Visual basic translation numbers wordsproiecte
...Small Business. CONTINUT Aplicatia va fi construita modular, fiecare avand subdiviziuni. Aplicatia va putea adauga noi module si noi subdiviziuni sau le va putea elimina. Denumirile vor putea fi editate. Accesul se va face sub forma: - administrator, - utilizator pro, - utilizator basic. Contul de administrator va putea: - avea acces la toate informatiile din aplicatie (read, write, delete), - continutul va fi introdus de catre administrator in format editabil. Conturile de utilizator basic vor putea: - vizualiza documentele introduse de catre administrator, - vor putea edita, doar anumite parti, prin intermediul unui formular prestabilit, - vor putea vizualiza rezultatul, intr-un format needitabil, gen FlexPaper, - vor putea printa. Conturile de...
Buna seara. Am nevoie de o animatie de aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pun...aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la dispozitia dumneavoastra. Multumesc. Hello.I need an animation of aprox. 20 min, on the topic of SELF-CHANGE. I have some of the graphics ready and the basic plot-line is a dialogue between 2 insects, illustrated cartoon-like, to the Voiceovers. Thanks.
Buna seara. Am nevoie de o animatie de aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pun...aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la dispozitia dumneavoastra. Multumesc. Hello.I need an animation of aprox. 20 min, on the topic of SELF-CHANGE. I have some of the graphics ready and the basic plot-line is a dialogue between 2 insects, illustrated cartoon-like, to the Voiceovers. Thanks.
Buna seara. Am nevoie de o animatie de aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pun...aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la dispozitia dumneavoastra. Multumesc. Hello.I need an animation of aprox. 20 min, on the topic of SELF-CHANGE. I have some of the graphics ready and the basic plot-line is a dialogue between 2 insects, illustrated cartoon-like, to the Voiceovers. Thanks.
Buna seara. Am nevoie de o animatie de aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pun...aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la dispozitia dumneavoastra. Multumesc. Hello.I need an animation of aprox. 20 min, on the topic of SELF-CHANGE. I have some of the graphics ready and the basic plot-line is a dialogue between 2 insects, illustrated cartoon-like, to the Voiceovers. Thanks.
Buna seara. Am nevoie de o animatie de aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pun...aprox. 20 de minute pentru o prezentare la o conferinta, pe tema SCHIMBARII/METAMORFOZEI SUFLETESTI. Prezentarea va fi sub forma unei combinatii de desen animat cu 2 personaje in dialog, un fluture si o omida, si alte imagini pe care le voi pune la dispozitia dumneavoastra. Multumesc. Hello.I need an animation of aprox. 20 min, on the topic of SELF-CHANGE. I have some of the graphics ready and the basic plot-line is a dialogue between 2 insects, illustrated cartoon-like, to the Voiceovers. Thanks.
Este vorba de o aplicatie in visual basic cu baza de date microsoft sql, softul a fost dezvoltat pentru mine de o firma IT care si-a incetat activitatea, softul este functional dar nu am codul sursa. Doresc continuarea dezvoltarii softului. La cerere pot furniza kitul aplicatiei.
Hi, freelancers! Am nevoie de o aplicatie Android & iOS (momentan; este in plan si Windows Phone app) pentru ascultarea unui post de radio pe internet. Basic features: * streaming * posibilitatea de a rula in background *arhiva (posibilitatea de a accesa/asculta emisiuni mai vechi) Extra features: * blog/stiri * online chat/integrare FB * push notifications Vreau o aplicatie care sa arate bine si sa fie super user friendly! Daca ai experienta in crearea unor astfel de aplicatii si imi poti da cateva detalii/exemple, astept oferta ta! De asemenea, daca ai sugestii/intrebari pentru anumite functionalitati, nu exita sa le notezi in oferta. Multumesc!
Salut, Vreau un soft (nu conteaza limbajul, preferabil in Visual Studio) care sa autodescarce in hidden mode si sa porneasca tot in hidden mode alte softuri / instalari. Doresc sa faca click sau sa simuleze intr-un fel userul. Este vorba despre acele softuri de PPI. Vreau sa stiu daca esti interesat si un pret.
