integration. Condition report and history check integrations. Messaging System: Secure buyer-seller chat feature. Instant notifications for new messages and inquiries. Payment & Security: Secure payment gateway integration for listing fees. Escrow service for safer transactions. Fraud detection and moderation tools. SEO & Marketing Features: SEO-friendly URLs and metadata optimization. Social media sharing for listings. Google Ads and Facebook Pixel integration. Analytics & Reporting: User behavior tracking. Listing performance reports for sellers. Dashboard f... ordering, and delivery. The project involves creating a responsive ordering site along with several web panels and native mobile applications. Key Components: - Responsive Ordering Site - Web Panel for Restaurant - Web Panel for Driver - Web Panel for Eater - Web Panel for Administrator - Native Android & iOS Apps for Eater, Driver & Restaurant - Integration of Stripe Payment Gateway and another payment gateway from a provided list Additional Features: - QR Code Utilization - Marketing Tools Implementation - API Integration Technology Stack: - Python Django Framework for backend and API - Angular for Frontend I'm particularly focused on a platform that accommodates three user roles: Eater, Driver, and Restaurant Owner. The most critical aspects of use...
I'm looking for an experienced PHP developer to improve my existing website. The project includes: - Adding new features: Specifically, I need user authentication and a payment gateway integrated into the site. - Fixing bugs: There are some issues on the site that need to be addressed. - Improving performance: The site could use some optimization for speed and efficiency. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in PHP and web development. Experience with integrating payment gateways and implementing user authentication systems is a plus.
I'm loo...manpower recruitment and tour travel services. This platform should primarily focus on an online booking system for travel, with a seamless payment gateway integration. Key Requirements: - The website should be user-friendly and well-structured, allowing easy navigation for both job seekers and travel enthusiasts. - The online booking system should be robust, handling various travel packages and options. - A reliable and secure payment gateway needs to be integrated into the booking system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing e-commerce websites, particularly with online booking systems. - Familiarity with payment gateway integration. - Background in creating recruitment portals is a plus. - Strong understanding of user-frien...
Payment gatway Intergration on Subject: Misuse of API Calls and Missing Approval Process in the Integration with Meshulam Payment Gateway Current Issue: -Usage of getPaymentProcessInfo in Every Transaction: You are currently calling the getPaymentProcessInfo method for every transaction. Why this is a problem: This method is intended to be used only in exceptional cases when the status of a transaction is unknown. For standard transactions, this call is unnecessary and can cause redundant overhead. -Missing "ApproveTransaction" Call: Your integration does not include the "ApproveTransaction" call to the server after completing a transaction. Why this is important: The ApproveTransaction call is critical to confirm the transaction and finalize the payment p...
I'm seeking a talented Full-stack Developer skilled in PHP, HTML, and JavaScript to design and develop a website for our NGO. The main purpose of the site will be to accept donations. Key Requirements: - A donation page integrated with Razorpay as the preferred payment gateway. - Functionalities on the donation page to include: - Recurring donations - Donation tracking - Custom donation amounts - A Customer Dashboard with Login Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in full-stack development, particularly with PHP, HTML, and JavaScript. - Prior work with NGO websites or similar projects will be a plus. - Experience in integrating with Razorpay or similar payment gateways. - Ability to design a user-friendly interface. I look forward to your proposals.
I'm looking for a skilled developer to integrate a one-time fee ' button using Stripe on my e-commerce website. Key Requirements: - Experience with Stripe payment gateway integration - E-commerce website development knowledge - Ability to implement a 'Buy Now' button with a one-time fee The integration needs to be seamless, providing a smooth transaction experience for my customers.
...under an extremely tight deadline of 24 hours. The site will serve as a platform to showcase and sell my digital products. Key Requirements: - Design a dark-themed website tailored for selling digital products - Create pages as per the provided requirements: Home, About Us, Products, Shop, Feedbacks, Contact Us - Use of provided content: logos, images and textual content - No need for a payment gateway, but the design must be user-friendly and visually appealing Ideal Candidate Should: - Have a strong portfolio in e-commerce and digital product websites - Be able to deliver high-quality work under extreme time pressure - Have excellent understanding of dark theme design - Communicate effectively and understand my requirements clearly. Please only bid if you can guarantee to d...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a website for a guest posting service, focused on blog posts. The site needs to be built in Python or another CMS, with a smooth payment gateway integration. Key Requirements: - Build a user-friendly, efficient website - Implement a reliable payment gateway - Prior experience with Python or other CMS is a plus - Strong understanding of guest posting services Ideal Skills: - Web Development - Python or CMS expertise - E-commerce Development - Guest Posting Service Knowledge
I am looking to create a robust and user-friendly e-commerce website using the Magento platform. Key Requirements: - Full development of the website with a focus on e-commerce capabilities - Implementation of a secure and efficient checkout process - Design considerations for a seamless and intuitive user experience Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Magento with a strong portfolio o...Requirements: - Full development of the website with a focus on e-commerce capabilities - Implementation of a secure and efficient checkout process - Design considerations for a seamless and intuitive user experience Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Magento with a strong portfolio of e-commerce websites - Knowledge of best practices in e-commerce website design - Experience with secure payment gateway i...
I'm looking to create a comprehensive Mobile App Store that supports both iOS and Android platforms. This project requires the development of a user-friendly interface and seamless functionality to enhance the user experience. Key Features: - ...integration within the app store. - App Recommendations: The app store should have a feature for personalized app recommendations based on user preferences and behavior. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in mobile app development, particularly for iOS and Android. - Experience in developing features like user reviews, in-app purchases and app recommendations. - Knowledge of secure payment gateway integration. - Understanding of algorithms for personalized recommendations. - Strong UI/UX design skills to create an intuitive ...
...environment on AWS. The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of AWS services, Terraform, and cloud infrastructure best practices. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a Terraform script to create a basic AWS cloud environment. - Define and provision the foundational AWS resources, including but not limited to: - Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) - Subnets (Public and Private) - Internet Gateway and Route Tables - Security Groups and Network ACLs - S3 Bucket - Basic IAM roles and policies - Ensure the script adheres to best practices for scalability, security, and maintainability. - Provide clear documentation on how to deploy and manage the created resources using the script. - Conduct a walkthrough of the script and its deployment process. Requirement...
...pick-up/drop-off locations, package details, and preferred delivery times. Pricing Calculator: Set up distance-based or flat-rate pricing using the Google Maps API. Driver Management: Integrate with Shipday software or an equivalent tool to manage drivers, track deliveries, and streamline dispatch. Real-Time Tracking: Enable live tracking of orders for customers using Shipday or comparable software. Payment Gateway: Configure Stripe and PayPal for secure transactions. Email and SMS Notifications: Automate updates for order confirmations, dispatch, and delivery completions. Shipday Software Integration Establish seamless integration between the WordPress website and Shipday to handle: Order management. Driver assignment and tracking. Customer tracking links for real-time updates. ... professionals across various sectors. The app should be designed with a strong emphasis on a user-friendly interface, making it easy for clients to navigate and find the right talent for their projects. Key Features: - A system to connect clients with skilled professionals across various industries. - A simple, intuitive interface that prioritizes user experience. - A secure payment gateway to ensure safe transactions. - An efficient communication system for seamless interaction between clients and freelancers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in app development with a focus on user interface design. - A strong understanding of client-freelancer connectivity needs. - Experience in integrating secure payment systems and communication tools in apps. Th...
...pick-up/drop-off locations, package details, and preferred delivery times. Pricing Calculator: Set up distance-based or flat-rate pricing using the Google Maps API. Driver Management: Integrate with Shipday software or an equivalent tool to manage drivers, track deliveries, and streamline dispatch. Real-Time Tracking: Enable live tracking of orders for customers using Shipday or comparable software. Payment Gateway: Configure Stripe and PayPal for secure transactions. Email and SMS Notifications: Automate updates for order confirmations, dispatch, and delivery completions. Shipday Software Integration Establish seamless integration between the WordPress website and Shipday to handle: Order management. Driver assignment and tracking. Customer tracking links for real-time updates. ...
I'm in need of a skilled Android app developer with a focus on e-commerce. The primary task will be to create a feature-rich, user-friendly and secure e-commerce app. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Android app development. - Experience w...integrating secure payment gateways. Potentially advantageous skills: - Knowledge of user interface design principles for e-commerce. - Ability to implement SEO and performance optimization techniques. - Experience in user experience testing and feedback implementation. Please note, the app must be designed exclusively for Android platforms. The integration of a secure and efficient payment gateway is paramount, while the inclusion of other features such as user reviews, push notifications, and social sharing options may be considered...
Hi, I'm looking for a seasoned React.js developer to help build a large-scale e-commerce web application. Key Features: - The application will be a comprehensive web platform focused on e-commerce. - A crucial part of the project is integrating a secure and efficient payment gateway. As a Senior React.js Developer, you will play a key role in designing and implementing high-quality web applications using React.js and related technologies. You will collaborate closely with product managers, designers, and other developers to create seamless user experiences and ensure technical feasibility. Qualifications: - Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field (or equivalent work experience). - 5+ years of professional experience in software developm...
I'm looking for a talented Full Stack Developer with a ...background in e-commerce to help me create a new platform from scratch. Key Features: - The platform will need a comprehensive product catalog and inventory management system, as well as a seamless payment gateway integration and customer account management functionality. Technology: - I'm keen on using the MEAN (MongoDB, , Angular, Node.js) technology stack for this project. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in MEAN stack is a must. - Previous experience in e-commerce platform development is highly desirable. - Strong understanding of inventory management systems and payment gateway integration. This is a remote and flexible job, and I'm open to discussing any innovative ideas you might have to make th...