As dori un scanner , facut de preferinta in visual basic 6, as vrea sa fie cat mai simplu facut, fara sa necesite .NET sau DLL dori sa mearga pe absolut toate tipurile de windows de la 2000 pana la windows 7, as dori ca acest scanner sa scaneze continuu RAM, si anume, sa scaneze toate taskurile pornite de pe un calculator, si sa caute in ele anumite regexuri, si cand le gaseste sa le salveze intr un fisier.>Stiu ca visaul basic 6 nu are library pt regex cum are c++ acum, recent , insa poti sa ii faci o functie cu if-uri etc. care valideaza regex-urile sau daca vrei tu ii faci tu library dar cred ca dureaza mai un cvant as vrea sa comunice direct cu windowsul sa nu depinda de nimic gen .NET DLL etc , sa mearga continuu si sa nu consume mai mult de 50 mb ram.
As dori un scanner , facut de preferinta in visual basic 6, as vrea sa fie cat mai simplu facut, fara sa necesite .NET sau DLL dori sa mearga pe absolut toate tipurile de windows de la 2000 pana la windows 7, as dori ca acest scanner sa scaneze continuu RAM, si anume, sa scaneze toate taskurile pornite de pe un calculator, si sa caute in ele anumite regexuri, si cand le gaseste sa le salveze intr un fisier.>Stiu ca visaul basic 6 nu are library pt regex cum are c++ acum, recent , insa poti sa ii faci o functie cu if-uri etc. care valideaza regex-urile sau daca vrei tu ii faci tu library dar cred ca dureaza mai un cvant as vrea sa comunice direct cu windowsul sa nu depinda de nimic gen .NET DLL etc , sa mearga continuu si sa nu consume mai mult de 50 mb ram.
Se utilizează sistemul de dezvoltare cu FPGA Xilinx Spartan 3 produs de firma Altium și mediul de programare Visual C++ 2010 (pentru aplicația pe PC). Se dorește implementarea unui sistem complet care realizează emularea unui calculator cu memorie CACHE prezentă (interfață între procesor și memoria principală). Analiza propusă se va face pentru memoria cache total asociativă (fully associative) atât la preluarea instrucțiunilor cât și a datelor. Emularea sistemului se va face hardware, pe placa cu FPGA iar preluarea rezultatelor se va face prin intermediul portului serial RS232 care comunică cu calculatorul. Pe calculator va rula o aplicație de asemenea proiectată care va prezenta rezultatele. Pretul si durata de realizare sunt orientative!
hello, am o lucrare de licenta de la o amica, lucrare de licenta are si o aplicatie, dar nu o pot porni. Amica mea e plecata din tara si nu ma poate ajuta, iar eu am nevoie de aceasta aplicatie pe saptamana viitoare. Aplicatia e facuta in C# (Microsoft Visual Studio). Aplicatia e foarte simpluta, e o fereastra cu cateva butoane ce apeleazea niste fisere M (MatLab). . Am codul sursa, documentatie, am tot ce a avut amica mea pe vremea cand si-a facut licenta. Aplicatia nu e neaprat sa ramana in C#, o poti rescrie in altceva daca doresti. Deci, daca ma poti ajuta, pls raspunde-mi la mesaj si eu am sa trimit toate fisierele ce le am sa vezi ce se poate face. Apoi, daca esti de acord ne intelegem si la un pret. Mersi. Florin Pop.
hello, am o lucrare de licenta de la o amica, lucrare de licenta are si o aplicatie, dar nu o pot porni. Amica mea e plecata din tara si nu ma poate ajuta, iar eu am nevoie de aceasta aplicatie pe saptamana viitoare. Aplicatia e facuta in C# (Microsoft Visual Studio). Aplicatia e foarte simpluta, e o fereastra cu cateva butoane ce apeleazea niste fisere M (MatLab). . Am codul sursa, documentatie, am tot ce a avut amica mea pe vremea cand si-a facut licenta. Aplicatia nu e neaprat sa ramana in C#, o poti rescrie in altceva daca doresti. Deci, daca ma poti ajuta, pls raspunde-mi la mesaj si eu am sa trimit toate fisierele ce le am sa vezi ce se poate face. Apoi, daca esti de acord ne intelegem si la un pret. Mersi. Florin Pop.