I need a professional and engaging e-commerce website for my company, which provides services rather than physical or digital products. The primary objective of this site is to facilitate online service transactions. Key Features: - An intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows for easy navigation and booking of services. - A secure payment gateway for safe transactions. - Mobile responsiveness to cater to clients using different devices. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in e-commerce website development. - Expertise in creating service-oriented websites. - Proficiency in implementing secure and reliable payment systems. - Ability to design mobile-friendly websites. Experience with integrating customer review sections and service package options will be an added advantag...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to build an e-commerce site for me. The primary features to be incorporated into the website include: - Comprehensive Product Catalog: The site should have an extensive product catalog that can be easily navigated by users. Please note that at this stage, the website doesn't require features like a payment gateway integration or a user registration and login system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Prior experience in building e-commerce websites - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles - Knowledge of SEO best practices - Experience with product catalog implementation - Good communication skills for regular project updates. I look forward to your bid...
...should be able to schedule their laundry pickups and deliveries directly through the website. - A service list and pricing: The website should clearly outline all the services we offer, along with their respective prices. - Customer testimonials: A section dedicated to customer reviews and testimonials can help build trust and credibility. - Payment system: The website should have a secure payment gateway for customers to pay for their services online. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing service-based websites, preferably in the laundry or similar industry. - Strong knowledge of integrating online booking systems and secure payment gateways. - Excellent skills in creating responsive, user-friendly, and visually appealing web designs. - Experience in in...
I am seekin...capabilities for conversion into a mobile application. The website will cater to both Arabic and English speaking users, hence, fluency in both languages is a prerequisite. Key Requirements: - Knowledge and experience in developing E-commerce websites - Proficiency in both Arabic and English - Ability to create a site with features such as: - Customer reviews - Product filtering - Payment gateway integration - Experience with E-service - Ability to make the website mobile app-compatible - Understanding of customer-friendly UI/UX design principles Your proposal should demonstrate your relevant experience, particularly with creating bilingual sites and E-commerce platforms. Please also include examples of past projects that showcase your ability to meet these req...
...purchased web hosting from Hostinger Business Web Hosting for one year. Key Requirements: 1. Design & Functionality: A responsive design, suitable for both mobile and desktop devices. Professional and modern layout that matches the look and feel of our industry. Integration of payment gateway for online transactions. Custom features, based on the functionalities available on the competitor’s website, 2. Website Features: Home Page with overview of services. User Dashboard for easy navigation. Payment Gateway Integration. Contact Us page and any additional information you think is relevant. 3. SEO & Security: SEO optimization to improve online visibility. Questions to Address: 1. Time Frame: How much time will it take to develop and launch ... should allow users to create personal profiles. This will involve implementing a secure and user-friendly registration process. - Product Listings and Search Functionality: The app should support extensive product listings with an efficient search functionality. A well-structured database and an intuitive UI/UX design will be key here. - Secure Payment Gateway: A crucial aspect of this app is the incorporation of a secure payment gateway. Experience in integrating reliable and secure payment systems is a must. The ideal freelancer for this project would have a deep understanding of cross-platform app development, particularly with tools like Flutter or React Native. A solid background in e-commerce app development will be highly advantageous. Please provide examples o...
...activity. Approve or reject flagged transactions. Manage fees, payout schedules, and system notifications. Technical Requirements Platform: Mobile-first approach (iOS and Android apps). Tech Stack: Frontend: React Native or Flutter for cross-platform compatibility. Backend: Node.js or Python (Django/Flask) with RESTful APIs. Database: PostgreSQL or MongoDB for user and transaction data. Payment Gateway: Integration with Stripe, PayPal, or a local Caribbean payment processor. APIs: CashApp API for account linking and transfers. Google Maps API (optional, for location-based payments). QR code generator API. Link Payment API for generating payment links (via SMS, email, social media). Security: Use OAuth 2.0 for secure authentication. PCI DSS compliance for handling payment data. D...
...professional to develop a full-fledged E-commerce website and mobile application. The primary aim of this project is to create a user-friendly, efficient, and secure online shopping platform. Key requirements for the platform include: - An intuitive E-commerce interface: The website and mobile app must be easy to navigate, with clear categories and product listings. - Integration of a secure payment gateway: The platform must incorporate Stripe as the sole payment method. The implementation should guarantee a seamless, secure, and efficient transaction process for users. Ideal candidates for this project will have: - Proven experience in E-commerce platform development. - Extensive knowledge of integrating secure payment gateways, particularly Stripe. - Exceptional skills in mo...
I need a professional web developer to create an ecommerce website for my cake shop. The primary goal is to enable online orders. Key Features: - An online ordering system that includes product customization options, a secure payment gateway, and order tracking. - A product customization interface for customers to select cake size and flavor, add personalized messages, and choose decoration styles. Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in ecommerce web development. - Experience with secure payment integration. - Ability to create user-friendly product customization interfaces.