Salut, am un client care are nevoie de un "seo optimized website content" in limba romana. Cam 2 x 400 cuvinte. Daca va intereseaza proiectul contactati-ma va rog. [Contact details removed by Administrators which breaches the site Terms and Conditions]
Salut, am un client care are nevoie de un "seo optimized website content" in limba romana. Cam 2 x 400 cuvinte. Daca va intereseaza proiectul contactati-ma va rog. contact@
Buna Marian, Am gasit profilul tau aici si am nevoie de un pic de ajutor ce implica skillurile tale. Am nevoie de ajutor cu un joc basic in AS2. Te rog da-mi un email la @ daca esti disponibil. Astept vesti de la tine, O seara frumoasa Adriana
Buna Marian, Am gasit profilul tau aici si am nevoie de un pic de ajutor ce implica skillurile tale. Am nevoie de ajutor cu un joc basic in AS2. Te rog da-mi un email la @ daca esti disponibil. Astept vesti de la tine, O seara frumoasa Adriana
Traducere exacta din romana in engleza. Deadline nenegociabil marti dinineata.
Te pricepi la facebook ? Cautam o persoana cu experienta in social media. Caracteristicile sunt: 1. management zilnic pagina facebook 2. creere de concursuri basic 3. editare basic photo pentru ceea ce se posteaza pe pagina
am din nou cv interviu de terminat, va pot oferi jobul pe odesk daca doriti
Pentru clientul nostru, companie multinationala americana din jud. Maramures, cautam candidati avand: - Studii superioare in domeniul IT - Obligatoriu cunostinte de programare: Visual Basic, Visual Studio, SQL Server, Crystal Reports - Experienta in domeniul programarii in Visual Basic min. 1 an (specificati in CV programele realizate) - Responsabilitate, flexibilitate si deschidere la asimilare de informatii noi Care va raspunde de : - Intreţinerea/modificarea programelor existente in companie - Crearea de programe noi in limbajele amintite - Helpdesk şi documentare programe - Incadrarea in termen a proiectelor de dezvoltare Multumim!
Buna ziua, Ma intereseaza realizare unei aplicatii mobile in IOS, si android, in Windows azure clouds, visual studiao 2013 pentru service mobil dispecerat etc.
Salut, Am nevoie sa traduc mai multe site-uri din romana in engleza si din engleza in romana. Topic-uri generale: Solutii software de business Solutii de gestionare a relatiei cu clientii Solutii software de recrutare Solutii pentru agentii de turism Solutii pentru specialisti in marketing Mai multe detalii o sa primiti pe mesaj privat. Aplicati doar daca sunteti vorbitori nativi de romana si intelegeti bine limba engleza. O certificare de limba engleza va fi necesara in cazul unei colaborari pe termen mai lung. Pentru a aplica va rog sa trimiteti 2 propozitii despre ce este acela un CRM (Customer Relationship Management) folosind propriile cuvinte in limba engleza. De asemenea va rog sa mentionati pretul per pagina de traducere pe care il acceptati. Un scurt interv...
Hello, I need translate from English to following Language English to German English to Chinese English to Japanese English to Korean English to Italian English to Turkish English to Hungarian English to Dutch Total Words: 2850 I NEED NATIVE WRITER .. LOOKING FOR HUMAN TRANSLATION AND NATIVE SPEAKER! NO GOOGLE TRANSLATOR.. Thanks :)
This project involves Romanian Language Translation, so the description will be in Romanian. Do not bid if you are not a native Romanian. Traducere din limba engleza in limba romana a unui text de dificultate medie. Este necesara traducerea adaptata, cu exprimare academica respectand normele gramaticale ale limbii romane. Textul original va fi furnizat sub forma de poze ale textului. Textul este in jur de 50 de pagin, vreau minim 10 pagin pe zi.
This project involves Romanian Language Translation, so the description will be in Romanian. Do not bid if you are not a native Romanian. Traducere din limba engleza in limba romana a unui text de dificultate medie. Este necesara traducerea adaptata, cu exprimare academica respectand normele gramaticale ale limbii romane. Textul original va fi furnizat sub forma de poze ale textului. Textul este in jur de 50 de pagin, vreau minim 10 pagin pe zi.
Am nevoie de 5 pagini traduse din Engleza in Romana. Traducerea trebuie sa aiba diacriticele necesare. Deadline: 24 de ore din momentul acordarii proiectului. Este un text rocket science. Buget de 3$ pe pagina. Happy bidding!
...plagiarism (verified using plagiarism detection tools). Accuracy: Maintain the factual accuracy and core message of the original articles. Natural Language: Written in a clear, concise, and engaging style, avoiding robotic or AI-generated phrasing. Readability: Optimized for online reading with appropriate use of headings, subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs. SEO Considerations (Preferred): Basic SEO optimization, including the use of relevant keywords (keyword lists can be provided). Timeline: A realistic timeline for completion is required. Please provide an estimated timeframe for completing the project. Style Guide (If Applicable): Any specific style guidelines or preferences will be provided. Writer Requirements: Proven experience in blog writing and content cr...
Necesito un traductor experto para convertir texto de inglés general al español para un trabajo de investigación académica. Este proyecto requiere una traducción precisa y una comprensión del lenguaje académico para garantizar que el texto traducido se ajuste al contexto y propósito del artículo. Habilidades ideales: - Competente en inglés y español. - Experiencia en traducción académica. - Familiarizado con el lenguaje de los trabajos de investigación. Experiencia: - Trabajo previo de traducción de contenidos académicos. - Comprensión demostrable de textos en inglés general.
I'm seeking an expert in CodeIgniter for backend theme customization to match our frontend CSS. Key Requirements: - Customize a simple backend (less than 10 pages) for two user types (admin and members) to replicate the frontend look...Key Requirements: - Customize a simple backend (less than 10 pages) for two user types (admin and members) to replicate the frontend look and feel. - Focus on aligning the Color scheme, Typography, Spacing, and alignment with the front end. The ideal candidate should possess: - Proficient understanding of CodeIgniter and CSS. - Experience in theme customization. - Attention to detail to ensure visual consistency across the platform. No specific coding standards are required, but a keen eye for design and a commitment to delivering quality wor...
Hi, as discussed. I will be working on your 4000 words project.
...plagiarism (verified using plagiarism detection tools). Accuracy: Maintain the factual accuracy and core message of the original articles. Natural Language: Written in a clear, concise, and engaging style, avoiding robotic or AI-generated phrasing. Readability: Optimized for online reading with appropriate use of headings, subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs. SEO Considerations (Preferred): Basic SEO optimization, including the use of relevant keywords (keyword lists can be provided). Timeline: A realistic timeline for completion is required. Please provide an estimated timeframe for completing the project. Style Guide (If Applicable): Any specific style guidelines or preferences will be provided. Writer Requirements: Proven experience in blog writing and content cr...
...needs to align with the themes of healing, compassion, and self-discovery. Tasks: the provided guide content to understand the structure and themes. Create a cohesive, professional layout with consistent formatting (headings, fonts, colors). an eye-catching cover page that reflects the themes of the guide. readability with appropriate spacing, fonts, and visual balance. visual elements such as icons, illustrations, or graphics to complement the content. soft, soothing color palettes (pastels or neutrals) and minimalist design elements. branding (e.g., logo, Instagram handle: @TheInnerChildSanctuary) where appropriate. the guide for both desktop and mobile viewing. clickable hyperlinks (e.g., Linktree or Instagram)
As a beginner in JavaScript, I'm seeking a tutor to help me improve my skills. My focus areas include basic syntax and operators, functions and scope, and DOM manipulation. Key requirements: - Proficient in JavaScript and able to explain concepts clearly - Experienced in teaching beginners - Comfortable conducting tutoring sessions via live video calls I'm eager to learn and improve my JavaScript skills with your help.
Hi! I need someone skilled in C++ and familiar with Unix/Linux environments to help build a few command-line utilities. These tools replicate basic Unix commands like reading files, searching text, and compressing/decompressing data. You'll need experience with system calls like open(), read(), write(), and close(). Tasks include writing clean, efficient code and testing to ensure everything works as expected. If you're great with C++ and love working with system-level programming, let's chat! Skills Required: Proficient in C++ Strong understanding of Unix/Linux system programming Familiarity with POSIX system calls Debugging and problem-solving Writing and executing test cases Version control using Git Looking forward to working with you!
...plagiarism (verified using plagiarism detection tools). Accuracy: Maintain the factual accuracy and core message of the original articles. Natural Language: Written in a clear, concise, and engaging style, avoiding robotic or AI-generated phrasing. Readability: Optimized for online reading with appropriate use of headings, subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs. SEO Considerations (Preferred): Basic SEO optimization, including the use of relevant keywords (keyword lists can be provided). Timeline: A realistic timeline for completion is required. Please provide an estimated timeframe for completing the project. Style Guide (If Applicable): Any specific style guidelines or preferences will be provided. Writer Requirements: Proven experience in blog writing and content cr...
Freelancer Wanted: After Effects Artist (m/f/d) for Trailer Transitions and Effects We are looking for an experienced After Effects artist to help us design specialized scene transitions and visual effects for a trailer. This project requires a high level of creativity and technical expertise, as it involves complex visual representations that demand precise execution. Your Responsibilities: Design and implement custom scene transitions and visual effects using Adobe After Effects. Creatively and accurately execute the planned effects according to the trailer's requirements. What You Bring: Proven experience with Adobe After Effects, particularly in animations and effects. A strong eye for aesthetics and attention to detail. Good German language skills to...
"Hi there! Are you looking for professional and engaging video editing to elevate your content for social media or personal projects? I offer top-notch video editing services using CapCut, combining creativity and precision to deliver exceptional results. What I Offer: High-quality video editing up to 4K resolution. Eye-catching animated text and subtitles. Creative filters and visual effects for a polished look. Smooth cutting and merging of video clips. Adding music and sound effects that match the mood of your video. Enhancing colors and lighting for a professional finish. Custom videos tailored for TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube, and more. Why Choose Me? Fast delivery and attention to detail. Competitive pricing with premium results. Unlimited revisions to en...
...plagiarism (verified using plagiarism detection tools). Accuracy: Maintain the factual accuracy and core message of the original articles. Natural Language: Written in a clear, concise, and engaging style, avoiding robotic or AI-generated phrasing. Readability: Optimized for online reading with appropriate use of headings, subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs. SEO Considerations (Preferred): Basic SEO optimization, including the use of relevant keywords (keyword lists can be provided). Timeline: A realistic timeline for completion is required. Please provide an estimated timeframe for completing the project. Style Guide (If Applicable): Any specific style guidelines or preferences will be provided. Writer Requirements: Proven experience in blog writing and content cr...
I need an experienced creator for a 5-minute 4K 3D animation video of the Airbus A350. This video should include scenes of passenger boarding, takeoff, and landing. Key Requirements: - High level of detail and accurate engineering representation. - Inclusion of a modern/contemporary background score. - S...representation. - Inclusion of a modern/contemporary background score. - Seamless integration of sound effects and a professional voiceover. Deliverables: - A 5-minute 4K video. - Source files. - A draft for review. - Step-by-step documentation of the generative AI process used. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 3D engineering animation. - Strong understanding of the Airbus A350. - Excellent audio-visual integration skills. - Experience with creating detailed source files and docu...
I'm looking for a professional translator to convert my 6-page ...looking for a professional translator to convert my 6-page French school report into clear, general English. - Purpose: The translation is intended for academic use. - Adaption: I need the translation to be adapted to more general English, rather than retaining the original terminology or translating into academic English. - Certification: A certified translation is required. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in translation, particularly from French to English, with experience translating academic documents. Certification as a translator is mandatory for this job. Your ability to produce a clear, accurate, and certified translation will be crucial for...
...various domains. • Examples include campaign messaging like: • “Delegate your Social Media Management to us.” • “Delegate your Goal Planning & Tracking to us.” 2. Flexibility of ‘X’ in DelegateX • Highlight the versatility of the ‘X’ in DelegateX to seamlessly adapt across marketing campaigns, reflecting a broad range of use cases. 3. Customizable AI Avatars for Personalization • Create a visual concept for user-customizable AI avatars to represent each member of the user’s DelegateX Team. These avatars should feel approachable, intelligent, and professional yet fun. 4. Productivity First: Streamlined AI Agent Management • Reinforce our unique positioning as a platform that simplifies...
I'm seeking a tale...aim for a cohesive and engaging visual narrative. Key Responsibilities: - Create a variety of illustrative images suited for website visuals, marketing materials, and presentation slides. - Collaborate with me to understand the intended message and audience for each image. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in creating illustrative images. - Strong portfolio demonstrating a unique illustrative style. - Excellent understanding of visual storytelling. - Ability to meet deadlines and work collaboratively. I am open to creative suggestions and do not have a specific color scheme or brand guidelines to follow. Therefore, the ideal freelancer will be someone who can not only execute the work but also provide creative input and suggestions to enhance the ...
I'm looking for a comprehensive list of Honda 2-wheelers dealers across India, extracted from the provided website. The data should be organized in an Excel file with the following characteristics: - Specific Details: For each dealer, I need the dealer name and address, as well as their contact numbers and email. - Geographic Scope: The list should cover all of India. - Data Organization: The dealers should be organized in the Excel file by state. Ideal skills for this job include data extraction, proficiency in Excel, and attention to detail. Previous experience in compiling similar lists would be an advantage.
I’m looking for someone to create Math questions based on past papers for mock exams, as well as topic-by-topic booklets. if you feel confident with coming up with/creating questions like these, please let me know sample file is attached original sample please no copy paste or replicas. Note: You will need a basic understanding of logical statements (e.g., converse, inverse, contrapositive) Additionally, please note that ChatGPT (version 01) cannot produce questions that meet the requirements.
...AI startup with managing daily operations. The ideal candidate will help with a range of tasks, including project deployments, invoicing, and overall management. You must have strong organizational skills and be self-motivated, with the ability to work independently in a fast-paced, dynamic environment. Key Responsibilities: Managing project timelines and deployments Handling invoicing and basic financial tasks Assisting with administrative duties and business operations Helping optimize day-to-day operations of a growing AI startup Ideal Candidate: Highly organized and detail-oriented Strong communication skills Comfortable with a remote work environment and self-management Interested in technology and startup culture Available to commit to a 7-day work week Co...
I'm seeking a logo for my company and club that is both classic and elegant in style, yet conveys a message of innovation and creativity. - Logo Style: The design should be modern with a touch of timeless elegance, incorporating classic design elements without being overly complicated. - Logo Elements: The logo should include both an icon...elements without being overly complicated. - Logo Elements: The logo should include both an icon and text, making it versatile for various applications. - Key Message: The logo should communicate a sense of innovation and creativity. Ideal candidates for this project will have a strong portfolio of classic and elegant designs, with a demonstrated ability to convey complex themes in a simple, visual format. Creativity and innovation in de...
I am looking for someone who is handy with photoshop to show me what my house would look like using different colors of paint from Sherwin-Williams. Deliverables: Create four var...finish). Color B: Alpaca SW 7022 (flat finish) Color C: Blue Peacock SW0064 (satin finish) Color D: Juniper SW9679 : use this image as your starting point when creating variants 1-4 Reference Image (“Front of House ”): use this image to understand what Surface 1 and Surface 2 look like with Color A and Color B respectively. This image shows surfaces 3,4,5 with colored numbers. Happy to provide further clarification or answer any questions you may have. Feel free to share some examples of your past work. I’m excited to team up with someone who can really bring my ideas to life!